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Verilog for Digital Design

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1 Verilog for Digital Design
Chapter 3: Sequential Logic Design

2 Must know sequence of past inputs to know output
3.1 Introduction Sequential circuit Output depends not just on present inputs (as in combinational circuit), but on past sequence of inputs Stores bits, also known as having “state” Simple example: a circuit that counts up in binary In this chapter, we will: Design a new building block, a flip-flop, that stores one bit Combine that block to build multi-bit storage – a register Describe the sequential behavior using a finite state machine Convert a finite state machine to a controller – a sequential circuit having a register and combinational logic 1 a 1 Combinational digital circuit F b 1 a ? Sequential digital circuit F b si ansis Must know sequence of past inputs to know output e z Note: Slides with animation are denoted with a small red "a" near the animated items

3 Example Needing Bit Storage
3.2 Example Needing Bit Storage Bit Storage Blue light Call button Cancel Flight attendant call button Press call: light turns on Stays on after button released Press cancel: light turns off Logic gate circuit to implement this? 1. Call button pressed – light turns on Bit Storage Blue light Call button Cancel 2. Call button released – light stays on a Q Call Cancel Doesn’t work. Q=1 when Call=1, but doesn’t stay 1 when Call returns to 0 Need some form of “feedback” in the circuit Bit Storage Blue light Call button Cancel 3. Cancel button pressed – light turns off a

4 Clocks Clock period: time interval between pulses
Above signal: period = 20 ns Clock cycle: one such time interval Above signal shows 3.5 clock cycles Clock frequency: 1/period Above signal: frequency = 1 / 20 ns = 50 MHz 1 Hz = 1/s 100 GHz 10 GHz 1 GHz 100 MHz 10 MHz 0.01 ns 0.1 ns 1 ns 10 ns 100 ns Period Freq

5 Note: Hundreds of different flip-flop designs exist
D Flip-Flop Flip-flop: Bit storage that stores on clock edge, not level One design -- master-servant Two latches, output of first goes to input of second, master latch has inverted clock signal So master loaded when C=0, then servant when C=1 When C changes from 0 to 1, master disabled, servant loaded with value that was at D just before C changed -- i.e., value at D during rising edge of C Clk rising edges Note: Hundreds of different flip-flop designs exist D latch master servant D Dm Ds Cs Qm Q s Qs C m Clk D flip-flop

6 D Flip-Flop Q ’ D D Q ’ Q Symbol for rising-edge triggered D flip-flop
Internal design: Just invert servant clock rather than master The triangle means clock input, edge triggered Q Symbol for rising-edge triggered D flip-flop Symbol for falling-edge triggered D flip-flop Clk rising edges falling edges Clk

7 Two latches inside each flip-flop
D Flip-Flop Solves problem of not knowing through how many latches a signal travels when C=1 In figure below, signal travels through exactly one flip-flop, for Clk_A or Clk_B Why? Because on rising edge of Clk, all four flip-flops are loaded simultaneously -- then all four no longer pay attention to their input, until the next rising edge. Doesn’t matter how long Clk is 1. D1 Q1 D2 Q2 D3 Q3 D4 Q4 Y Clk Clk_A Clk_B T w o l a t fli Two latches inside each flip-flop

8 Flight-Attendant Call Button Using D Flip-Flop
D flip-flop will store bit Inputs are Call, Cancel, and present value of D flip-flop, Q Truth table shown below C all but t on an c el Flight attendant call-button system Blue light Preserve value: if Q=0, make D=0; if Q=1, make D=1 Circuit derived from truth table, using Chapter 2 combinational logic design process Cancel -- make D=0 D Q’ Q Clk C all but t on an c el Blue light Call Cancel Call -- make D=1 Q Let’s give priority to Call -- make D=1

9 Basic Register Typically, we store multi-bit items
e.g., storing a 4-bit binary number Register: multiple flip-flops sharing clock signal From this point, we’ll use registers for bit storage No need to think of latches or flip-flops But now you know what’s inside a register

10 Example Using Registers: Temperature Display
Temperature history display Sensor outputs temperature as 5-bit binary number Timer pulses C every hour Record temperature on each pulse, display last three recorded values a4 x4 x3 x2 x1 x0 C a3 a2 a1 a0 t empe r a tu e sensor timer Display Present b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 TemperatureHistoryStorage 1 hour ago c4 c3 c2 c1 c0 2 hours ago (In practice, we would actually avoid connecting the timer output C to a clock input, instead only connecting an oscillator output to a clock input.)

