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Nonresponse Follow-Up (NRFU) May 6, 2010 The 2010 Census: What’s Next?

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Presentation on theme: "Nonresponse Follow-Up (NRFU) May 6, 2010 The 2010 Census: What’s Next?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nonresponse Follow-Up (NRFU) May 6, 2010 The 2010 Census: What’s Next?

2 Agenda I.Lunch Served II.Welcome & Introductions III.2010 Census Updates -NRFU Messaging – Margot Grant -Operations – Jim Kamenelis IV.Discussion & Feedback for 2020

3 Participation Rates San Mateo County – 74 %

4 Participation Rates: Who Has Been Counted So Far? Participation rates –Received a form by mail and mailed it back –Update/Leave: Received a hand- delivered form and mailed it back * A “household” is defined as an occupied housing unit. * A “household” is defined as an occupied housing unit.

5 Participation Rates: Who’s NOT Included?  Various P.O. boxes mailing  Transient people (migrant worker camps; RV parks; single-room occupancy hotels; motels; marinas, homeless shelters; outdoor locations; soup kitchens)  Be Counted forms  TQA phoned-in responses

6 Nonresponse Follow-Up (NRFU) May 1 – July 27May 1 – July 27 Door-to-door visits to addresses on Master Address File (MAF)Door-to-door visits to addresses on Master Address File (MAF) Up to 6 contactsUp to 6 contacts

7 Identifying Census Takers Official ID Badge from U.S. Department of Commerce with watermark/seal and name of enumerator Black Census shoulder bag with official US Census Seal

8 Avoiding scams Census takers will not: Ask to enter a residenceAsk to enter a residence Ask for any identification from residentsAsk for any identification from residents Ask for documentation of immigration statusAsk for documentation of immigration status Ask for social security #, bank account or financial informationAsk for social security #, bank account or financial information If you wish to confirm the identity of a Census taker call: 1-877-471-5432If you wish to confirm the identity of a Census taker call: 1-877-471-5432

9 NRFU Messaging: Census Bureau Plans Primary Themes:Primary Themes: Cooperation and Confidentiality Total paid media budget for NRFU: $13.7 millionTotal paid media budget for NRFU: $13.7 million –Mostly in low performing tracts –Ads in 22 languages –Print, radio, TV, digital Sample PSAs and videos available on www.2010census.govSample PSAs and videos available on

10 Cooperation - Open the door! - Open the door! –10 minutes, 10 questions –Quick & Easy

11 Confidentiality Oath of confidentiality Oath of confidentiality Strict penalties Strict penalties Information cannot be used against you Information cannot be used against you Personal responses can’t be shared Personal responses can’t be shared

12 Outreach Materials Available for download at

13 Communications E-newslettersE-newsletters WebsiteWebsite Signage in Your Organization’s LobbySignage in Your Organization’s Lobby Payroll stuffersPayroll stuffers Your social networking sitesYour social networking sites

14 Events & Programs Piggyback on existing programs: Staff meetingsStaff meetings Board meetingsBoard meetings Volunteer trainingsVolunteer trainings Press ConferencesPress Conferences Other opportunities?Other opportunities?

15 Still Not Counted??? Take the interview over the Telephone Questionnaire Assistance (TQA) toll-free lines!toll-free lines! Available through July 30, 2010Available through July 30, 2010 8 am – 9 pm Local Time8 am – 9 pm Local Time English: 1-866-872-6868Chinese: 1-866-935-2010 Korean: 1-866-955-2010Russian: 1-866-965-2010 Spanish: 1-866-928-2010Vietnamese: 1-866-945-2010 TDD: 1-866-783-2010

16 Coverage Follow-Up Purpose: Clarify or complete information on forms returned by mail April 26 – August 13April 26 – August 13 Conducted primarily by telephoneConducted primarily by telephone Estimated: 22 million “cases”Estimated: 22 million “cases” Large householdsLarge households –7+ residents on English & 9+ residents on bilingual Coverage improvement:Coverage improvement: –Undercount: Question #2 –Overcount: Question #10 Resolve housing unit duplicates (field visits)Resolve housing unit duplicates (field visits)

17 Vacant-Delete Check Purpose: Confirm vacant and new housing units July 26 – August 25July 26 – August 25 Confirm housing units added during:Confirm housing units added during: –New Construction Program –Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA) appeals process Confirm housing units identified as vacant or nonexistent (“deletes”) during NRFUConfirm housing units identified as vacant or nonexistent (“deletes”) during NRFU

18 Feedback & Suggestions for 2020 ABAG Complete Count Committee Thursday, May 13, 2010 1:30pm-4:00pm Association of Bay Area Governments 101 Eighth Street Oakland, CA RSVP

19 Feedback & Suggestions for 2020 1) What was the most effective outreach effort in your community? What was not effective? 2) Did you find the Complete Count Committee (CCC) structure helpful? If so, what was effective? If not, what would make these meetings more helpful for your organization? 3) Are you happy with the overall participation rate(s) of the residents you serve? Why or why not? Why do you think your residents responded the way they did?

20 4) Do you have any suggestions or feedback about the operations of the Census? - Address Canvassing - Partnership - Census Mailings - Messaging / Ad Campaign - Questionnaire Assistance Centers (QACs) and Be Counted Sites (BCs) - Recruitment - Non-Response Follow up (NRFU) - Other 5) Do you have any additional comments or suggestions for the 2020 Census? Feedback & Suggestions for 2020

21 Stay Informed! Nonprofit Voter Engagement Network “Nonprofits Count!” ( Leadership Conference on Civil Rights Education Fund (It’s Time. Make Yourself Count! campaign) ( The Census Project ( Blog and Census News Briefs U.S. Census Bureau ( Regional Census Offices ( CUNY Census 2010 Hard To Count Interactive Map ( Fill In Our Future ( Brookings Institution ( )

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