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Adjutant General School

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1 Adjutant General School
Personnel Services Delivery Redesign (PSDR) Brigade and Battalion S-1 Transformation The Army is the midst of transforming to a BCT/BDE-centric force, enabling Brigades to consist of all the capability they need organic to the structure to accomplish assigned tasks. This briefing will describe the S1 elements of PSDR HR transformation and describe the HR support to the transforming, BCT/BDE-centric Army, by embedding HR capabilities in the BCT/BDE sufficient to perform the required HR core competencies. LTC Larry Wark Chief, Concepts and Doctrine Division Chief, FA43 Proponency AGS/SSI


3 PSDR BACKGROUND This portion of the briefing will provide information on the background of S1 PSDR transformation and describe the concepts and principles that make up this change in focused HR support to the BCT/BDE-centric Army.

BCT/BDES REQUIRE EMBEDDED CAPABILITIIES BCT OF 3600 SOLDIERS IS THE SUPPORT BENCHMARK LOSS OF PSB/PERSCOM STRUCTURE NOT THE RESULT OF PSDR – ARMY LEADERSHIP MADE THAT DECISION IN 2002 PSDR CREATES S1-CENTRIC HR SUPPORT FOR BCT/BDE-CENTRIC TRANSFORMED ARMY HR RESOURCE ALLOCATION IN LINE WITH DECENTRALIZED, S1-CENTRIC SUPPORT G1 STRUCTURE IS NOT CONTROLLED BY HR COMMUNITY, G1 TASKS MOSTLY UNCHANGED – PASR MONITORING vs PRM MENTOR ROLE OF G1 FOR BCT/BDE S1s ESSENTIAL FOR HR LEADER DEVELOPMENT BDE/BCT S1 MENTOR ROLE FOR BN S1s ESSENTIAL FOR JR HR LEADER DEVELOPMENT While PSDR-converted BCT/BDE S1 sections will perform the majority of tasks previously performed by Personnel Detachments and Personnel Services Battalions, the concept had nothing to do with the loss of those structures which provided area-based HR support. PSDR is the plan to provide the services lost with the loss of the Per Det/PSB structure and it is the logical means of providing HR support to a BCT/BDE-centric Army. G1 structure is not an element of PSDR transformation directly. The HR community does not control the G1 structure, it is controlled by the Combined Arms Center (CAC) of TRADOC. The size and capabilities of the G1 sections have been reduced as cost-saving measures by the Force Management team at CAC. The G1 does still play a critical role in decentralized HR support, and remains the principle advisor to Division and higher Commanders and, very importantly, the mentor for BCT/BDE S1s and their subordinates.

5 PSDR IN BCT/BDEs Decentralize HR Operations to embed support in units
Support Brigade-centric operations Support modular conversion of the Army S1 sections perform PRM, PASR, PIM, EPS, MWR, HR Planning and Operations core competencies Professionalize S1 sections WO/MSG at BCT/BDE S1 Sections AG Officers in BN S1 positions 2 x 42F in every BCT/BDE S1 Link BCT/BDE S1 Sections direct to HRC Expand systems access DMSL management from HRC direct to BCT/BDEs Connectivity/Bandwidth is the pacing item Establish VSAT/CAISI NIPR network Connectivity allows full capability while deployed S1s must locate where there is connectivity – NIPR/SIPR Defines HR task responsibility – S1/G1 vs MPD What does PSDR do for the BCT/BDE Commander, and what are the critical elements of PSDR? PSDR decentralizes HR support buy placing the capabilities and required supporting resources in BCT/BDE and BN S1 sections to provide organic HR support to BCT/BDEs and BNs for many of the HR Core competencies-especially Essential Personnel Services (EPS), Personnel Readiness Management (PRM), Personnel Accounting and Strength Reporting (PASR), Personnel Information Management (PIM), Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR), and HR Planning and Operations. PSDR professionalizes BCT/BDE S1 sections by placing a WO, MSG and two 42F HR Systems Specialists in each BCT/BDE S1 section. These experienced HR personnel will significantly increase the capability of the BCT/BDE S1 section. Bn S1 sections are professionalized by placing an AG (42B) officer in every TOE Bn in the Army as the S1. These AG officers will receive S1-centric training at the AG School, better preparing them for the challenges of service as an S1. BCT/BDE S1 sections will be linked directly to the top of the HR system for the management of strength and services. HRC will manage AC strength direct to the BCT/BDE through DMSL management. Additionally, system accesses will be increased for the BCT/BDE S1 personnel to alloe them to leverage existing HR systems to better allow them to provide the required support. Connectivity/bandwidth is the pacing item for this transformation. PSDR provides VSAT/CAISI NIPR connectivity for the S1 sections as an element of the Connect-the-Logistician program provided to the Army by the G4. SIPR connectivity will be required for DTAS in the deployed theater, so the S1 will need to position atleast a portion of their element where SIPR is available, as DTAS requires daily inputs. PSDR also establishes clearly defined deliniation of tasks and roles between the S1 sections, the G1 section and the IMA-controlled Military Personnel Division (MPD) on every installation.

