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 Included descendents of Mexicans living in territories ceded to US  Mexican-American wave of immigration during the revolution in 1910s  Bracero,

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2  Included descendents of Mexicans living in territories ceded to US  Mexican-American wave of immigration during the revolution in 1910s  Bracero, or temporary workers, in US in 1940s and 1950s  Immigration for economic opportunities and political openess

3  Farm workers had no labor protections  Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta form the National Farm Workers Association 1962  Non-violence, boycott, and fasting as strategies

4  Cesar Chavez, The Organizer’s Tale I thought it would take ten years before we got that first contract. I wanted desperately to get some color into the movement, to give people something they could identify with, like flag. I was reading some books about how various leaders discovered what colors contrasted and stood out the best. The Egyptians had found that a red field with a white circle and a Black emblem in the center crashed into your eyes like nothing else. I wanted to use the Aztec eagle in the center, a on the Mexican flag. So I told my cousin Manuel, “Draw an Aztec Eagle.” Manuel had a little trouble with it, so we modified it to make it easier for people to draw.

5  “brown power” and Brown Berets  School walkouts  1968 Congress passed Bilingual Education Act  Election of Hispanic representatives to state and national government  Struggles for social justice

6  Mythical homeland  Images of Indians and Mestizos  Posters as mass produced representations of identity  Boycotts  Creation of community and public spaces

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