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January 21, #YammerTV, #YayAnalytics.

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Presentation on theme: "January 21, #YammerTV, #YayAnalytics."— Presentation transcript:

1 January 21, 2014 @yammer, #YammerTV, #YayAnalytics

2 Learn about the Analytics tools and options within Yammer Walk through how to obtain customized reporting from using the Data Export and other tools Find out how other customers are utilizing Analytics to prove success in their Yammer networks Interact in Q&A discussion (last 5-10 minutes) Welcome Paul Agustin Dropper of Knowledge Yammer Christina Fan Customer Success Manager Yammer

3 Get Social With Us Ask questions and comment in Q&A Flexible console Open/close widgets View and download handouts Share content and takeaways @yammer, #socialjourney On-demand recording will be sent via email post-event

4 Agenda

5 5

6 Introduction to Measuring Business Value 6 Business value is achieved through a combination of quantitative and qualitative measures that are linked to one or more of the following three solutions: Engage Collaborate Attract, engage and retain your employees Connect, collaborate and share with high performing teams Adapt, compete and win through rapid innovation Innovate

7 Introduction to Measuring Business Value 7 The 3 solutions provide a great structure when identifying a social network’s business value by linking to the organization’s mission, vision, values and strategy. Developing use cases enables the definition of clear business objectives and measures of success, be those quantitative or qualitative. In each area where you are measuring business value you would have one or more use cases linked to one of the 3 solutions. Use Case Use Cases Three Solutions Organization’s mission / vision / values / strategy

8 Network Maturity and Business Value 8 Connections in the network grow exponentially with the number of users on the network. It is important to have a enough active and engaged people on your Yammer network before focusing on business value.

9 Network Maturity and Business Value 9 Delivering business value is a process of continuous iteration: Start with a defined business purpose / use case Focus on delivering business value Celebrate success to inspire others to initiate their own use cases Achieving outcomes which deliver business value is directly linked to the maturity of your Yammer network: The initial focus should be on getting people on the network and talking (Adoption) Next, get people talking about specific business areas/topics (Engagement) Only then will you be in a position to begin delivering business value (Embedded)

10 Network Maturity and Business Value 10 As the network matures the blend of where you focus effort will change:

11 Poll #1 How familiar are you with Yammer Analytics? a)Yammer has analytics? b)I know where the Analytics Dashboard is. c)I’ve looked at the Analytics Dashboard. d)I frequently use it and Yammer’s Data Export.

12 Analytics

13 Why are these Analytics important? Monitoring and tracking the performance of your network lets you observe its health, identify opportunities for growth, and helps you keep track of how your organization is using Yammer. These statistics can help you see where your network needs help. What measurements are available? Analytics Dashboard – out of the box analytics tools from Yammer. Data Export – zip file containing.CSV files of messages and archives containing files and Notes. 13

14 Analytics Dashboard

15 How do I use the Analytics Dashboard?* Access the Analytics Dashboard from your Yammer Network: 1.In the top right hand corner, select “Apps” 2.Scroll down to “My Apps.” 3.Click on the Analytics button. Note: “Analytics” is open to all users on your network, so any user can view aggregate statistics. In the next slides, we will take a look at some best practices for using the analytics dashboard. *Yammer Analytics are subject to change. Please refer to the Product Release Schedule for more details.


17 Analytics Overview 17 Getting Started Take a snapshot to measure results over time Toggle the results between 7 or 28 days Best Practices Work with your Community Manager to decide network analytics strategy Use this view to see if there is consistent growth Question s to Ask 1.Are messages being posted by a few people in your network? 2.How can you get additional member active and involved? 3.With the growth, what additional actions are needed?

18 Engaged Members 18 Getting Started Toggle the results between 7 or 28 days Engaged users have taken an action* in Yammer Best Practices Use this view to see how many total members are in the network Engagement varies because of organizational uses of Yammer Question s to Ask 1.How are new members joining the network? 2.What could be done to increase the level of engagement? * An action means the member has posted, replied to, Liked or Shared a conversation or Private Message, viewed a full conversation, or clicked to expand a post.


