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Active Listening in Primary School Contributed anonymously by a Level 2 Safeguarding Online course delegate All resources in the "Safeguarding Resources"

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Presentation on theme: "Active Listening in Primary School Contributed anonymously by a Level 2 Safeguarding Online course delegate All resources in the "Safeguarding Resources""— Presentation transcript:

1 Active Listening in Primary School Contributed anonymously by a Level 2 Safeguarding Online course delegate All resources in the "Safeguarding Resources" section of our resource bank have been submitted by delegates on our Level 2 Safeguarding Online courses. For more information about this practical, self-paced course, please visit and This is a PowerPoint presentation to be used as a training tool in a Primary School for the introduction of the concept of active listening. Included in the resource are ideas for two activities to help reinforce the messages being put forward.

2 A disclosure may be made to you totally unexpectedly. Disclosures It is vital, therefore, that you ‘ hone ’ your active listening skills in readiness for such an event.

3 Activity What was it that distracted you from actively listening’?. What could be done to ensure you are actively listening?

4 Active listening requires you to be totally focused on what is being said to you. Active listening isn ’ t just hearing!

5 What do you think the skills of an Active Listener involve? You need to focus totally on the person who is speaking. You must demonstrate by your actions that you are listening. You must show that you understand what is being said to you. You must use both verbal and non-verbal ways to achieve the above.

6 Activity How did the ‘listeners’ actions make the speakers feel? How much could the ‘listeners’ recall of the conversations?

7 Verbal Signals to show you are listening Questioning Although some closed questions may be needed, asking ‘ open ’ questions may help the person to unfold their concerns more easily. Great care must be taken though not to ask leading questions, such as “ Who did that? ” Tell me their name.” Remembering the words in the first verse of Rudyard Kipling ’ s poem may be helpful: I KEEP six honest serving-men (They taught me all I knew); Their names are What and Why and When And How and Where and Who. I send them over land and sea, I send them east and west; But after they have worked for me, I give them all a rest.

8 Questioning helps to clarify in your mind that you have understood exactly what is being said. Moving the conversation on through further questioning shows the person that you are listening, interested and want to understand everything they are telling you. Show you are listening to their answers and encourage the speaker to continue with small verbal comments like ‘‘Yes”, “O.K.”, “Uh huh”, etc.  It is essential that you are respectful that they may not want to divulge some things or, indeed, anything more than the initial concern raised.

9 Revisiting the Conversation Repeating back your understanding of what has been communicated is a good way to: confirm you are listening and have understood their concerns; give the person a chance to correct any misunderstandings; ‘ cement ’ the correct information into your memory – essential for recording the disclosure accurately.

10 Silence can be Golden Verbal exchanges are fundamental in the process of understanding the concerns being shared, as well as reassuring the person that you are listening. Questioning and positive responses, however, must be used wisely. Their overuse could distract the person and make them feel that you are continually interrupting their flow. Do not be afraid to allow time for silence. This time is valuable, it is allows the person to regain their composure and to think about what they also need to say. It is also an important time for you to gather your thoughts and to plan what you might need to ask to ensure you fully understand the concerns being raised.

11 Non-Verbal Signals to show you are listening Eye Contact is an important way to demonstrate they have your total attention and also helps in the process of building a connection with them. A shy or embarrassed person, however, may find close observation uncomfortable, so the amount of eye contact made needs to be appropriate to the person ’ s needs.

12 Body Language Your body language is very important. Posture – leaning forward (taking care not invade the speaker ’ s space) signifies you are listening. Nodding and slightly tilting the head are positive signals showing you are listening. Facial expressions are important. A softer expression could elicit greater communication than a stern expression. An encouraging smile at the appropriate time can give reassurance.  Demonstrate a calm and reassuring demeanour.

13 An Active Listener Observes the speaker’s non-verbal behaviour and responds appropriately. Uses open and closed questions. Clarifies understanding. Is focused and shows interest. Gives gentle encouragement to continue. Listens carefully to the speaker’s responses and responds/questions accordingly. Does not interrupt. Does not allow themselves to be distracted. Remembers ‘silence’ has its place. Gives verbal prompts to show they are listening. Thinks about their body language to ensure the person feels comfortable. In Summary

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