11 Example Using Registers: Temperature Display
Use three 5-bit registers Q4 C x4 x3 x2 x1 x0 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q0 R a b I 4 3 2 1 a4 a3 a2 a1 a0 c b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 c4 c3 c2 c1 c0 TemperatureHistoryStorage 15 18 20 21 24 25 26 27 22 x4...x0 C R a b c

12 D Latch vs. D Flip-Flop Latch is level-sensitive: Stores D when C=1
Flip-flop is edge triggered: Stores D when C changes from 0 to 1 Saying “level-sensitive latch,” or “edge-triggered flip-flop,” is redundant Two types of flip-flops -- rising or falling edge triggered. Comparing behavior of latch and flip-flop:

13 Register Behavior

14 Register Behavior Sequential circuits have storage
Register: most common storage component N-bit register stores N bits Structure may consist of connected flip-flops I 3 I 2 I 1 I reg(4) Rst Q3 Q2 Q1 Q0 I 3 I 2 I 1 I 4-bit register D D D D Q Q Q Q Clk R R R R Rst Q3 Q2 Q1 Q0

15 Register Behavior Vectors
Typically just describe register behaviorally Declare output Q as reg variable to achieve storage Uses vector types Collection of bits More convenient than declaring separate bits like I3, I2, I1, I0 Vector's bits are numbered Options: [0:3], [1:4], etc. [3:0] Most-significant bit is on left Assign with binary constant (more on next slide) I 3 I 2 I 1 I reg(4) Rst Q3 Q2 Q1 Q0 `timescale 1 ns/1 ns module Reg4(I, Q, Clk, Rst); input [3:0] I; output [3:0] Q; reg [3:0] Q; input Clk, Rst; Clk) begin if (Rst == 1 ) Q <= 4'b0000; else Q <= I; end endmodule module Reg4(I3,I2,I1,I0,Q3,...); input I3, I2, I1, I0; I3 I2 I1 I0 module Reg4(I, Q, ...); input [3:0] I; I: I[3] I[2] I[1] I[0] vldd_ch3_Reg4.v

16 Register Behavior Constants
Binary constant 4'b0000 4: size, in number of bits 'b: binary base 0000: binary value Other constant bases possible d: decimal base, o: octal base, h: hexadecimal base 12'hFA2 'h: hexadecimal base 12: 3 hex digits require 12 bits FA2: hex value Size is always in bits, and optional 'hFA2 is OK For decimal constant, size and 'd optional 8'd255 or just 255 In previous uses like “A <= 1;” 1 and 0 are actually decimal numbers. ‘b1 and ‘b0 would explicitly represent bits Underscores may be inserted into value for readability 12'b1111_1010_0010 8_000_000 I 3 I 2 I 1 I reg(4) Rst Q3 Q2 Q1 Q0 `timescale 1 ns/1 ns module Reg4(I, Q, Clk, Rst); input [3:0] I; output [3:0] Q; reg [3:0] Q; input Clk, Rst; Clk) begin if (Rst == 1 ) Q <= 4'b0000; else Q <= I; end endmodule vldd_ch3_Reg4.v

17 Register Behavior Procedure's event control involves Clk input
Not the I input. Thus, synchronous "posedge Clk" Event is not just any change on Clk, but specifically change from 0 to 1 (positive edge) negedge also possible Process has synchronous reset Resets output Q only on rising edge of Clk Process writes output Q Q declared as reg variable, thus stores value too I 3 I 2 I 1 I reg(4) Rst Q3 Q2 Q1 Q0 `timescale 1 ns/1 ns module Reg4(I, Q, Clk, Rst); input [3:0] I; output [3:0] Q; reg [3:0] Q; input Clk, Rst; Clk) begin if (Rst == 1 ) Q <= 4'b0000; else Q <= I; end endmodule vldd_ch3_Reg4.v

