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PARTS OF SPEECH and how each is used in a sentence.

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1 PARTS OF SPEECH and how each is used in a sentence

2 There are 8 Parts of Speech 1. Nouns THE NOUNTHE NOUN  Plurals Plurals and Possessive NounsPluralsPossessive Nouns 2. Pronouns PRONOUNSPRONOUNS 3. Verbs VERBSVERBS 4. Adjectives ADJECTIVESADJECTIVES 5. Adverbs ADVERBSADVERBS 6. Prepositions PREPOSITIONSPREPOSITIONS 7. Conjunctions CONJUNCTIONSCONJUNCTIONS 8. Interjections INTERJECTIONSINTERJECTIONS

3 THE NOUN  A noun is a naming word that identifies a:  Person  Place  Thing  Quality/concept/feeling  Activity  A proper noun names a specific person, place, or thing and is almost always capitalized.  A common noun names everything else – and is usually not capitalized.

4 A Noun is  singular when it refers to ONE person, place, thing, quality, concept, idea, feeling or activity  plural if it refers to MORE THAN ONE  possessive if it shows ownership of another noun. An apostrophe (’) is used to show ownership

5 Plurals 1. Usually to form a plural, add “s”  geekgeeks  hundredhundreds  rainbowrainbows  flowerflowers  managermanagers  TedTeds  SmithSmiths

6 More rules for plurals 2. If a singular noun ends in ch, s, sh, x and z add es to form plurals  One churchtwo churches  One messtwo messes  One washtwo washes  One foxtwo foxes

7 And more… 3. If a noun ends in a consonant followed by a y, change the y to i and add es  one companythree companies  one familysix families  one skymany skies  one buggya dozen buggies But 4. If a vowel comes before the final y, just add s.  one donkeythree donkeys  one monkeyfive monkeys  one dayseveral days  one boyteam of boys

8 Even more rules 4.Plurals of nouns ending in fe or f are formed by changing f to v and adding es  one knifetwo knives  one scarftwo scarves  one wolftwo wolves Exceptions  one rooftwo roofs  one safetwo safes  one chiefmany chiefs

9 More exceptions 5. Some nouns don’t change form when making them plural  one sheeptwo sheep  one moosetwo moose  one fishtwo fish  one deertwo deer 6. Some nouns look plural but are actually singular  news, politics, thanks, savings, physics, billiards, premises, economics 7. A collective noun names people, ideas or things as groups  team, jury, class, committee, association

10 Puzzling Plurals  alumnusalumni  child children  crisis crises  datum data  elf elves  foot feet  goose geese  hero heroes  index indices  louse lice  oxoxen  potatopotatoes  quizquizzes  selfselves  thiefthieves  thesistheses  toothteeth  wifewives  womanwomen  yourselfyourselves Singular Plural

11 Possessive Nouns  When one noun names a thing that belongs to another noun (dog’s biscuit), use an apostrophe to show ownership  Singular Possessive – add ’s  the computer’s keyboard = the keyboard belonging to the computer  a baby’s smile = the smile belonging to the baby  a goon’s balloon = a balloon belonging to a goon  If a singular noun ends in s or other hissing sound, add ’ or ’s  Professor Bones’ lectureorProfessor Bones’s lecture  The boss’ decisionorthe boss’s decision  The class’ reunionorthe class’s reunion

12 More about possessive nouns…  If a plural nouns ends in s, add an apostrophe  The two governesses’ duties  Three ships’ captains  Ten countries’ flags  All the employees’ rights  If a plural nouns does not end in s, add an apostrophe plus an s  The three children’s toys  A dozen fish’s gills  Many women’s issues  Three mice’s tails

13 When to use what  The city is on fire. Singular noun  The cities are on fire. Plural noun  The city’s fire department comes to the rescue. Singular possessive noun.  The surrounding cities’ fire departments all came to the rescue. Plural possessive noun.

14 Practice – Find the nouns Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens; Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens; Brown paper packages tied up with strings; These are a few of my favourite things. Cream-coloured ponies and crisp apple strudels; Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles; Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings; These are a few of my favourite things.

15 Check your list Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens Brown paper packages tied up with strings These are a few of my favorite things Cream colored ponies and crisp apple streudels Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings These are a few of my favorite things

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