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Subtitle. Important of Antarctica: The natural environment of Antarctica has unique values for us human beings. Antarctica is the only place on Earth.

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Presentation on theme: "Subtitle. Important of Antarctica: The natural environment of Antarctica has unique values for us human beings. Antarctica is the only place on Earth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Subtitle

2 Important of Antarctica: The natural environment of Antarctica has unique values for us human beings. Antarctica is the only place on Earth that is not owned by anyone. Because of its profound effect on the Earth's climate and ocean systems. Antarctica's clean air, water and ice of are of importance to science for understanding how the Earth's environment is changing both naturally and as a result of human activity.

3 Antarctica problems: The bigger issue might be the growing ozone hole. (Carbon dioxide raises the dead zone) There is also the problem of human contamination. Scientists working at the South Pole do their best to keep a clean environment, but there is still waste generated that cannot be taken away. Also, with a developing need for more natural resources like oil, more people are looking to drill under the ice cap. The Antarctic Treaty and Madrid Protocol protect against this, but the danger still exists. Krill at risk in a warming, acid ocean

4 Human Impacts of Antarctica harvesting some Antarctic species to the verge of extinction for economic benefit, killing and disturbing other species, contaminating the soils discharging sewage to the sea and leaving rubbish, cairns and tracks in even the most remote parts.

5 Reason why Protect Antarctica The Antarctic environment is very vulnerable to human impact. Without controls, those who come to visit this wilderness as tourists, scientists or in support roles, may damage the very values that attract them. There is only one Antarctica in whole big world. Antarctica will be very important to humans life.

6 To protect Antarctica: In attempting to deal with the problems associated with our impact on the Antarctic environment, Australia established a multi-disciplinary research program, the Human Impacts program, to focus specifically on understanding and minimising the effects of our presence in Antarctica. Make a law for tourist: - Do not litter or rubbish on land. - Open burning or burning any materials is prohibited. - Do not disturb or pollute lakes or streams. - Do not paint, engrave names or graffiti on rocks or buildings. - Do not collect or take away geological or biological specimens or man made artifacts as souvenirs. - Respect the wild life

7 International LAW: Activities in Antarctica and its surrounding seas are governed by a unique agreement between nations: the Antarctic Treaty. Australia was one of 12 original Parties to the Treaty, which entered into force in 1961. Treaty obligations- designed for intending visitors to the Antarctic: The area to be used for peaceful purposes only Freedom of scientific investigations and cooperation shall continue Free exchange of information and personnel in cooperation with the United NationsUnited Nations The treaty prohibits nuclear explosions or disposal of radioactive wastes

8 Whose responsibility to protect Antarctica? If anything happen to Antarctica, Responsibilities belong to whom? EVERYBODY AND YOU !!!

9 Antarctica is in some big problems now, so people must save Antarctica. To save Antarctica, everybody must obey the law, to protect Antarctica from DANGER!!! Especially, Antarctica visitors shouldn’t litter, pollute, or disturb animals.

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