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PHYSICAL & HEALTH EDUCATION CANADA. Who is Physical & Health Education Canada? The national voice for physical and health education. We work with.

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5 Who is Physical & Health Education Canada? The national voice for physical and health education. We work with educators and on-the-ground professionals to develop the resources, understanding, and networks to ensure that all children and youth have the opportunity to lead physically active and healthy lives, now and in their future.

6 Stats and Facts Founded in 1933 Over 13,000 members across Canada Reach over 14,500 schools Connections with universities, colleges, school boards, Ministries of Education across Canada Partnerships with several national and regional organizations

7 Our Work Physical Literacy and Education Healthy School Communities Active After School and Leadership

8 Programs and Resources We have developed a number of resources, guides, training programs, assessment tools and recognition programs to strengthen the delivery of physical and health education in Canada Written by leading educators and researchers, reviewed by top experts, and tested in the field.

9 Our Work: Reviews and Endorsements We partner with non-profit and for-profit organizations to assist them in developing programs for schools. Look for resources with our endorsement seal and know that they are pedagogically sound, user-friendly, comprehensive, and relevant.

10 Our Work: Advocacy Physical and health education are core components of every curriculum in Canada, and recognized by UNESCO as a fundamental human right. PHE Canada works with provincial partners to ensure school administrators recognize that physical education is not optional, and that they equip their schools and teachers with the time, resources, and support to ensure a quality physical education program.

11 Our Work: Professional Development Our National Conferences provide a space for educators from across the country to network with colleagues, increase knowledge, and hone skills to ensure the best experience for children and youth in the school community. We also offer professional development workshops and webinars, collaboration through social media channels, and other mechanisms for educators to share, collaborate, and grow.

12 Healthy School Communities

13 Physical Literacy Individuals who are physically literate move with competence and confidence in a wide variety of physical activities in multiple environments that benefit the healthy development of the whole person.

14 Quality Daily Physical Education Sets the bar for what physical education should look like, both in terms of quantity and quality. Our Award Program recognizes schools who achieve quality physical education, and encourages schools to continually improve their PE program

15 Active After School Canadian Active After School Partnership - collaborative initiative of six national organizations which aims to enhance the delivery of quality after school programs through an online ‘HUB’ Active Living After School – partnership with Canadian Tire Jumpstart to offer active after school tool kits to groups across the country.


17 Advocacy Physical and health education are core components of every curriculum in Canada, and recognized by UNESCO as a fundamental human right. PHE Canada works with provincial partners to ensure school administrators recognize that physical education is not optional, and that they equip their schools and teachers with the time, resources, and support to ensure a quality physical education program.

18 Ipsos Canada Recent Findings 1 in 3 respondents rank a lack of physical activity or exercise in their top three issues of concern facing children and youth today. Nearly 9 in 10 Canadians agree that children do not get enough physical activity these days, while approximately 7 in 10 Canadians disagree that obesity concerns are exaggerated. 7 in 10 parents strongly or somewhat agree that physically active youth are more likely to become leaders in their community or career.

19 Why become a Member of PHE Canada? Be a part of a “REAL” social network!

20 Membership Two ways to join the PHE Canada community: 1) Supporter– FREE Receive monthly newsletters. 2) Professional Member - $80 ($50 student) Receive quarterly publication, sit on Program Advisory Committees, 10 % discount at the PHE Store.


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