HR SUST X CAS PLT POSTAL R5 MMT TG R5 BTB HRSC + + S1 II PSDR STRUCTURE SRC12 STRUCTURE PRM, PASR, PIM, EPS, CAS LEGACY STRUCTURE PERSCOM ++ PSB PD HHD PSTL PER TRANSITION CORE COMPETENCIES PASR, PSTL, PIM, CAS, R5 This slide describes the migration of the core competencies from the legacy Personnel force structure based on PSBs And Per Dets on the left which provided area personnel support and C2 capability through the Bde-equivalent level to the PSDR/FDU structure on the right, with some core competencies migrating to S1 sections and some migrating to the HR Theater structure in the lower right box. The SRC 12 structure inb the box performs theater-level tasks in support of the Postal, R5, Casualty, PASR and PIM core competencies. It is important to note that not all of the core competencies highlighted as moving to the S1 sections are completely new to the S1 section, but more represent increased S1 roles and capabilities and responsibilities in those competencies.

Per Det (HR) S1 S1 Military Personnel Division II S1 S1 Casualty & memorial affairs LOD Oversight (CAC) Deserter Cntrl Coordinator Transition services TCS Orders Reassignment processing SRP processing (Spt) ID cards-family, retirees, mob spt Passports & birth registration Family support In/out processing Well-being Mob demob support Retirement programs MMRB process Congressional tracking (TDA pax) Non-PSDR EPS PASR PRM Awards Evaluations Utilization UCMJ actions MWR program Soldier readiness Flagging actions Casualty Liaison Tm R5 Operations WO/OCS Boards Congressional Preparation Personnel records (e.g., SGLI) Replacement operations Officer promotions & board selections Enlisted promotions & board selections Officer & enlisted evaluations (QA) Awards & decorations Line of duty ID cards - soldiers Specialized training requests Military pay (LNO) Management actions (frocking, SRB, special pays) Semi-centralized Promotions Manning & Functions This slide depicts the migration of tasks previously performed by the PSB/Personnel Detachment structures to either the BCT/BDE S1 or Bn S1 sections and the Installation MPDs. The rule of thumb for the migration is as follows: If a task is required to be performed for Soldiers both deployed and at home station/garrison, than it migrated to the S1 section-as the focus is the availability of HR decentralized support both in garrison and deployed and that the support should be seamless to the organization in either status. If the task is only performed in Garrison or if it supports a non-deploying population (family members, retirees, non-deploying TDA structure) than the task either stayed with or migrated to the MPD The performance of the initial reception/integration of newly assigned personnel is still in flux, this task has been supported by a combination of Borrowed Military Manpower and malassigned HR structure in the past, and must be modified. The Army Leadership is preparing to make a decision on this issue. LEGEND TASKS MOVING INITIAL RECEPTION/ INTEGRATION? AS OF: 4 APR 2006

8 BRIGADE/BCT S-1 The next section of the brief discusses the structure and capabilities of the PSDR-transformed BCT/BDE S1 section, which is the central focus of BDE-centric, S1 decentralized HR support.

9 + = BCT/BDE S1 SECTION 2/1/10 13 PSDR ADDITIONS 1/0/5 6 1/1/5 7
DISCREET BCT/BDE S1 MODULAR BCT/BDE S1 + = 1/0/5 6 1/1/5 7 O2 42B E8 42A E5 42A E5 42F E4 42A E4 42F O4 43H S1 O2 42B STR MGR W2 420A PER TECH E8 42A SR HR SGT E6 42A HR NCO (X2) E5 42A HR NCO (X2) E5 42F HR NCO E4 42A HR SPC(x3) E4 42F HR SPC O4 43A S1 W2 420A PER TECH E7 42A SR HR SGT E6 42A HR NCO E5 42A HR NCO E4 42A HR SPC(x2) As you will recall from earlier in the briefing, the basis of PSDR was to push the majority of the tasks of several HR core competencies from legacy area-support structures to the S1 sections within BCT/BDEs, to better support the focus of the transformed Army – BCTs and BDEs. Logically, in order to successfully do this, resources and capabilities also had to be shifted to those same S1 sections. BCT/BDE S1 sections start at various strengths with various grades and MOSs in there structures prior to PSDR transformation. The desired endstate are BCT/BDE S1 sections as close as possible to the discreet S1 section shown on the right of this slide. This slide uses the modular Bde as the example – starting pre-transformationally as a 7-person section. Note: The WO is already a part of this structure, but in non-modular Bde S1 sections, the WO is added as part of the PSDR increase. Based on the academic task analysis performed by the APTD team in 2004, the module added to the S1 was initially determined. This module was then tested at the 101st during the PSDR pilot and several modifications were made. This slide represents the endstate. Note the grade increase for the NCOIC from E7 to E8 – the increase in experience is critical to the increased responsibilities of the BCT/BDE S1 section. There are no E7s in this structure, but there are 2 x E6s, providing NCO leadership for the two elements discussed on the next slide. 2 x 42Fs are also added to the styructure to perform the PAS-management and other related IM requirements created by migrated numerous HR sytstems to the BCT/BDE and Bn level. The se 42Fs are the only 42Fs in the BCT/BDE, and therefore, along with the WO, must providwe reqwuired support to the BN S1 sections. There is an 42B O2 (normally filled w/O1) officer added to the section as the strength manager. Under PSDR (as a result of a CSA decision as part of BDE-centric transformation), strength is managed in the AC direct from HRC to the BCT/BDE, and the S1 section therefore requires a Strength Manager. This is also an excellent developmental position for a young AG Officer who will soon be a Bn S1. Decrease E7 to E6

