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Sam Knight, Teaching Elder. What we want to cover: Brief History of ECO Distinctive Elements in ECO Four Priorities Q&A.

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Presentation on theme: "Sam Knight, Teaching Elder. What we want to cover: Brief History of ECO Distinctive Elements in ECO Four Priorities Q&A."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sam Knight, Teaching Elder

2 What we want to cover: Brief History of ECO Distinctive Elements in ECO Four Priorities Q&A

3 My Personal Involvement First Presbyterian Church, Orlando – Dr. David Swanson – Polity Review – Dismissal Task Force – ECO Timing Grace Presbyterian Church, Houston – Interim Senior Pastor

4 The Desire had been to stay within – 17 th Synod – Non-geographic presbyteries – Protection for churches and presbyteries to hold to evangelical positions for leaders

5 Two Challenges we are addressing Theological Challenge– This is the presenting issue and the first concern of most congregations. Institutional Challenge– A “denomination” needs to focus on the health of the church and its leaders, not on bickering and/or organizational preservation.

6 Preserve The Core and Stimulate Progress The Core is our theological understanding of the authority of scripture, the nature of the triune God, the person and work of Jesus Christ, and the sovereignty of God. Progress is the structure and strategy we use to fulfill the great commission.

7 Guiding question How do we recapture the core of being connectional Presbyterians and yet structured in a way that organizes to optimize for success rather than trying to prevent a worst case scenario failure?

8 Mission: To build flourishing churches that make disciples of Jesus Christ.

9 Realities and Projections Currently: 158 Churches 9 Presbyteries Projections: 100+ churches on the way 300-700 more discerning or potentially discerning

10 Distinctive Elements of ECO

11 Essential Tenets – Distinctive #1 Having agreed upon essential theology for officers (preservation of the core) allows for much greater flexibility and nimbleness in structure (stimulating progress).

12 No Claim to hold property in trust – Distinctive #2 Holding property in trust hinders the ministry of the local church and distracts the denomination.

13 Less time and money on business – Distinctive #3 1% of a congregations unrestricted annual income goes to support the work of the denomination at all levels. Meetings primarily focused on training and encouragement.

14 Decisions based on what is best for church – Distinctive #4 Each congregation is different and decisions are made through relationship based upon needs of congregation and not one size fits all mentality.

15 Flexibility in local church governance– Distinctive #5 Terms of Elders Use and election of Deacons Assistant Pastors

16 Micro-Expressions of Church Distinctive #6 Missiologically Church is: 1.Two or more gathered in the name of Jesus 2.An organized congregation 3.A network of churches or denomination 4.Worldwide believers

17 Enhanced role of Elders and Deacons – Distinctive #7 Elders and Deacons can be commissioned by the session to celebrate the sacraments in micro-expressions of Church. Commissioned by Presbytery for Church Plant.

18 Decidedly Egalitarian Distinctive #8 Ordination of women is not just allowed but celebrated.

19 Church Planting Emphasis Distinctive #9 Church planting is the #1 way to reach new people. We stimulate planting through: Local networks Church planting assessment On-going coaching and training

20 Accountability & Encouragement Distinctive #10 Pastors and congregations need deeper relationships that can foster support and accountability. 1.Pastor Covenant Groups – 2.0402 2.The Mission Affinity Network for congregations – 1.0104

21 Leadership Development Distinctive #11 Raising the quantity and quality of all leaders through: 1.Elder Leadership Institute 2.Missional leader training 3.More practical ministry required for pastors. 4.Cohorts 5.Leaders outside our tribe

22 Four Priorities

23 1.Lift up the centrality of the gospel 2.Grow with an emerging generation of leaders 3.Prioritize a wave of church innovation 4.Create an atmosphere of relational accountability

24 Q & A


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