18 Register Behavior Testbench
`timescale 1 ns/1 ns module Testbench(); reg [3:0] I_s; reg Clk_s, Rst_s; wire [3:0] Q_s; Reg4 CompToTest(I_s, Q_s, Clk_s, Rst_s); // Clock Procedure always begin Clk_s <= 0; #10; Clk_s <= 1; end // Note: Procedure repeats // Vector Procedure initial begin Rst_s <= 1; I_s <= 4'b0000; @(posedge Clk_s); #5 Rst_s <= 0; I_s <= 4'b1010; I_s <= 4'b1111; end endmodule Register Behavior Testbench reg/wire declarations and module instantiation similar to previous testbenches Module uses two procedures One generates 20 ns clock 0 for 10 ns, 1 for 10 ns Note: always procedure repeats Other provides values for inputs Rst and I (i.e., vectors) initial procedure executes just once, does not repeat (more on next slide) vldd_ch3_Reg4TB.v

19 Register Behavior Testbench
`timescale 1 ns/1 ns module Testbench(); reg [3:0] I_s; reg Clk_s, Rst_s; wire [3:0] Q_s; Reg4 CompToTest(I_s, Q_s, Clk_s, Rst_s); // Clock Procedure always begin Clk_s <= 0; #10; Clk_s <= 1; end // Note: Procedure repeats // Vector Procedure initial begin Rst_s <= 1; I_s <= 4'b0000; @(posedge Clk_s); #5 Rst_s <= 0; I_s <= 4'b1010; I_s <= 4'b1111; end endmodule Register Behavior Testbench Variables/nets can be shared between procedures Only one procedure should write to variable Variable can be read by many procedures Clock procedure writes to Clk_s Vector procedures reads Clk_s Event control Clk_s)" May be prepended to statement to synchronize execution with event occurrence Statement may be just ";" as in example In previous examples, the “statement” was a sequential block (begin-end) Test vectors thus don't include the clock's period hard coded Care taken to change input values away from clock edges vldd_ch3_Reg4TB.v

20 Register Behavior Testbench
... // Vector Procedure initial begin Rst_s <= 1; I_s <= 4'b0000; @(posedge Clk_s); #5 Rst_s <= 0; I_s <= 4'b1010; I_s <= 4'b1111; end Simulation results Note that Q_s updated only on rising clock edges Note Q_s thus unknown until first clock edge Q_s is reset to “0000” on first clock edge vldd_ch3_Reg4TB.v I_s Q_s time (ns) 10 20 30 40 Clk_s 50 70 0000 1010 1111 xxxx Rst_s 60 80 ... Clk) begin if (Rst == 1 ) Q <= 4'b0000; else Q <= I; end Remember that Q_s is connected to Q, and I_s to I, in the testbench vldd_ch3_Reg4.v Initial value of a bit is the unknown value x

21 Common Pitfalls Using "always" instead of "initial" procedure
// Vector Procedure always begin Rst_s <= 1; I_s <= 4'b0000; @(posedge Clk_s); ... #5 Rst_s <= 0; I_s <= 4'b1111; end Using "always" instead of "initial" procedure Causes repeated procedure execution Not including any delay control or event control in an always procedure May cause infinite loop in the simulator Simulator executes those statements over and over, never executing statements of another procedure Simulation time can never advance Symptom – Simulator appears to just hang, generating no waveforms // Vector Procedure always begin Rst_s <= 1; I_s <= 4'b0000; end time (ns) I_s Q_s 10 20 30 40 Clk_s 50 70 Rst_s 60 80

22 Common Pitfalls Not initializing all module inputs
May cause undefined outputs Or simulator may initialize to default value. Switching simulators may cause design to fail. Tip: Immediately initialize all module inputs when first writing procedure // Vector Procedure always begin Rst_s <= 1; I_s <= 4'b0000; @(posedge Clk_s); ... #5 Rst_s <= 0; I_s <= 4'b1111; end

23 Common Pitfalls Forgetting to explicitly declare as a wire an indentifier used in a port connection e.g., Q_s Verilog implicitly declares identifier as a net of the default net type, typically a one-bit wire Intended as shortcut to save typing for large circuits May not give warning message during compilation Works fine if a one-bit wire was desired But may be mismatch – in this example, the wire should have been four bits, not one bit Unexpected simulation results Always explicitly declare wires Best to avoid use of Verilog's implicit declaration shortcut `timescale 1 ns/1 ns module Testbench(); reg [3:0] I_s; reg Clk_s, Rst_s; wire [3:0] Q_s; Reg4 CompToTest(I_s, Q_s, Clk_s, Rst_s); ...

