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All the layers to YOUR citizenship! I wonder what a CITIZEN is?

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2 All the layers to YOUR citizenship!

3 I wonder what a CITIZEN is?

4 A citizen is… A. a person who does good deeds. THANKS! C. a member of a community with rights and responsibilities. B. someone involved in politics. D. an adult. TAKE A GUESS!

5 Of a state? Am I a citizen of my school? So does that mean that I’m a citizen? Of a city? We’re citizens of SOMETHING, right?

6 A community is group of people that share an environment. Every day you are part of several different layers of community. That means you have many different levels of citizenship!


8 Levels The people we live with make up the smallest “community” we belong to. Nation State City Home School “People I live with” is here “People I live with” is here

9 Levels Our school or workplace is a community too. These are the people we interact with outside our homes every day. Nation State City Home School Mt. Comfort Elementary school is here… SCHOOL

10 Levels You are a citizen of the city in which you live. Nation State School City Home Indianapolis and Greenfield are here…

11 Our country is made up of 50 states (and a district, too!). You are a citizen of the state where you live. Nation State School Levels Home City Indiana is here

12 You are also a citizen of your country! Nation State School Levels City Home United States of America is here

13 Where do these rights and responsibilities come from? Let’s find out!

14 In the United States we are guaranteed a list of rights in our constitution. United States Constitution

15 At home, the adults in charge decide what your rights and responsibilities will be. Maybe these will get written down—but usually not! HOME


17 Now that I know where rights and responsibilities come from… What are rights??

18 Rights are… A. things adults get to do. GOT IT! C. electric bulbs that let you read in the dark. B. privileges the President has. D. a privilege or a claim to something. TAKE A GUESS!

19 NATION Guarantees really BIG rights like freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the freedom to vote in elections. United States Constitution


21 Yikes! What does this mean?? RESPONSIBILITIES

22 Responsibilities are… A. things only adults have to do. COOL! C. unpleasant activities adults force kids to do. B. duties we have to other people, to the government, or to the law. D. chores you do outside. TAKE A GUESS!

23 The adults in charge at home give you duties you are only responsible for at home. For example, you might have to make your bed, walk the dog, or wash the dishes.

24 At school, you are responsible for following the rules. You already learned that school rules usually tell you what NOT to do.

25 City charters often contain rules, kind of like a school handbook. It is a responsibility to better your community. CITY

26 City charters often contain rules, kind of like a school handbook. You can recycle, volunteer, or even help out your parents! CITY

27 NICE JOB! Now, following your teacher’s instructions, and brainstorm how to be a good citizen to your community!

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