-HR PLANNING & OPNS 1/1/1 - 3 PERSONNEL SERVICES TM HR NCO – A30 HR NCO (X2) A20 HR AUTOMATION SPC - 42F10 HR SPC (X2) - 42A10 SECTION HQs S1 – 43H O4 HR TECH – A CW2 SR HR NCO – 42A50 PERSONNEL READINESS TM A/S1 (STRENGTH MNGR) – 42B O1 HR AUTOMATION NCO - 42F20 HR SPC A10 1/0/3 4 0/0/6 6 -PRM -PASR -PIM -R5 -EPS -POSTAL -CASUALTY -MWR This slide describes the structure of the BCT/BDE S1 section. The section consists of three teams and totals thirteen personnel. The teams are intended to operate split-based if required by the mission or connectivity availability. The HQs Tm consists of the FA43 MAJ BDE S1, the CW2 BDE HR Tech, and the E8 BDE S1 NCOIC. These three HR leaders may work with either section and the S1 also splits his/her time with Adjutant Duties and assisting the BDE Cdr. The HQs TM performs the HR Planning and Operations core competency. The Personnel Readiness Tm focuses on the PRM, PASR and PIM core competencies and is responsible for executing strength management under the supervision of the 42B 1LT for officer management and the Bde S1 NCOIC who will provide direction for enlisted strength management. Although not reflected on this slide, the BDE CSM will usually play an active role in the enlisted strength management process. This team manages the BCT/BDE DMSL. The Personnel Services Tm performs the EPS, Casualty, Postal, R5 core competencies for the BCT/BDE. Replacements will normally be processed by this team and it will often be located in the BCT Support Area during non-FOB based deployed operations. The Bde Postal Clerk is also in this section. Note that there is no legal clerks in the BCT/BDE S1 section. The legal section of the BCT/BDE is a part of the S3 Non-lethal Effects Cell, and while deployed focuses on Operational Law. The SJA remains a key advisor to the BDE S1 and operates out of the BCT/BDE Main CP. -DOCTRINAL RECOMMENDATION -SUPPORTS SPLIT-BASED OPNS -SR LDR OVERSIGHT ON BOTH TMs CORE COMPETENCIES

S1 SECTION EQUIPMENT LIST - STRYKER BCT TOE NOMENCLATURE QTY REMARKS COMMO SET, AN/UYK-128 (V)3 1 FBCB2 VEH RADIO SET, AN/VSQ-2 V 2 EPLARS AN/VAS-5 DRIVER NIGHT VISION ENHANCER NIGHT VIS AN/PVS 7D 4 NIGHT VISION DEVICE NAV SET SAT, AN/PSN-13 GPS RADIO SET AN/VRC 92F SINCGARS, 2 LONG RANGE SET RADIO SET AN/VRC 90F SINCGARS, 1 LONG RANGE SET TRUCK, UTILITY M998A1 LIGHT TAC TLR: 3/4 TON BCS3 BCS3 SYSTEM, REPLACES CSSCS INTERACE UNIT, COMMO EQUIP VSAT TERMINAL FAX SET: AN/UXC-10 SCURE DIGITAL FAX COMP SYS DIGITAL: AN/PYQ-10( C ) 9 AHRS COMPUTER SYSTEM INTERACE UNIT, COMMO BRIDGE CAISI BRIDGE MODULE COMMON HARDWARE CONTROL MCS SET DIGITAL SENDER COTS DEERS-RAPID, CAC MACHINE COTS, ID CARD SYSTEM ID TAG MACHINE COTS, ID TAG MAKER This slide describes the “standard TOE” equipment currently loaded in the PSDR-documented Stryker BCT. Stryker BCT was the first TOE loaded with the new PSDR structure by USAFMSA, and following BCT/BDE structures will be similarly documented. The S1 section has been provided with the critical communications equipment required to maintain the COP and also to process HR data via NIPR and the connection to SIPR through FBCB2 and EPLARS. Note there are 2 HMMWVs and trailers to move the section and its equipment. The VSAT and CAISI Bridge Module are also reflected on the TOE for the section, along with nine AHRS computers.

(PLOPs, PRM, PASR, CAS) BCS3 BCT MAIN BOTH FBCB2 BCT S1/S4 FBCB2/BCS3 VSAT BN FSC HQs VSAT BN S1 CAISI VOICE FBCB2 TFSA BCT S1 NCOIC/TECH AND PS BSB TOC IN BCTSA (EPS, CAS, R5, PSTL) BCT MAIN FBCB2/BCS3 VOICE JNN/VSAT BN FSC HQs VSAT BN S1 CAISI VOICE FBCB2 TFSA As discussed earlier in this briefing, the BCT/BDE S1 section is tied to both NIPR and SIPR connectivity in order to perform its critical and non-critical tasks. Organic VSAT/CAISI capability assists with providing NIPR bandwidth sufficient to HR requirements at any one location the section establishes itself. The section is dependent on S6-generated JNN SIPR connectivity. Positioning criteria become critical as the HR planning process progresses. The S1 HQs Tm will almost always locate at the BCT/BDE Main CP, as directed by current BCT Doctrine, and collocates with the BCT/BDE S4 Section. SIPR connectivity is provided by the JNN Node at the BCT Main. The BCT/BDE S1 FBCB2 terminal will also be located at this site. The Personnel Readiness Tm, at a minimum will collocate with the HQs Tm. The Personnel Services Team may collocate with the remainder of the section or may operate in the BCTSA as part of the BSB Toc. The BSB TOC has JNN SIPR connectivity, NIPR VSAT capability and BCS3 and FBCB2. Regular data contact is required during split section operations. The Tm occupies this position as the majority of postal and replacements and R5 movements will take place out of the BCTSA. During FOB operations, the section will most likely collocate. BCTSA BSB TOC FBCB2/BCS3 VOICE JNN/VSAT BN FSC HQs VSAT BN S1 CAISI VOICE FBCB2 TFSA

