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PANHA CHIET UNIVERSITY Bachelor Programs – Year 4 Intercultural Communication in The Global Workplace Fifth Edition Iris Varner & Linda Beamer PANHA CHIET.

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Presentation on theme: "PANHA CHIET UNIVERSITY Bachelor Programs – Year 4 Intercultural Communication in The Global Workplace Fifth Edition Iris Varner & Linda Beamer PANHA CHIET."— Presentation transcript:

1 PANHA CHIET UNIVERSITY Bachelor Programs – Year 4 Intercultural Communication in The Global Workplace Fifth Edition Iris Varner & Linda Beamer PANHA CHIET UNIVERSITY Intercultural Communication Chapter 12: Intercultural Dynamics in the International companyJuly, 20014 Facilitator: Mr. UON SOKCHEA, MBA, MA, and PhD Can. Tel: 070 94 38 39 / 017 56 52 87 Email: /

2 Key Ideas asynergy of businesscorporate intercultural strategies to form a new construct A successful intercultural business communication strategy requires a synergy of business, corporate, and intercultural strategies to form a new construct. Increasingly employees will work in culturally diverse teams. Team Team members must be aware of various types of teams and the process for building effective teams. Sometimes teams fail, and disbanding the team may be the best solution. Team dynamics intercultural business communicationstrategies Team dynamics and intercultural business communication strategies are crucial tools in reaching corporate objectives. PANHA CHIET UNIVERSITY Intercultural Communication Chapter 12: Intercultural Dynamics in the International companyJuly, 20014 Facilitator: Mr. UON SOKCHEA, MBA, MA, and PhD Can. Tel: 070 94 38 39 / 017 56 52 87 Email: /

3 Intercultural Business Communication as a Strategic Tool for Success PANHA CHIET UNIVERSITY Intercultural Communication Chapter 12: Intercultural Dynamics in the International companyJuly, 20014 Facilitator: Mr. UON SOKCHEA, MBA, MA, and PhD Can. Tel: 070 94 38 39 / 017 56 52 87 Email: /

4 Intercultural Business Communication Strategy IBC IBC Strategy has three components: Business strategy Business strategy Corporate strategy Corporate strategy Intercultural strategy Intercultural strategy The three components interact and form a new construct: IBC strategy. PANHA CHIET UNIVERSITY Intercultural Communication Chapter 12: Intercultural Dynamics in the International companyJuly, 20014 Facilitator: Mr. UON SOKCHEA, MBA, MA, and PhD Can. Tel: 070 94 38 39 / 017 56 52 87 Email: /

5  Corporate strategy  Corporate strategies typically fit within the three main categories of : o Stability o Growth o Retrenchment Intercultural Business Communication Strategy IBC PANHA CHIET UNIVERSITY Intercultural Communication Chapter 12: Intercultural Dynamics in the International companyJuly, 20014 Facilitator: Mr. UON SOKCHEA, MBA, MA, and PhD Can. Tel: 070 94 38 39 / 017 56 52 87 Email: /

6 Business strategy Business strategy  Business strategies may fit within the two overall categories: o Competitive strategies o Cooperative strategies Intercultural Business Communication Strategy IBC PANHA CHIET UNIVERSITY Intercultural Communication Chapter 12: Intercultural Dynamics in the International companyJuly, 20014 Facilitator: Mr. UON SOKCHEA, MBA, MA, and PhD Can. Tel: 070 94 38 39 / 017 56 52 87 Email: /

7 Intercultural Business Communication Strategy PANHA CHIET UNIVERSITY Intercultural Communication Chapter 12: Intercultural Dynamics in the International companyJuly, 20014 Facilitator: Mr. UON SOKCHEA, MBA, MA, and PhD Can. Tel: 070 94 38 39 / 017 56 52 87 Email: /

8 Relationships of Cultures National culture Business culture Industry culture Corporate culture Individual Culture PANHA CHIET UNIVERSITY Intercultural Communication Chapter 12: Intercultural Dynamics in the International companyJuly, 20014 Facilitator: Mr. UON SOKCHEA, MBA, MA, and PhD Can. Tel: 070 94 38 39 / 017 56 52 87 Email: /

9 Dynamics of Culturally Diverse Teams PANHA CHIET UNIVERSITY Intercultural Communication Chapter 12: Intercultural Dynamics in the International companyJuly, 20014 Facilitator: Mr. UON SOKCHEA, MBA, MA, and PhD Can. Tel: 070 94 38 39 / 017 56 52 87 Email: /