20 Messages Overview 20 Getting Started Toggle the results between 7 or 28 days Messages posted in public groups* in Yammer Best Practices Use this view to see how many total messages are in the network and growth over the past six months Question s to Ask 1.What is the ratio of private messages compared to group messages? 2.Do the members of the network about creating messages in groups? 3.What types of conversations are happening on the network? 4.What could be done to increase the number of messages posted in groups? *Groups include the All Company Group, Private and Public groups.

21 Groups Overview 21 Getting Started Toggle the results between 7 or 28 days Review active groups* in Yammer Best Practices Use this view to see how many total groups are in the network, including public and private Review active groups the past six months Question s to Ask 1.What is the ratio of private groups compared to public groups? 2.If your group count is low or not active, do the members of the network know about creating groups? If not, what are the use cases for groups related to your network? 3.What types of groups have the most activity? 4.Do you have Group Administration guidelines for new group admins? *Active Groups includes groups with messages posted in the timeframe selected.


23 File Sharing 23 Getting Started Toggle the results between 7 or 28 days Review files* uploaded to Yammer Best Practices If Files usage isn’t where you’d like, work with your Community Manager and organize training sessions on collaboration using Yammer. Question s to Ask 1.What is the use of files on the network? 2.Determine the amount of viewing of files compared to active uploading. *Files include any file attached in a Yammer post, ie. Word Documents,.Mov File or.Jpeg etc

24 Note Creation 24 Getting Started Toggle the results between 7 or 28 days Review notes created on Yammer Best Practices If Notes usage isn’t where you’d like, work with your Community Manager and organize training sessions on collaboration using Yammer. Question s to Ask 1.Do your members know how to use Notes? What are they using notes for? 2.Determine the amount of viewing of files compared to active uploading. *Files include any file attached in a Yammer post, ie. Word Documents,.Mov File or.Jpeg etc.

25 Note Views 25 Getting Started Toggle the results between 7 or 28 days Review notes view in Yammer Best Practices Review to see what Notes are commonly referred to and viewed. These views only include public notes. Question s to Ask 1.For the most popular viewed notes, what is driving their popularity? 2.How can you encourage and share the information via Notes?


27 Access Information 27 Getting Started Toggle the results between 7 or 28 days Client snapshot of people logging and posting to Yammer Best Practices See where members are logging on to most to direct additional communication and educations around Yammers usage and availability. Question s to Ask 1.Are people aware of the variety of ways to interact with Yammer? 2.What area are people using most? Where is the area of opportunity for additional usage?

28 Mobile Access Information 28 Getting Started Toggle the results between 7 or 28 days Snapshot of which mobile client is used to log into Yammer Best Practices Use this information to plan additional uses of Yammer Additional training may be offered specific to mobile user scenarios. Question s to Ask 1.Are people aware of the different ways to connect with Yammer from their mobile devices? 2.What are areas of opportunity for you to support additional mobile usage? 3.Is the Yammer usage supported by your mobile device polices within your organization?

29 Data Export

30 Where can I find the Data Export feature? By clicking Admin, Content and Security, then selecting Export Data, you can access the data export features

31 What kind of content can I export from Yammer? Yammer Data Export is for Verified Admins only and will package and export all messages, Notes, Files, topics, users, and groups. Data will be exported into a zip file containing.CSV files of messages and additional archives containing files and Notes. You can perform a one-time export simply by specifying the starting date from which you would like to export.

32 What does Data Export file include? Messages, Users, Topics and Groups in separate.CSV files: This contains public and Private Messages as well as complete details of each data type, such as message ID, timestamps, participants, group names, etc. Files and Notes folders: These will contain files and Notes on your network. Files will be in their native format and Notes will be exported in.html format. Note: that exports will only contain files and Notes created or modified during the time period specified for the export.

