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Room J Title: What Chinese Classroom Routines Can Be Applied to American Classrooms? Presenter: Ning Liu, Grand Rapids Public Schools Join a discussion.

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Presentation on theme: "Room J Title: What Chinese Classroom Routines Can Be Applied to American Classrooms? Presenter: Ning Liu, Grand Rapids Public Schools Join a discussion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Room J Title: What Chinese Classroom Routines Can Be Applied to American Classrooms? Presenter: Ning Liu, Grand Rapids Public Schools Join a discussion of what Chinese classroom routines can be used in American secondary classrooms. If you're a Chinese teacher who was not prepared for classroom management before you were hired to teach in the American public schools, please join us for this discussion to brainstorm ideas and share your experience on what worked, what may work, and what is worthy to try to make your Chinese teaching more successful in terms of managing students' discipline.

2 Who Am I?

3 Challenges in My Classroom Big class size: 37, 29 > 25 Small classroom: 18 seats Mixed grades: 9-12 Student discipline

4 Blackboard

5 Students’ back facing blackboard

6 The Difference Between Discipline and Procedures DISCIPLINE: Concerns how students BEHAVE. PROCEDURES: Concern how things are DONE. DISCIPLINE: HAS penalties and rewards. PROCEDURES: Have NO penalties or rewards. -- Harry Wong “The First Days of School”

7 Why Procedures Are Important Students must know from the very beginning how they are expected to behave and work in a classroom work environment. A PROCEDURE is how you want something done, it is the responsibility of the teacher to have procedures clearly stated. A ROUTINE is what the student does automatically without prompting or supervision. Thus a routine becomes a habit, practice, or custom for the student.

8 What are the Chinese classroom routines that you grew up with?

9 Chinese classroom procedures that I grew up with Zao Zi Xi 早自习 Shang ke 上课,同学们好; Xia ke 下课,同学们再见! ke jian cao / yan jing bao jian cao 课间操 / 眼睛保健操 Xiao dui zhang 小队长, Ke dai biao 课代表, ban zhang 班长 Xiao hong hua 小红花

10 What Is Working For Me? Shang ke 上课, Xia ke 下课 - Procedure: 同学们好, 老师好 ; 同学们再见, 老师再见! - Result: create Chinese classroom atmosphere, practice manner and Chinese greetings, eliminate tardy, dismiss class smoothly Zao Zi Xi 早自习 - Procedure: Bell work (warm up exercises) - Result: start to work immediately, students working quietly while teacher taking attendance.

11 What Is Working For Me? Xiao dui zhang 小队长 - Procedure: pass bell works, help team members find assignments if they have been absent, help answer team members’ questions. - Result: students are more responsible and involved in classroom management, reduce teacher’s workload, students help each other, sense of teamwork.


13 What Are Working For YOU?

14 What may work or worthy to try ban zhang 班长 : J.H., K.W. Xiao hong hua 小红花 - vocabulary master, full attendance reward, student model ( 三好学生: knowledge, manner, attendance) - present as reward and motivation ke jian cao / yan jing bao jian cao 课间操 / 眼睛保健操

15 Students working in a group No students’ back facing blackboard Blackboard

16 Please complete your survey and return it to me. Thank you for sharing! 谢谢!

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