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Quinn Kostelecky, Vincent Staverosky, Gloria Chen, Roshan Misra, Jacqueline Godina, Raymond Auyeung Fall 2011 Rev A 11-01-11.

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Presentation on theme: "Quinn Kostelecky, Vincent Staverosky, Gloria Chen, Roshan Misra, Jacqueline Godina, Raymond Auyeung Fall 2011 Rev A 11-01-11."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quinn Kostelecky, Vincent Staverosky, Gloria Chen, Roshan Misra, Jacqueline Godina, Raymond Auyeung Fall 2011 Rev A 11-01-11

2 Measure the Earth’s magnetic field intensity Measure the voltage produced Determine the orientation of pictures Mission Overview

3 Purpose of Mission: Prove or disprove Tesla’s Free Energy Theory Discover intensity of Earth’s magnetic field Test the viability of a magnetometer as an attitude determination system Mission Overview

4 Low Current Sensor and Magnetometer Arduino UNO and MicroSD Shield Camera, Hobo, Heater, Batteries Design Overview

5 Experiment Testing-Current/Solenoid System Current Sensor Calibration Solenoid/Current Sensor Test Readings MilliAmps Average Sensor Readings 0476.187 10589.291 20690.318 30772.333 40880.000 49980.150 100.792=10 milliAmps Current Sensor Calibration Control Readings Avg. Readings w/weak magnetDifference milliAmps Produced 497.269525.35528.0862.786 477.37519.8941.974

6 Experiment Testing-Magnetometer RH 446.4225 491.1189 535188 536.7188 536.8188 537.2188 537.8188 537.9188 538.2187 538.2187 538.6188 705.8200 712.8205 732.9194 733.8198 775.4196 782.6193

7 Sync Magnetometer readings with camera pictures First picture taken on the eighth reading Picture taken every two readings after eighth Experiment Testing- Camera/Magnetometer

8 Structure Testing Whip Test Drop Test Staircase Test After Drop and Staircase Test

9 Heater malfunctioned during cooler test Need to turn on heater in advance of cooler test to maintain temperature Another cooler test to be run today Cooler Testing

10 HOBO Testing Internal Temperature Relative Humidity HOBO taken out of freezer HOBO placed in freezer HOBO HOBO placed outside spout of hot kettle

11 Low current generated by solenoid during flight Magnetic field intensity decreases as altitude increases Accurately predict orientation of satellite Expected Results

12 Keeping satellite at proper operating temperatures Arduino doesn’t run for flight duration Biggest Worries

13 Level 0 Requirements #RequirementOrigin 0.0 Test energy generation capabilities of Earth's magnetic field Mission Statement 0.1Measure magnetic field as function of altitude Mission Statement 0.2Reach an altitude of 30km Mission Statement 0.3Keep internal temperature above -10°CRFP 0.4 Keep total weight and money spent under 850g and $250 respectivelyRFP 0.5 Take inflight pictures,correlate pictures to heading, and measure temperature (internal and external)RFP 0.6Safety & ReliabilityRFP 0.7BalloonSat must be able to fly againRFP


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