-QUERY (DATASTORE) -PERSTEMPO -PERSONNEL ACTIONS -UPDATING STATUS -SYSTEM ADMIN -ERROR RECONCILIATION -PASSR TOOL (TAPDB UPDATE) FEEDS OTHER SYSTEMS MEDPROS -MED READINESS TPS -MANIFESTING -TASK ORGANIZING DTAS -DEPLOYED PASR -JPERSTAT -SOLDIER DAILY LOCATOR -TASK ORGANIZER COPS -QUERY -STRNGTH MNGMT DCIPS-FWD -CASUALTY REPORTING -UPDATE CAS STATUS TOPMIS/eTOPMIS -OFF RECORD UPDATES -ORBs -QUERY -PROMOTION ORDERS -RFO DAPMIS PHOTO VIEW This slide highlights the various HR AC systems that the S1 section must use during day-to-day operations…note the numerous systems for which the section must gain and retain technical competence. The uses for the systems are highlighted on the slide. The greatest challenge for transforming S1 sections is gaining the correct accesses to the systems and developing sustainment training that allows the majority of the section to gain and maintain proficiency on the majority of the systems. eMILPO has wide use in the BCT/BDE S1 section. COPS, TOPMIS and EDAS are used by the strength management and records section. DCIPS-FWD is the system used to transmit casualty reports and is, therefore, one of the most important to maintain redundant capability with operators throughout the section. Casualty Operations is truly a zero defects operation for HR Professionals! EDAS -QUERY -REQ UPDATES -PROMOTION PT UPDATE -GAINS ROSTER -LOSS ROSTER -OPTNL DELETION DEERS-RAPID -CAC CARDS -DEPENDENT DATA

BCT S1 43A (42H) – O4 S1 42B – 02 STRENGTH MNGR AG LTs HERE IN BN S1 42B – O3 S1 683 PAX RSTA BN S1 42B – O3 S1 360 PAX BTB BN S1 42B – O3 S1 394 PAX IN BN S1 42B – O3 S1 683 PAX FIRES BN S1 42B – O2 S1 292 PAX BSB BN S1 42B – O3 S1 872 PAX As earlier mentioned, adding 42B officers to every TOE Bn in the Army to serve as the Bn S1 helps to professionalize HR operations within the BCT/BDE. This slide describes the position coding by grade and also describes the opportunities for leader development and officer professional growth even during a lifecycle rotation. Not all Bns receive an CPT as the S1, as the Army structure would not support that many 42B CPTs with little LT opportunity. The formula for determining the grade of the S1 was supported population. The number used as the rule of thumb was 350 Soldiers in the supported population. If below 350, a LT was assigned to the position, if above a CPT. There are two LT positions in the BCT used here as an example: the BDE Strength Manager and the Fires Bn S1. The remainder of the S1s are CPTs. Officer development could work like this: A LT enters the BCT as the Strength Manager, learns the trade there, then goes to a smaller Bn as S1, gets promoted to CPT and then takes over one of the larger Bns. Female 42Bs can serve in the BDE HQs as the S1, Strength Manager and as the BSB and BTB S1. MUST ENSURE TRAINING TARGETS S1 SKILLS TOTALS: 43 O4 – 1 42 O3 – 5 42 O2 - 2

15 BATTALION S-1 The next section of the brief discusses the structure and capabilities of the PSDR-transformed BN S1 section.

685 SUPPORTED POPULATION PSDR ADDITIONS 1/0/9 10 INF BN S1 INF BN S1 + 0/0/2 2 = E5 42A E3 42A 1/0/7 8 O3 11A S1 E7 42A SR HR SGT E6 42A HR NCO E5 42A HR NCO E5 27D LEGAL SGT E4 42A HR SPC E3 42A HR SPC E3 42L MAIL CLERK * O3 42B S1 E7 42A SR HR SGT E6 42A HR NCO E5 42A HR NCO (2) E5 27D LEGAL SGT E4 42A HR SPC E3 42A HR SPC (2) E3 42A HR SPC/ MAIL CLERK Unlike BCT/BDE S1 sections, BN S1 sections are still based on the MARC analysis which created legacy S1 section structure based on supported population. PSDR transformation adds 2 Soldiers to the established TOE BN S1 section strength. This slide depicts an INF BN S1 Section before and after PSDR transformation. Note that the branch of the S1 changes from 11A to 42B. The AGS is rapidly transforming POIs to reflect the change in focus at both BOLC and CCC – to ensure that young AG officers are in fact HR professionals. The majority of tasks migrated from the legacy Personnel structure to BCT/BDE and BN S1 sections are performed at the BDE level, so the 2 Soldier addition is sufficient based on both the PSDR Pilot conducted at Ft Campbell and the detailed MANPRINT analysis performed by the Army G1. * CONVERSION TO 42B APPLIES TO ALL BNs

BN S-1 Mission: Plan, Coordinate, and execute Bn HR support. Sample Bn S-1 Section – Bn Size determines Section size (03 42B) S-1 NCOIC (E7 42A) Manning HR Services Personnel Support Legal (E6 42A) (E3 42A) (E5 42A) (E4 42A) (E3 42A) (E5 42A) (E3 42A) (E4 27D) CAPABILITIES The battalion S-1 section is a multifunctional organization that provides personnel support to the battalion to include personnel readiness management, personnel accounting and strength reporting, casualty operations management, R5 operations management, personnel information management, personnel data management, postal operations management, MWR support, HR planning, and essential personnel services. Bn S1 section size determined by MARC rules and supported population. PSDR conversion adds 2 Soldiers: 1 x 42A10, 1 x 42A20.