24 Finite-State Machines (FSMs)—Sequential Behavior

25 Finite-State Machines (FSMs) and Controllers
3.3 Finite-State Machines (FSMs) and Controllers Want sequential circuit with particular behavior over time Example: Laser timer Push button: x=1 for 3 clock cycles How? Let’s try three flip-flops b=1 gets stored in first D flip-flop Then 2nd flip-flop on next cycle, then 3rd flip-flop on next OR the three flip-flop outputs, so x should be 1 for three cycles Controller x b clk laser patient

26 Need a Better Way to Design Sequential Circuits
Trial and error is not a good design method Will we be able to “guess” a circuit that works for other desired behavior? How about counting up from 1 to 9? Pulsing an output for 1 cycle every 10 cycles? Detecting the sequence in binary on a 3-bit input? And, a circuit built by guessing may have undesired behavior Laser timer: What if press button again while x=1? x then stays one another 3 cycles. Is that what we want? Combinational circuit design process had two important things A formal way to describe desired circuit behavior Boolean equation, or truth table A well-defined process to convert that behavior to a circuit We need those things for sequence circuit design

27 Describing Behavior of Sequential Circuit: FSM
Finite-State Machine (FSM) A way to describe desired behavior of sequential circuit Akin to Boolean equations for combinational behavior List states, and transitions among states Example: Make x change toggle (0 to 1, or 1 to 0) every clock cycle Two states: “Off” (x=0), and “On” (x=1) Transition from Off to On, or On to Off, on rising clock edge Arrow with no starting state points to initial state (when circuit first starts) Outputs: x On O ff x=0 x=1 clk ^

28 FSM Example: 0,1,1,1,repeat Want 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, ...
Each value for one clock cycle Can describe as FSM Four states Transition on rising clock edge to next state Outputs: x On1 O ff On2 On3 clk ^ x=1 x=0 O ff On1 On2 On3 clk x State Outputs:

29 Extend FSM to Three-Cycles High Laser Timer
On2 On1 On3 O ff clk ^ x=1 x=0 b ’*clk b*clk Inputs: b; Outputs: x Four states Wait in “Off” state while b is 0 (b’) When b is 1 (and rising clock edge), transition to On1 Sets x=1 On next two clock edges, transition to On2, then On3, which also set x=1 So x=1 for three cycles after button pressed

30 FSM Simplification: Rising Clock Edges Implicit
ff x=1 x=0 b’ clk ^ *clk b Inputs: b; Outputs: x Showing rising clock on every transition: cluttered Make implicit -- assume every edge has rising clock, even if not shown What if we wanted a transition without a rising edge We don’t consider such asynchronous FSMs -- less common, and advanced topic Only consider synchronous FSMs -- rising edge on every transition On2 On1 On3 Off x=1 x=0 b Inputs: b; Outputs: x a Note: Transition with no associated condition thus transistions to next state on next clock cycle

31 FSM Definition FSM consists of
Set of states Ex: {Off, On1, On2, On3} Set of inputs, set of outputs Ex: Inputs: {x}, Outputs: {b} Initial state Ex: “Off” Set of transitions Describes next states Ex: Has 5 transitions Set of actions Sets outputs while in states Ex: x=0, x=1, x=1, and x=1 Inputs: b; Outputs: x On2 On1 On3 Off x=1 x=0 b We often draw FSM graphically, known as state diagram Can also use table (state table), or textual languages

32 Standard Controller Architecture
How implement FSM as sequential circuit? Use standard architecture State register -- to store the present state Combinational logic -- to compute outputs, and next state For laser timer FSM 2-bit state register, can represent four states Input b, output x Known as controller On2 On1 On3 Off x=1 x=0 b Inputs: b; Outputs: x Combinational logic State register s1 s0 n1 n0 x b clk FSM outputs inputs General version Combinational logic S m N O I clk m-bit state register FSM outputs inputs a

