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HR Analytics Alexandra Dass and Mursal Nassimi Willamette SHRM Student Chapter.

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Presentation on theme: "HR Analytics Alexandra Dass and Mursal Nassimi Willamette SHRM Student Chapter."— Presentation transcript:

1 HR Analytics Alexandra Dass and Mursal Nassimi Willamette SHRM Student Chapter


3 What is HR Analytics?  A form of business intelligence  Correlates business data and people data  Establishes a cause and effect relationship

4 Why HR Analytics?  Engage in evidence-based decision making  Improve employee performance  Get a better return on investment  Make relevant decisions

5 HR Analytics Data Information Evidence- based knowledge Stakehold ers and decision- makers Source: Lisbeth Claus and Kendal Callison, Global HR Analytics, in Global HR Practitioners Handbook, Volume 3, 2014 (Forthcoming) ORGANIZE ANALYZE INTERPRET Efficiency Effectiveness Impact HR METRICS, SCORECARDS, DASHBOARDS Type of data Source of data Employee segments Job groups Level Location, etc. Statistical tools & techniques Value creation ROI Cost-benefit

6 HR Analytics – More than HR Metrics MetricsAnalytics tangibleintangible past datafuture insights reportinganalyzing controllingoptimizing HR ownershipmanagement ownership

7 Types of Metrics  Efficiency  Effectiveness  Impact Source: Boudreau and Ramstad, Beyond HR,2003

8 Table Discussion  Which types of leaves apply to your organization? Handout: Types of leaves of absences

9 Table Discussion  Do you have any idea of what absenteeism looks like in your organization?

10 The Process  What specific (employee) data is needed to turn this topic into HR analytics?  Where (internal/external) does HR get that data?  Who ‘owns’ that data and how does HR get access to that data?  What are common HR metrics related to this topic?  What does your spreadsheet look like?  What will your sample dashboards look like?  What types of actions would you be able to take? Source: Lisbeth Claus and Kendal Callison, Global HR Analytics, in Global HR Practitioners Handbook, Volume 3, 2014 (Forthcoming)

11 What type of data would you need in this case ?  Unit of analysis (employee record)  Data employee numbergender agejob group (function) job level (hierarchy)job classification (exempt, non exempt) salary(rate)Performance review locationleave classification (type) leave statusduration

12 Internal Scan: Absenteeism

13 Advantages and Disadvantages of HR Analytics AdvantagesDisadvantages Recognize skills and vulnerabilities of the workforce Human behavior cannot be controlled Predict and measure turnover Access to the right information Understand and mitigate riskDifficulty in integrating data

14 Leading Practices  Build a numeracy culture  Use evidence-based knowledge  Ensure integrity of data  Identify relevant data  Sample data


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