AVN BN S1 SECTION ATTACK/RECON SQDRN (OH58D) 380 SUPPORTED POPULATION PSDR ADDITIONS 1/0/8 9 AVN BN S1 AVN BN S1 + 0/0/2 2 = E5 42A E3 42A 1/0/6 7 O3 15B S1 E7 42A SR HR SGT E6 42A HR NCO E5 42A HR NCO E5 27D LEGAL SGT E4 42A HR SPC E3 42L MAIL CLERK * O3 42B S1 E7 42A SR HR SGT E6 42A HR NCO E5 42A HR NCO (2) E5 27D LEGAL SGT E4 42A HR SPC E3 42A HR SPC E3 42A HR SPC/ MAIL CLERK This slide reflects another BN S1 section where the MARC establishes a smaller section prior to PSDR transformation. After the conversion, the AVN BN S1 section consists of 9 personnel and the S1 is also an 42B CPT. Like the INF BN and the BCT/BDE, this S1 section is a discreet paragraph on the AVN BN TOE, that means that it stands alone within the TOE, it is not combined with any other section and it can not be modified by another proponent without the approval of the Cdr SSI, and CDR TRADOC. This is done due to the amount of former SRC12 structure which was committed to other proponents to accomplish the transformed HR mission, and the assets committed to that effort are just sufficient to complete the tasks. Proponents should not reduce the S1 section to add structure elsewhere in their TOE. * CONVERSION TO 42B APPLIES TO ALL BNs

(SIPR) INPUTS REQUIRE A 42A10 BN TOC (ONLY SIPR DATA) REPORTS FLOW VIA FBCB2 BN S1 AND SMALL ELEMENT COLOCATE W/S4 (NO DATA CAPABILITY) S1 SECTION (-) LOCATES W/FSC CP IN THE TFSA (FSC VSAT) REQUIRES FBCB2 SUPPORT 2.4 M Ku TERMINAL BN TOC JNN – BCPN FBCB2 (42A10) BN FSC HQs VSAT BN S1 CAISI VOICE FBCB2 This slide depicts positioning criteria and COAs for the Bn S1 Section. The S1 Section must be positioned with access to both NIPR and SIPR data connectivity. All HR systems with the exception of DTAS operate in NIPR. S1 sections have been provided with CAISI for NIPR connectivity, but that directs that at least an element of the section must be within LOS (3-5 kn) of the VSAT terminal in the Forward Support Company providing sustainment support for the BN. The only direct SIPR data outlet in the BN is provided by the JNN BCPN (Battalion Command Post Node, located at the BN TOC. The S1 must have at least one clerk at that location to update the DTAS database daily – which is a deployed requirement due to the S1 responsibility to input Soldier location daily in DTAS. The BN S1 section can split with a small element and the S1 at the Combat Trains Command Post, in proximity to the BN TOC, with the S1 linked to the TOC via FBCB2, while the remainder of the section is either in the TFSA or the BCTSA in proximity to the FSC VSAT or the BCT/BDE S1 section VSAT. BN CTCP FBCB2 VOICE TFSA BCTSA BSB TOC FBCB2/BCS3 VOICE JNN/VSAT FMI HBCT CAB

-QUERY (DATASTORE) -PERSTEMPO -PERSONNEL ACTIONS FEEDS OTHER SYSTEMS MEDPROS -MED READINESS TPS -MANIFESTING -TASK ORGANIZING TOPMIS/eTOPMIS -OFF RECORD UPDATES -ORBs -QUERY -PROMOTION ORDERS -RFO DAPMIS PHOTO VIEW EDAS -QUERY DTAS -DEPLOYED PASR -JPERSTAT -SOLDIER DAILY LOCATOR -TASK ORGANIZER This slide depicts the AC HR systems used in the Bn S1 section. Note that there are fewer systems than at the BCT/BDE level and that some of the functions the systems are used for differ as well. This is due to the task variance between the two sections. Note EDAS, which is only used at the BN-level for Query, while it is used at the BCT/BDE level to create and monitor requisitions. Again, all systems here are NIPR-based, with the exception of DTAS. TPS, although a NIPR system, is used to capture CAC data and import it into DTAS.

21 + = STB S1 SECTION 2/1/10 13 STB S1 PSDR ADDITIONS STB S1 0/1/4 5
2/0/6 8 W3/4 420A E6 42A E5 42F E5 42A E3 42A O3 42B S1 O2 42B STR MGR W3/4 420A PER TECH E7 42A Sr HR SGT E6 42A HR NCO (2) E5 42A HR NCO (2) E5 42F HR NCO E4 42A HR SPC E4 27D LEGAL SPC E3 42A HR SPC E3 42A HR SPC/MAIL CLERK O3 42B S1 O2 42B ASST S-1 E7 42A Sr HR SGT E6 42A HR NCO E5 42A HR NCO E4 42A HR SPC E4 27D LEGAL SPC E3 42L MAIL CLERK The Special Troops Battalion is a special circumstance for a Bn S1 Section. The STB supports the Headquarters personnel for higher level HQs – DIV/CORPS/ASCC/ARMY and TSC. This Bn S1 section is expected to perform tasks more closely related to those of a BDE S1 section. Note that the endstate structure is much more like a BCT/BDE S1 Section. The S1 is a 42B CPT, but it is expected that they will be more senior and more experienced than their peers. The systems piece also more closely resembles the BDE S1 section than the BN S1 Section. STBn provide C2 For Div/Corps/Army And TSC HQs -Provides Bde S1-type support -Bde S1 accesses/systems -PRM/PASR/EPS