33 Finite-State Machines (FSMs)—Sequential Behavior
Finite-state machine (FSM) is a common model of sequential behavior Example: If B=1, hold X=1 for 3 clock cycles Note: Transitions implicitly ANDed with rising clock edge Implementation model has two parts: State register Combinational logic HDL model will reflect those two parts Inputs: B; Outputs: X X=0 Off B B X=1 X=1 X=1 On1 On2 On3 FSM inputs B X outputs FSM Combinational logic State Clk State register StateNext

34 Finite-State Machines (FSMs)—Sequential Behavior Modules with Multiple Procedures and Shared Variables `timescale 1 ns/1 ns module LaserTimer(B, X, Clk, Rst); input B; output reg X; input Clk, Rst; parameter S_Off = 0, S_On1 = 1, S_On2 = 2, S_On3 = 3; reg [1:0] State, StateNext; // CombLogic B) begin case (State) S_Off: begin X <= 0; if (B == 0) StateNext <= S_Off; else StateNext <= S_On1; end ... ... S_On1: begin X <= 1; StateNext <= S_On2; end S_On2: begin StateNext <= S_On3; S_On3: begin StateNext <= S_Off; endcase // StateReg Clk) begin if (Rst == 1 ) State <= S_Off; else State <= StateNext; endmodule Inputs: B; Outputs: X On2 On1 On3 Off X=1 X=0 B Combinational logic State register State X B Clk FSM inputs outputs StateNext Code will be explained on following slides vldd_ch3_LaserTimerBeh.v

35 Finite-State Machines (FSMs)—Sequential Behavior
Modules has two procedures One procedure for combinational logic One procedure for state register But it's still a behavioral description `timescale 1 ns/1 ns module LaserTimer(B, X, Clk, Rst); input B; output reg X; input Clk, Rst; parameter S_Off = 0, S_On1 = 1, S_On2 = 2, S_On3 = 3; reg [1:0] State, StateNext; // CombLogic B) begin ... end // StateReg Clk) begin endmodule FSM inputs B X FSM outputs Combinational logic State Clk State register StateNext vldd_ch3_LaserTimerBeh.v

36 Finite-State Machines (FSMs)—Sequential Behavior Parameters
parameter declaration Not a variable or net, but rather a constant A constant is a value that must be initialized, and that cannot be changed within the module’s definition Four parameters defined S_Off, S_On1, S_On2, S_On3 Correspond to FSM’s states Should be initialized to unique values `timescale 1 ns/1 ns module LaserTimer(B, X, Clk, Rst); input B; output reg X; input Clk, Rst; parameter S_Off = 0, S_On1 = 1, S_On2 = 2, S_On3 = 3; reg [1:0] State, StateNext; // CombLogic B) begin ... end // StateReg Clk) begin endmodule vldd_ch3_LaserTimerBeh.v

37 Finite-State Machines (FSMs)—Sequential Behavior
Module declares two reg variables State, StateNext Each is 2-bit vector (need two bits to represent four unique state values 0 to 3) Variables are shared between CombLogic and StateReg procedures CombLogic procedure Event control sensitive to State and input B Will output StateNext and X StateReg procedure Sensitive to Clk input Will output State, which it stores `timescale 1 ns/1 ns module LaserTimer(B, X, Clk, Rst); input B; output reg X; input Clk, Rst; parameter S_Off = 0, S_On1 = 1, S_On2 = 2, S_On3 = 3; reg [1:0] State, StateNext; // CombLogic B) begin ... end // StateReg Clk) begin endmodule Combinational logic State register State X B Clk FSM inputs outputs StateNext vldd_ch3_LaserTimerBeh.v

38 Finite-State Machines (FSMs)—Sequential Behavior Procedures with Case Statements
Procedure may use case statement Preferred over if-else-if when just one expression determines which statement to execute case (expression) Execute statement whose case item expression value matches case expression case item expression : statement statement is commonly a begin-end block, as in example First case item expression that matches executes; remaining case items ignored If no item matches, nothing executes Last item may be "default : statement" Statement executes if none of the previous items matched // CombLogic B) begin case (State) S_Off: begin X <= 0; if (B == 0) StateNext <= S_Off; else StateNext <= S_On1; end S_On1: begin X <= 1; StateNext <= S_On2; S_On2: begin StateNext <= S_On3; S_On3: begin endcase vldd_ch3_LaserTimerBeh.v

