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2008 SSO:USA Society for the Study of Occupation : USA Member Survey.

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Presentation on theme: "2008 SSO:USA Society for the Study of Occupation : USA Member Survey."— Presentation transcript:

1 2008 SSO:USA Society for the Study of Occupation : USA Member Survey

2 Who are we? (n=45) What is your highest degree in occupational therapy? What is your highest degree in occupational science? 2

3 Participation Years of Membership 67 % ≥ 4 year 33 % ≤ 3 years 75% presented at SSO:USA 3

4 Self-perceived level of skills in OS scholarship Novice 5%Emerging 59%Master 20%Expert 16% 4

5 Support for the change in wording to: “The mission of SSO:USA is to facilitate high quality scholarship and a dynamic exchange of ideas that support the study of occupation” (76%) 5

6 Correlating the change in terms from “discipline in OS” to “study of occupation” to the number of years as a member of SSO:USA 6

7 Purpose of the Conference The annual conference is the primary venue for the SSO:USA member participation and is vital to continued growth and nurturance of future scholars of occupation. Member foregrounded the following priorities for the purpose of the annual conference: 1.Networking among scholars of occupation 2.Research 3.Community building 7

8 Top three priorities for the Conference Combined Scores for 1-2 ranking in importance: Networking 76%, Research Questions 60%, Creating Interdisciplinary community 58% 8

9 Priority #1 : Network among scholars of occupation 9

10 Correlating the priority of the annual conference to “network among scholars of occupation” with years of SSO:USA membership 10

11 Discuss types of research questions particularly important for OS Moderately Important 11%Important 40%Very Important 49% Priority #2: Research 11

12 Learn or improve research skills in research methods relevant to OS 20% Moderately important 31% Important 42% Very Important Learn about each others’ research results Moderately important 14 % Important 49 % Very Important 37% Related questions on research as a function of conference 12

13 Priority #3: Create an interdisciplinary community of scholars in OS Moderately important 22% Important 36% Very Important 38% 13

14 International 20% Moderately important 33% Important 40% Very Important The annual conference as an opportunity to build a community of scholarship in OS Interdisciplinary Moderately important 22% Important 36% Very Important 38% 14

15 What activities should be included to accomplish those conference priorities? Top three activities were forums or workshops dedicated to… 15

16 #1: Forum or workshop to address issues of publication 67 % #2: Forum or workshop dedicated to exchanges between OS researchers and scholars from compatibledisciplines 58% #3:Forum or workshop on conceptual and practical research issues for OS 57% 16

17 Priority activity #1: Issues of publication Provide opportunity for identifying and developing tools (i.e. mechanisms, means, infrastructure and etc.) for supporting the dissemination of scholarly work in OS Moderately important 18% Important 33% Very Important 44% Have an annual forum on issues regarding publication of scholarly work in OS Moderately important 27% Important 42 % Very Important 27 % 17

18 Priority #3 Have an annual forum on conceptual and practical research issues in OS (82%) Priority #2 Have an annual conference forum dedicated to exchanges between OS researchers and scholars in comparable disciplines (76%) Comparing activity priorities #2 and #3 18

19 Thank you! 19 The Research Committee SSO:USA 2008

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