S1 SECTIONS ARE TIED TO AUTOMATION. WHEN SYSTEMS GO DOWN, OPERATIONS STOP CSS/VSAT IS ESSENTIAL TO PERSONNEL OPERATIONS. SHOULD BE EXPANDED TO G1, HR COMPANY, AND SPECIAL TROOPS BATTALION DIGITAL SENDERS ARE A GREAT ASSET; REDUCES TRANSPORTATION REQUIREMENTS AND KEEPS SOLDIERS OFF THE ROADS (HARMS WAY) BCT S1S DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO SYSTEMS FOR SUBORDINATE UNITS THAT ARE NOT ASSIGNED TO THEM FROM HOME STATION (TO INCLUDE RC SOLDIERS). CANNOT PERFORM ALL OF THEIR S1 REQUIREMENTS. NEED SYSTEM VISIBILITY OF RC AND ALL ASSIGNED OR TASK ORGANIZED SOLDIERS DIGITAL SIGNATURES FOR DD93 AND SGLV MUST BE MADE AVAILABLE EXPERIENCED 420A AND SEASONED NCOIC ARE ESSENTIAL TO BCT SUCCESS STRENGTH MANAGERS NOT TRAINED TO CONDUCT OPERATIONS PSDR IS A GOOD THING. IT PUTS PSS FUNCTIONS CLOSER TO SOLDIERS AND COMMANDERS (BOTH ARE BETTER SERVED). The PSDR Pilot was executed by Army G1, HRC, SSI and FORSCOM to validate the PSDR concept with the 101st Airborne Division and FT Campbell. Many lessons were learned both by the HR professionals transforming and the team that facilitated the transformation. In order to continue to track the progress of 101st S1 sections, a VTC was conducted with the forward deployed Division. Note the significance of connectivity and bandwidth, and the reliance on VSAT/CAISI. The Sr HR folks added to the BCT/BDEs are easing the transition and the level of training for strength managers is lacking – all of which are observations are being addressed by the PSDR team.

23 EPS ACTION FLOWS This next section of the briefing describes the flow of Essential Personnel Services (EPS) actions in the various Army components under PSDR. The paths describe the flattened processes by component and describe the linkage of the “bottom of the system” – BCT/BDE S1 sections, Bn S1 sections and unit administrators- pass actions direct to the corresponding “top of the system”. Additionally, it illustrates some of the challenges that face the HR community today based on the dissimilar HR systems found in the various components. Additionally, this section highlights how RC HR organizations and S1s process EPS actions in a different manner when mobilized – creating confusion.

TAPDB-AE Action/Approval Flow – Data Flow – Read Data -- ITAPDB HRC eMILPO EDAS TOPMIS II iPERMS/ DGTL SNDR TAPDB-AO xx 5 XX CDR S1 G1 4a CG approves action/makes final rec 4b 2a 6 The symbols and legend remain the same for the next series of slides and is reflected on each slide. The various lines indicate Action/Approval flows, Data flow, and Read Data flows. ITAPDB – Integrated Total Army Personnel Data Base TAPDB-AO - Total Army Personnel Data Base – Active Officer TAPDB-AE – Total Army Personnel Data Base – Active Enlisted MPD – Military Personnel Division – The IMA-run Installation HR provider This slide illustrates the EPS flow for active Soldiers and highlights some of the systems used. You will note that ther are no middlemen between the S1/G1 sections and the top of the system. While the majority of actions are passed higher digitally, some still require paper flow to HRC, most often in the form of a DA4187. Also of importance, this flow is the same whether the Soldier is deployed or is at home station – S1 sections perform the same tasks in the same manner, given the availability of NIPR connectivity in sufficient bandwidth. 1. A Soldier initiates an action at the Bn S1 – it is prepared and passed to the Bn Cdr for recommendation or approval – if the Bn Cdr is the final approver (AAM), the action is complete and the Bn S1 sends the eMILPO transaction to the TAPDB-AE and sends the award certificate to iPERMS via a digital sender. (2a) 2b. If the action must go higher, it is sent to the Bde S1 who reviews it and forwards it to the Bde Cdr for recommendation or approval. (3) If the Bde Cdr is the final approver (ARECOM), the completed action is recorded in eMILPO and the certificate is sent to iPERMS. If the Bde Cdr is the final recommender, the action is forwarded to HRC via digital sender or manually. (4a) 4b. If the action must go higher, it is forwarded to the G1, who reviews it and forwards it through the SGS to the CG. The CG approves the action and it is returned to the G1 (MSM) (5). Now, the G1 section could send the eMILPO transaction and certificate, but it is preferred, given workload distribution, that the action be passed back to the Bde S1 section for forwrding to the top of the system. (6) (4a) The Bde S1 is the record custodian for all assigned Soldiers, so the data should be passed by them. Once the eMILPO transaction, or other system’s data traffic, is passed to TAPDB, the TAPDDB updates the ITAPDB daily. National-level Army HR providers use the ITAPDB as the primary data warehouse for Soldier information. S1 x CDR 3 X S1 MPD 2b If required, Bde Cdr approves Action/makes rec S1 II CDR 1 S1 II Cdr/Soldier initiates action Bn Cdr approves Action/makes rec

