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Anne Brown1 Reading Historical Novels are more interesting than school HIstory.

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1 Anne Brown1 Reading Historical Novels are more interesting than school HIstory

2  Poor an Peasant class by law had to dress like this or similar Anne Brown2

3  In Tudor times only rich and titled people were allowed by law to dress like this Anne Brown3

4  Society was extremely unfair in 1500  The poor did all the work and the rich took all the profit.  Later the working men tried to form a union but this was outlawed with severe punishments Anne Brown4

5  In Victorian Times 1837-1900 When a woman got married all her money and property belonged to her husband.  Unscrupulous men would marry a rich woman and then bribe unscrupulous Doctors to diagnose insanity, then he would put her into a lunatic asylum.  Many famous novels are on this theme For example “ The Woman In White”and “Fingersmith”, both of which are set in Victorian times Anne Brown5

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