33 I have my export file, so now what? Create a PivotTable, one of the coolest features of Microsoft Excel. PivotTables allow you to aggregate and visualize the data from your Export File. Analyzing the Messages.csv file: o Find the Top 10 groups based on posts or conversations, drill down to see the breakdown by day. o Find the Top 10 posters, drill down to see the breakdown by day, month, quarter, etc. Analyzing the Topics.csv file: o Breakdown the number of topics created by day, month, quarter, etc. Analyzing the Users.csv file: o Breakdown the number of users added, suspended, or deleted by day, month, quarter, etc. 33

34 PivotTable? Whaaaaat? Here are some great resources from the Microsoft Office Team on getting started with PivotTables: o Create a PivotTable to Analyse Worksheet Data Create a PivotTable to Analyse Worksheet Data o Use the Field List to arrange fields in an PivotTable Use the Field List to arrange fields in an PivotTable o Update (refresh) data in a PivotTable Update (refresh) data in a PivotTable o Filter data in a PivotTable Filter data in a PivotTable o Sort data in a PivotTable Sort data in a PivotTable o Delete a PivotTable Delete a PivotTable 34

35 Tips before creating a PivotTable Make a copy of your.CSV files Expand all columns Breakdown your date/time columns (created_at, deleted_at, etc) into just a Date column o In an empty column, call it “Date” and include this formula in the adjacent row: "=CONCATENATE(LEFT(X#,10))" where "X#" is a date/time cell for that row. For example, in the Messages.csv file: In cell U1, title it, “Create Date” In cell U2, enter the formula, “=CONCATENATE(LEFT(S2,10))" Add a column for # of days since the last activity occurred, include this formula: o “=TODAY()-X#” where “X#” is the resulting cell from above. o Change the format of the cells to “General” 35

36 Yammer vs. Excel What analytics data can you pull from each resource?* *This may be subject to change. Review Product Roadmap for any changes.

37 37

38 Real Life Examples

39 What day do most people post messages on Yammer? Link to Recipe:

40 What are the Top 10 Groups based on Messages posted? Link to Recipe:

41 Poll #2 How often do you capture “stories” from Yammer? a)I didn’t even think to capture stories b)I’ve heard some, but don’t do anything with it c)I tag all the great stories

42 Qualitative Measurements

43 43


45 Why Stories? 45 Stories can have a tremendous impact on organizations: Stories reveal what’s really happening in your organization Stories inspire us to take action Stories stick in your mind much better than dot points and clever arguments Stories connect us to a purpose and improve our performance Stories share and embed values

46 Finding Stories? 46 Asking the right questions, can help elicit stories: Tell me about a time in Yammer when... Tell me about a moment in Yammer when... What happened in Yammer? Do you have an example? Where does it happen? Can you illustrate that for me with a specific instance? When have you seen this occur in Yammer?

47 Capturing Qualitative Business Value So what techniques can you apply in your Yammer networks? It is easier to quantify business value when you have a clear vision for how Yammer is going to directly support the organization’s mission, vision, values and strategy. Consider defining how Yammer is going to support the success of the organization. Focus on the metrics that the business is already using to measure performance. Consider using surveys, either before and after a Yammer network is launched. This can also be linked to annual employee engagement surveys, and may reveal interesting insights into employee engagement. 47

48 Quantitative vs. Qualitative measures When describing Quantitative measures, you are focused on statistics obtained from the Yammer analytics dashboard. Yammer recommends capturing Qualitative success stories at regular intervals. This is a great way to celebrate the business value that your Yammer network has delivered. Yammer Administrators should work closely with Yammer Community Managers to identify what measures are important and how often to capture them. 48

49 49

50 Conclusion 50 QuantitativeQualitative Quick & easy to capture and good for showing network health More difficult to capture but better for demonstrating business value Network Maturity Measurement approach Qualitative Measures (Business Value) Quantitative Measures (Network Health)

51 So Now What?  Examine your Analytics Dashboard  Plan a Data Export Schedule  Perform a Data Export  Create a Pivot Table using your data  Share what kind of report you’ve created and how in the Yammer Analytics Group on the YCN

52 Questions?

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