(PSDR) HRC-SL USARC G1 ITAPDB TAPDB-R Action/Approval Flow – Data Flow – Read Data -- RLAS Manual RRC The USAR garrison process varies somewhat: 1.The top of the system is different depending on the USAR status of the Soldier. TPU units route their actions to the Regional Readiness Command (RRC) as the top of the system, while actions concerning IRR and AGR Soldiers are sent to HRC-St Louis. 2. Much of the day-to-day HR business is handled by full time unit administrators or mil techs. 3. The systems used to transmit the data are different, with the most prevalent system used being RLAS. 4. The data record for USAR Soldiers is maintained in the Total Army Personnel Data Base-Reserves (TAPDB-R), which daily updates ITAPDB on selected critical datapoints. There are very few Bde structures in the USAR, so most actions are approved and passed to the database at the Battalion level or the RRC level. NOTE: TAPDB-R is able to send and receive Soldier Bundles from TAPDB-AO and AE during the mobilization process. II S1 S1 II CDR Cdr approves action MILTECH I I Soldier initiates transaction CDR S1 S1 Cdr approves action UNIT ADMINISTRATOR

(PSDR) JFHQ-STATE (J-STARC) ITAPDB TAPDB-G SIDPERS 2.75 MILPO SIDPERS 2.75 RCAS EXCEL Manual Varies by State X S1 S1 x CDR Cdr approves action The ARNG Garrison process also varies from the AC system in the systems utilized and the personnel performing the majority of the tasks. S1 sections will perform these EPS tasks for their units during drill periods and AT periods, while unit administrators will perform these tasks during the majority of the time. State MILPOs are integral to the system and serve as the “top of the system” as a subordinate element of the Joint Force HQs-State (or in some cases JSTARC). The major differences between the AC system and the ARNG-garrison system are: Unit Administrators perform the majority of the actions SIDPERS 2.75 (web-based form is RCAS) is the official HR system for the NG, however, many states use other systems of their own to transit data to the top of the system in the state. NGB maintains officer records. TAPDB-G is the database of record for the ARNG. TAPDB-G pushes data daily to ITAPDB By policy, TAPDB-G pushes a Soldier Bundle of info after alert but prior to mobilization to allow a Soldier record to be created in TAPDB-AO and AE, but will not receive a Soldier bundle from the AC databases prior to demobilization, which requires by-hand transfer of Soldier data back to TAPBD-G via SIDPERS 2.75 UNIT ADMINISTRATOR II S1 S1 II CDR Cdr approves action UNIT ADMINISTRATOR I I Soldier initiates transaction CDR S1 S1 Cdr approves action UNIT ADMINISTRATOR

(PSDR) ITAPDB TAPDB-AE ACTIVATED NG/USAR RECORDS DO NOT PUSH/PULL TO ITAPDB HRC TAPDB-AO TAPDB-R RLAS xx DIV G1 XX eMILPO CDR S1 HRC-SL JFHQ-STATE (MILPO) RRC MANUAL If required, Bde Cdr approves action S1 x CDR X S1 SIDPERS 2.75 The EPS action paths for mobilized USAR and ARNG Soldiers again vary somewhat. Mobilized (federalized) RC Soldiers have an AD record created in TAPDB-AO and AE following alert and prior to mobilization which is created by the transfer of a Soldier bundle transfer of 88 critical data points from the respective RC DBs to the respective AC DBs. The majority of actions performed while on active duty are to then be performed via AC systems such as eMILPO and post changes in TAPDB-AO and AE. These changes and transactions must also be forwarded by the servicing S1 section to the respective top of the system for that RC Soldier in order to be updated in the respective RC system to the RC database by either the RRC, HRC-St Louis or RRC. This is more critical for ARNG Soldiers than AR Soldiers, but is a good practice for all. RC Soldiers can provide the MILPO/RRC data to S1s. Scan and or digital sender may be used to pass hard-copy supporting documentation. The next slide describes why this is important to provide the most accurate data posiible to Sr Leadership. MANUAL TAPDB-G S1 II CDR 58 MANUAL DESTINATIONS S1 II Action/Approval Flow – Data Flow – Read Data -- Bn Cdr approves action Commander/ Soldier initiates transaction

BUNDLES IN 2 DIRECTIONS TAPDB-AO TAPDB-R -ACTIVE OFFICERS -MOBILIZED RC OFFICERS -eMILPO, TOPMIS UPDATE -DATA BUNDLE TO TAPDB-R ON DEMOB, NOT TAPDB-G ITAPDB REFRESH DAILY -USAR ENLISTED/OFFICERS -SHARES DATA W/AO, AE -RLAS UPDATES DB-R -ACCEPTS DATA BUNDLE AT DEMOB -ALWAYS DB OF RECORD FOR USAR IN ITAPDB -DATA WAREHOUSE FOR ALL TAPDBs -UPDATES DATA DAILY -USED BY LDRSHP TOTAL COP -ONLY HOLDS 1 RECORD/SSN -BY POLICY, USES TAPDB-G, R FOR RC SOLDIERS EVEN WHEN MOBILIZED The reason that manual data must be provided from deployed S1 sections to servicing MILPOs/RRCs/HRC-SL is due to the following: ITAPDB is completely refreshed daily by the component TAPDBs ITAPDB can only maintain one record per SSN at a time. The agreement has been made that ITAPDB will read the supporting database which controls the Soldier all of the time… Therefore, ITAPDB reads data on RC SSNs from TAPDB-R and TAPDB-G, whether the Soldier is mobilized or not… eMILPO, which is the system of record while mobilized, does not provide data to the RC TAPDBs Therefore, as status changes are reported while mobilized in eMILPO, shadow transactions must also be performed through the servicing RC top of the system to ensure the mobilized RC Soldier’s status is most accurately recorded at the top of the system During demobilization, the Soldier bundle of transactions performed for USAR Soldiers in AO, AE can be transferred back to TAPDB-R electronically to ease the demob process… However, that process must be done manually for ARNG Soldiers, as by policy, TAPDB-G will not receive the same electronic transfer Records for mobilized RC Soldiers will be maintained in TAPDB-AO and AE for 130 days following the demob date. TAPDB-AE TAPDB-G -ACTIVE ENLISTED -MOBILIZED RC ENLISTED -eMILPO, EDAS UPDATE -DATA BUNDLE TO TAPDB-R ON DEMOB, NOT TAPDB-G -ARNG OFFICER/ENLISTED -SIDPERS 2.75/RCAS FEEDS -SERVER/STATE OR TER -FEEDS NGB -WILL NOT ACCEPT (POLICY) DATA BUNDLE FROM DEMOB BUNDLES FROM NG TO AC ONLY