39 Finite-State Machines (FSMs)—Sequential Behavior Procedures with Case Statements
FSM’s CombLogic procedure Case statement describes states case (State) Executes corresponding statement (often a begin-end block) based on State's current value A state's statements consist of Actions of the state Setting of next state (transitions) Ex: State is S_On1 Executes statements for state On1, jumps to endcase reg [1:0] State, StateNext; // CombLogic B) begin case (State) S_Off: begin X <= 0; if (B == 0) StateNext <= S_Off; else StateNext <= S_On1; end S_On1: begin X <= 1; StateNext <= S_On2; S_On2: begin StateNext <= S_On3; S_On3: begin endcase Suppose State is S_On1 Inputs: X; Outputs: B On2 On1 On3 Off X=1 X=0 B' B vldd_ch3_LaserTimerBeh.v

40 Finite-State Machines (FSMs)—Sequential Behavior
FSM StateReg Procedure Similar to 4-bit register Register for State is 2-bit vector reg variable Procedure has synchronous reset Resets State to FSM’s initial state, S_Off ... parameter S_Off = 0, S_On1 = 1, S_On2 = 2, S_On3 = 3; reg [1:0] State, StateNext; // StateReg Clk) begin if (Rst == 1 ) State <= S_Off; else State <= StateNext; end vldd_ch3_LaserTimerBeh.v

41 Finite-State Machines (FSMs)—Sequential Behavior Modules with Multiple Procedures and Shared Variables `timescale 1 ns/1 ns module LaserTimer(B, X, Clk, Rst); input B; output reg X; input Clk, Rst; parameter S_Off = 0, S_On1 = 1, S_On2 = 2, S_On3 = 3; reg [1:0] State, StateNext; // CombLogic B) begin case (State) S_Off: begin X <= 0; if (B == 0) StateNext <= S_Off; else StateNext <= S_On1; end ... ... S_On1: begin X <= 1; StateNext <= S_On2; end S_On2: begin StateNext <= S_On3; S_On3: begin StateNext <= S_Off; endcase // StateReg Clk) begin if (Rst == 1 ) State <= S_Off; else State <= StateNext; endmodule Inputs: B; Outputs: X On2 On1 On3 Off X=1 X=0 B Combinational logic State register State X B Clk FSM inputs outputs StateNext Code should now be clear vldd_ch3_LaserTimerBeh.v

42 Finite-State Machines (FSMs)—Sequential Behavior Self-Checking Testbenches
... // Clock Procedure always begin Clk_s <= 0; #10; Clk_s <= 1; end // Note: Procedure repeats // Vector Procedure initial begin Rst_s <= 1; B_s <= 0; @(posedge Clk_s); #5 Rst_s <= 0; #5 B_s <= 1; #5 B_s <= 0; end endmodule FSM testbench First part of file (variable/net declarations, module instantiations) similar to before Vector Procedure Resets FSM Sets FSM's input values (“test vectors”) Waits for specific clock cycles We observe the resulting waveforms to determine if FSM behaves correctly B_s X_s time (ns) 10 20 30 40 Clk_s 50 70 Rst_s 60 80 90 110 100 vldd_ch3_LaserTimerTB.v

43 Finite-State Machines (FSMs)—Sequential Behavior Self-Checking Testbenches
Reading waveforms is error-prone Create self-checking testbench Use if statements to check for expected values If a check fails, print error message Ex: if X_s fell to 0 one cycle too early, simulation might output: 95: Third X=1 failed // Vector Procedure initial begin Rst_s <= 1; B_s <= 0; @(posedge Clk_s); #5 if (X_s != 0) $display("%t: Reset failed", $time); Rst_s <= 0; #5 B_s <= 1; #5 B_s <= 0; if (X_s != 1) $display("%t: First X=1 failed", $time); #5 if (X_s != 1) $display("%t: Second X=1 failed", $time); $display("%t: Third X=1 failed", $time); $display("%t: Final X=0 failed", $time); end Clk_s Rst_s B_s X_s 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 time (ns) vldd_ch3_LaserTimerTBDisplay.v