10 Types of Multicultural Teams We can identify three types of teams: Destroyers: They cannot agree on anything. They don’t trust each other, and nothing is possible anyway. Equalizers: They easily fall into group-think. They make decisions but don’t use the input from diverse members. Creators: They develop a positive atmosphere where members feel safe to contribute and to disagree. They take longer to come to a decision, but they weigh many options and viewpoints. PANHA CHIET UNIVERSITY Intercultural Communication Chapter 12: Intercultural Dynamics in the International companyJuly, 20014 Facilitator: Mr. UON SOKCHEA, MBA, MA, and PhD Can. Tel: 070 94 38 39 / 017 56 52 87 Email: /

11 Creating Self-Awareness Questions to ask yourself? What is important to me? What is important to me? What are my biases? What are my biases? What are my priorities? What are my priorities? What turns me off? What turns me off? How tolerant am I of different viewpoints? How tolerant am I of different viewpoints? What can I contribute to the team? What can I contribute to the team? Am I a leader or a follower? Am I a leader or a follower? How has my culture influenced my thinking? How has my culture influenced my thinking? PANHA CHIET UNIVERSITY Intercultural Communication Chapter 12: Intercultural Dynamics in the International companyJuly, 20014 Facilitator: Mr. UON SOKCHEA, MBA, MA, and PhD Can. Tel: 070 94 38 39 / 017 56 52 87 Email: /

12 Mapping of Differences In this stage you put your priorities on paper. You assign values or numbers to the intensity of your views. You must be honest with yourself. PANHA CHIET UNIVERSITY Intercultural Communication Chapter 12: Intercultural Dynamics in the International companyJuly, 20014 Facilitator: Mr. UON SOKCHEA, MBA, MA, and PhD Can. Tel: 070 94 38 39 / 017 56 52 87 Email: /

13 Mapping Diagram PANHA CHIET UNIVERSITY Intercultural Communication Chapter 12: Intercultural Dynamics in the International companyJuly, 20014 Facilitator: Mr. UON SOKCHEA, MBA, MA, and PhD Can. Tel: 070 94 38 39 / 017 56 52 87 Email: /

14 Bridging the Gaps In this stage you compare the mapping diagrams of team members. The diagrams show where team members agree and disagree and which areas need the most attention. You discuss the similarities and differences. In identifying solutions you draw on everything you have learned so far: defining problems, reaching solutions, negotiating, solving conflicts. PANHA CHIET UNIVERSITY Intercultural Communication Chapter 12: Intercultural Dynamics in the International companyJuly, 20014 Facilitator: Mr. UON SOKCHEA, MBA, MA, and PhD Can. Tel: 070 94 38 39 / 017 56 52 87 Email: /

15 Developing Communication Strategies Team members integrate their knowledge. They build on everyone’s strengths. All views are heard. Creator teams are inclusive and provide a safe environment or all members. DIVERGENT THINKING IS ENCOURGED PANHA CHIET UNIVERSITY Intercultural Communication Chapter 12: Intercultural Dynamics in the International companyJuly, 20014 Facilitator: Mr. UON SOKCHEA, MBA, MA, and PhD Can. Tel: 070 94 38 39 / 017 56 52 87 Email: /

16 Assessing Results Teams assess their progress throughout. In the end teams assess the team process and how well they did as a team. Teams assess how and if the process contributed to reaching the goals the team had been charged with. Management of the company will also assess the team outcome. Knowledge derived from the team process and outcome will be stored for retrieval in the future. PANHA CHIET UNIVERSITY Intercultural Communication Chapter 12: Intercultural Dynamics in the International companyJuly, 20014 Facilitator: Mr. UON SOKCHEA, MBA, MA, and PhD Can. Tel: 070 94 38 39 / 017 56 52 87 Email: /

17 What To Do when Teams are Not Effective PANHA CHIET UNIVERSITY Intercultural Communication Chapter 12: Intercultural Dynamics in the International companyJuly, 20014 Facilitator: Mr. UON SOKCHEA, MBA, MA, and PhD Can. Tel: 070 94 38 39 / 017 56 52 87 Email: /

