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Flat Mommies and Daddies. 2 COMPANY LOGO “While I know they would rather have their dad home, having the Flat Daddy has made his time away a little easier.

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1 Flat Mommies and Daddies

2 2 COMPANY LOGO “While I know they would rather have their dad home, having the Flat Daddy has made his time away a little easier on all of us. ~Nicole”

3 3 COMPANY LOGO “My heart melts every time she waves at the flat daddy, and says "Dada" then opens her mouth real big, and gives him kisses.” Thank you for our Flat Daddy. We wouldn't be able to get through this if it wasn't for the Flat Daddy. ~ Brandi

4 4 COMPANY LOGO “Our Flat Daddy arrived the weekend my husband left for sea. One month later I gave birth to our second daughter. I took him to the hospital with me. The doctors & nurses taped a mask on his face for the birth and we had such a great time! That enabled him to actually be there for the birth.” ~ Emily

5 5 COMPANY LOGO “I have 4 small daughters and my husband has been overseas for 8 months now. Before we received our Flat Daddy my smallest daughter would wander around the house calling for her daddy. Now she has a place where she can "sit" with daddy.” ~ Kim

6 6 COMPANY LOGO “(Flat) Daddy ate dinner with us, watched her take a bath (since she's now such a big girl that she swims), played with her and her dollhouse, and at this moment is in her bedroom watching over her as she sleeps. She can't stop talking to him. I thank you for this from the bottom of my heart. I have not seen her this happy since her Daddy left over two months ago.” ~ Kimberly

7 7 COMPANY LOGO “My 6yr old son likes to hug the flat daddy, My 2yr old daughter has to have the flat daddy next her bed watching over her as she sleeps. She's always kissing him and laying him on the living room floor so she can lay on his lap to watch TV. Thank you for helping my children during this difficult time!” ~ Robin

8 8 COMPANY LOGO “Our Flat Daddy was worth the wait! The "real" daddy has been gone for two months, but now Flat Daddy joins us for every meal. My 17-month old daughter can't walk past him without pointing and saying "Daddy" with a big smile on her face.” ~ Kelly

9 9 COMPANY LOGO “When my husband came home for his 2 week R&R our son recognized him immediately even after 9 months because we see Flat Daddy everyday and talk to him all the time. It has been the most wonderful thing to keep the kids "in touch" with daddy while he is gone.” ~ Julie

10 10 COMPANY LOGO “My children, ages 1, 2 and 13, love their Flat Daddy! When he first arrived my children were so excited they wouldn't go to sleep. I ended up with the 1 and 2 year old and Flat Daddy in bed with me because they wanted to sleep with him. My one year old carries him around even though it is bigger than her. He has had dirt poured on his head, been hit with a ball (my son wanted him to play baseball), they even wrestle with it.” ~ Kate

11 11 COMPANY LOGO “Our son gives his Flat Daddy kisses every night before bed and we use Flat Daddy to practice learning eyes, ears, nose, etc. My son would study his face and touch it and often laugh. It made him familiar with my husband, and for that I am so grateful! When we picked my husband up from the airport, my son was not only comfortable with him, but he was laughing with him, and smiling at him, and touching his face. ~ Beth

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