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Workshop for ESCOs and Energy Consultants RETScreen Training 22 Jan 2013 Luis Hinojosa.

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop for ESCOs and Energy Consultants RETScreen Training 22 Jan 2013 Luis Hinojosa."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop for ESCOs and Energy Consultants RETScreen Training 22 Jan 2013 Luis Hinojosa

2 Your Intructors  Luis Hinojosa Mechanical Engineer, MSc in Building Services Engineering, CEM (AEE), CMVP (EVO-AEE), CRU, MASHRAE, MCIBSE Email:

3 What about yourselves?  Please introduce yourselves…  Please tell us what you expect from this training

4 Agenda - RETScreen Training Morning Session: 14:30 to 16:30  Unit 1: Energy Efficiency (2 hours) General concepts and examples.  Coffee Break: 11:00 – 11:15  Unit 2: Solar Energy (2 hours) General concepts and examples.  Lunch: 13:15 to 14:30 Afternoon Session: 14:30 to 16:30  Unit 3: Cogeneration and others (2 hours) General concepts and examples.

5 RETScreen Training  Introduction to RETSCreen  Energy Efficiency  Solar Energy  Cogeneration  Retscreen limitations

6 Introduction to RETSCreen

7 Method 1Method 2 1 Step5 Steps

8 Introduction to RETSCreen  When going from Method 1 to Method 2: Data can be lost Some errors may occur Be careful

9 RETScreen Training  Introduction to RETSCreen  Energy Efficiency  Solar Energy  Cogeneration  Retscreen limitations

10 Energy Efficiency

11 Fuels & schedules

12 Energy Efficiency Facility characteristics

13 Energy Efficiency Summary

14 Energy Efficiency Emission & Financial Analysis

15 Energy Efficiency Emission & Financial Analysis

16 Energy Efficiency  Case Study 1: Lighting & A/C Example  Case Study 2: Audit Report for Bailey Terrelonge Allen Kingston’s Office  Case Study 3: Motors, Pumps and Fans

17 RETScreen Training  Introduction to RETSCreen  Energy Efficiency  Solar Energy  Cogeneration  Retscreen limitations

18 Solar Energy - PV

19 Solar Energy  Case Study 4: PV Example  Case Study 5: Audit Report for Ruthven Medical Centre

20 Solar Energy - Thermal

21  Case Study 6: Solar Thermal for Sunrise Club Hotel

22 RETScreen Training  Introduction to RETSCreen  Energy Efficiency  Solar Energy  Cogeneration  Retscreen limitations

23 Cogeneration

24  Case Study 7: Cogeneration System in Chiloe - Chile

25 RETScreen Training  Introduction to RETSCreen  Energy Efficiency  Solar Energy  Cogeneration  Retscreen limitations

26 Retscreen limitations  It is pre-feasibility tool Basic energy models Limited level of accuracy  It is not a simulation tool Use monthly data, for example for the climate  It requires Excel and Windows

27 Retscreen limitations  Building Model Simple model Does not include latent heat for refrigeration charges It does not allow simultaneous heating and cooling loads  The user specifies the temperature for changing between cooling and heating It is not possible to enter the thermal mass of a building Sensible/latent heat gains can not be entered It is not possible to specify which part of the day the building is ocuppied

28 Retscreen limitations  Peak Power Demand and Power Factor Model does not calculate reduction en peak power demands  The user can estimate them and include the savings within the financial analysis. The power factor savings are not calculated  The user can estimate them and include the savings within the financial analysis.

29 Retscreen limitations  Some Black Box models The EE models are not well documented yet  There are excellent books for cogeneration and renewable energy projects. Some parameters and hypothesis taken by the software are not visible for the user  For example, how the EE measures affects the cooling and heating loads (crossed effects).

30 Retscreen limitations  Databases of products At present, the tool offers an excellent product and equipment database for RE projects. In the case of EE, the databases are limited  Lighting, compressed air, motors, heat recovery, etc.

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