29 DIVISION/ CORPS G-1 This next section of the briefing describes the flow of Essential Personnel Services (EPS) actions in the various Army components under PSDR. The paths describe the flattened processes by component and describe the linkage of the “bottom of the system” – BCT/BDE S1 sections, Bn S1 sections and unit administrators- pass actions direct to the corresponding “top of the system”. Additionally, it illustrates some of the challenges that face the HR community today based on the dissimilar HR systems found in the various components. Additionally, this section highlights how RC HR organizations and S1s process EPS actions in a different manner when mobilized – creating confusion.

30 DIVISION/CORPS G1 Division/Corps G-1 same number personnel, slight change in grade structure to accommodate standards of grade 31 personnel Division G-1 only has 2 FG (G-1 and D/G-1) Monitors PRM through PASR systems and acts, in conjunction with HRC, to remedy imbalances or operational shortcomings Receives 5-man CLT when deployed to perform Casualty tracking/verification – facilitates plugging into Theater casualty tracking/reporting Major Divisions: HR (Casualty, EPS (awards/actions)) PASR/PRM and PIM Plans and Operations MWR No G-1 representation in TAC CPs Interacts with Sustainment Bde SPO HR Ops Cell to coordinate required HR Company Postal and R5 support PASR vs PRM

1/1/0 2 PASR/PRM 1/0/6 7 PLANS & OPNS DIV 3/0/2=5 EPS (AWARDS/ACTIONS) 0/0/4 4 PIM 0/0/3 3 MWR 0/0/2 2 The Division G1 is the Division Commander’s principal staff officer for HR management. The term G1 also applies to separate theater-level brigades and other major subordinate commands (TSC, ESC). The early deploying element should be a combination of resources from the Division G1. It must be organized to support early entry/assault echelons. The minimum essential resources are those required to establish and operate the PASR and casualty reporting systems in the theater of operations. The expected situation duration and magnitude of operations will be deciding factors in determining the size and composition of lead and follow-on elements. Major Tasks: Plan, direct and manage HR core compentencies Provide emphasis on PASR accuracy, completeness, and timliness and Casualty operations Perform HR planning and prepare personnel estimates and annexes to plans Where required, coordinate crossleveling of replacements or personnel to meet Cdr’s operational requirements – coordinate deviation w/HRC and BCT/Bdes Coordinate forms and publications management, official mail distribution, Privacy Act and Freedom of Information Act inquiries, managing Congressional Inquiries (CI) within the Division headquarters and subordinate units Establish and document Division personnel policies and SOPs Coordinate with higher headquarters and the TSC/HRSC or ESC and supporting Sustainment Bde to obtain external HR support for the Division Ensure essential personnel services are available and determine provider for all assigned or attached JIM personnel Coordinate legal support of certain personnel activities to include service transfers and discharges, line of duty investigations, conscientious objector processing, summary court officer appointments, and military justice Ensure compliance of command responsibility for casualty correspondence (e.g., letters of condolence and sympathy) Integrate all HR support activities within the Division Coordinate the preparation of plans and orders for all HR Support activities Direct the military and civilian HR systems within the Division. Plan and coordinate MWR operations within the Division Manage the Soldier readiness program and assist BDE S1s with PRM based on readiness data and expected losses. Recommend replacement allocations and priorities of fill to the Division Commander/Division G3 when replacement shelves are utilized or a pool of non-centrally assigned replacements is expected Provide oversight/technical control of Army band operations. CAS 0/0/3 3 CLT 0/0/5 5 DEPLOYED AUGMENTATION

Plan, direct and mange HR core competencies in the Div/Corps Monitor PASR system to cross-level strength as required to support Cdr’s operational priorities Coordinate HR support for Div/Corps (either delivered by Bde/BCT S-1 sections or HR Companies) Prepare Personnel Estimates, OPLANs, OPORDs Establish/document Div/Corps HR policies and SOPs Coordinate w/higher HQs G-1s and ESC and Sustainment Bde HR Ops Cells Monitor and review casualty reports – may be required to approve in some conditions

Manage Soldier readiness program Recommend replacement allocations and priorities of fill to the Cdr/G-3 if executing theater replacement operations Serve as a member of Force Sustainment boards which require HR expertise Provide oversight/technical guidance of Army band operations


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