18 What to Do When Teams Fail Although no team sets out to fail, sometimes teams do fail. In this case Try to adapt to each other’s expectations. Gather knowledge and be aware of differences. Tolerate ambiguity. Manage your emotions and adjust your behavior. Subdivide the team and the tasks. Possibly restructure the team. Sub-teams can help the team move forward by tackling smaller but specific tasks. PANHA CHIET UNIVERSITY Intercultural Communication Chapter 12: Intercultural Dynamics in the International companyJuly, 20014 Facilitator: Mr. UON SOKCHEA, MBA, MA, and PhD Can. Tel: 070 94 38 39 / 017 56 52 87 Email: /

19 What to Do When Teams Fail, cont. Have a manager intervene. For this to work, the manager needs to be skilled in team building. The manager may not consider team dynamics an issue to completing a business task. Culturally aware managers can model individual CQ abilities Remove member(s) or disband. This is a last resort and a failure of team work. It may be the best solution. A new team may take over the task. PANHA CHIET UNIVERSITY Intercultural Communication Chapter 12: Intercultural Dynamics in the International companyJuly, 20014 Facilitator: Mr. UON SOKCHEA, MBA, MA, and PhD Can. Tel: 070 94 38 39 / 017 56 52 87 Email: /

20 Applying What You have Learned PANHA CHIET UNIVERSITY Intercultural Communication Chapter 12: Intercultural Dynamics in the International companyJuly, 20014 Facilitator: Mr. UON SOKCHEA, MBA, MA, and PhD Can. Tel: 070 94 38 39 / 017 56 52 87 Email: /

21 Cases and the “Real World” You are now ready to apply the knowledge you have gained to Cases that illustrate intercultural business communication issues Your workplace environment and the tasks you face in your day-to-day interaction with colleagues from many diverse backgrounds. PANHA CHIET UNIVERSITY Intercultural Communication Chapter 12: Intercultural Dynamics in the International companyJuly, 20014 Facilitator: Mr. UON SOKCHEA, MBA, MA, and PhD Can. Tel: 070 94 38 39 / 017 56 52 87 Email: /

22 Summary We discussed the variables of the intercultural business communication process: the intercultural strategy, the business strategy, and the communication strategy. The interaction of these three variables creates new synergies that help establish an intercultural business communication strategy. PANHA CHIET UNIVERSITY Intercultural Communication Chapter 12: Intercultural Dynamics in the International companyJuly, 20014 Facilitator: Mr. UON SOKCHEA, MBA, MA, and PhD Can. Tel: 070 94 38 39 / 017 56 52 87 Email: /

23 Summary As companies increasingly rely on teamwork, an understanding of the dynamics of culturally diverse teams is necessary. The stages in developing successful creator teams are: creating self-awareness, mapping of differences, bridging gaps and identifying synergies, developing communication strategies, and assessing the results of teamwork. Teams function in the context of corporate strategies and goals. Sometimes teams fail and disbanding may be the best solution. PANHA CHIET UNIVERSITY Intercultural Communication Chapter 12: Intercultural Dynamics in the International companyJuly, 20014 Facilitator: Mr. UON SOKCHEA, MBA, MA, and PhD Can. Tel: 070 94 38 39 / 017 56 52 87 Email: /

24 Conclusion Creator teams rely on the knowledge of intercultural business communication dynamics that have been discussed throughout the book. Increasingly you will work in diverse teams. To become an effective intercultural business communicator requires continuous learning, self- awareness and willingness to accept other viewpoints. PANHA CHIET UNIVERSITY Intercultural Communication Chapter 12: Intercultural Dynamics in the International companyJuly, 20014 Facilitator: Mr. UON SOKCHEA, MBA, MA, and PhD Can. Tel: 070 94 38 39 / 017 56 52 87 Email: /

25 PANHA CHIET UNIVERSITY Intercultural Communication Chapter 12: Intercultural Dynamics in the International companyJuly, 20014

26 Quiz discrimination 1- In the United State, what is discrimination considered for? 2- Why are legal interpretations influenced by culture? 3- What cultural Environments of Businesspeople? credentials, context, family orientation,political principles 4- Communication in organization based on credentials, context, family orientation, and political principles. Please explain about each in difference 5- What does the IBC stand for? IBC Strategy has three components. What are they? Please explain about each in difference 6- What are relationships of cultures? 7- We can identify three multicultural teams: What are they? Please explain about each in difference 8- How do we develop Communication Strategies? 9- What do you do when your teams are not effective?

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