44 Finite-State Machines (FSMs)—Sequential Behavior $display System Procedure
$display – built-in Verilog system procedure for printing information to display during simulation A system procedure interacts with the simulator and/or host computer system To write to a display, read a file, get the current simulation time, etc. Starts with $ to distinguish from regular procedures String argument is printed literally... $display("Hello") will print "Hello" Automatically adds newline character ...except when special sequences appear %t: Display a time expression Time expression must be next argument $time – Built-in system procedure that returns the current simulation time 95: Third X=1 failed // Vector Procedure initial begin Rst_s <= 1; B_s <= 0; @(posedge Clk_s); #5 if (X_s != 0) $display("%t: Reset failed", $time); Rst_s <= 0; #5 B_s <= 1; #5 B_s <= 0; if (X_s != 1) $display("%t: First X=1 failed", $time); #5 if (X_s != 1) $display("%t: Second X=1 failed", $time); $display("%t: Third X=1 failed", $time); $display("%t: Final X=0 failed", $time); end vldd_ch3_LaserTimerTBDisplay.v

45 Controller Example: Button Press Synchronizer
bi bo Want simple sequential circuit that converts button press to single cycle duration, regardless of length of time that button actually pressed We assumed such an ideal button press signal in earlier example, like the button in the laser timer controller

46 Controller Example: Button Press Synchronizer (cont)
Step 2: Create architecture Combinational logic n0 s1 s0 n1 bo bi clk State register FSM inputs outputs Step 1: FSM A B C bo=1 bo=0 bi b i FSM inputs: bi; FSM outputs: bo Step 5: Create combinational circuit clk State register outputs bo bi s1 s0 n1 n0 Combinational logic n1 = s1’s0bi + s1s0bi n0 = s1’s0’bi bo = s1’s0bi’ + s1’s0bi = s1s0 a Step 4: State table FSM Step 3: Encode states 00 01 10 bo=1 bo=0 bi FSM inputs: bi; FSM outputs: bo Step 5: Create combinational circuit

47 Controller Example: Sequence Generator
Want generate sequence 0001, 0011, 1100, 1000, (repeat) Each value for one clock cycle Common, e.g., to create pattern in 4 lights, or control magnets of a “stepper motor” Step 2: Create architecture Combinational logic n0 s1 s0 n1 clk State register w x y z Step 1: Create FSM A B D wxyz=0001 wxyz=1000 wxyz=0011 wxyz=1100 C Inputs: none; Outputs: w,x,y,z A B D wxyz=0001 wxyz=1000 wxyz=0011 wxyz=1100 C Inputs: none; Outputs: w,x,y,z Step 3: Encode states 00 01 10 11 clk State register w x y z FSM outputs n0 s0 s1 n1 Step 4: Create state table w = s1 x = s1s0’ y = s1’s0 z = s1’ n1 = s1 xor s0 n0 = s0’ a Step 5: Create combinational circuit

48 Controller Example: Sequence Generator
Want generate sequence 0001, 0011, 1100, 1000, (repeat) Each value for one clock cycle Common, e.g., to create pattern in 4 lights, or control magnets of a “stepper motor” Step 2: Create architecture Combinational logic n0 s1 s0 n1 clk State register w x y z Step 1: Create FSM A B D wxyz=0001 wxyz=1000 wxyz=0011 wxyz=1100 C Inputs: none; Outputs: w,x,y,z A B D wxyz=0001 wxyz=1000 wxyz=0011 wxyz=1100 C Inputs: none; Outputs: w,x,y,z Step 3: Encode states 00 01 10 11 clk State register w x y z FSM outputs n0 s0 s1 n1 Step 4: Create state table w = s1 x = s1s0’ y = s1’s0 z = s1’ n1 = s1 xor s0 n0 = s0’ a Step 5: Create combinational circuit

49 FSM Example: Secure Car Key (cont.)
Nice feature of FSM Can evaluate output behavior for different input sequence Timing diagrams show states and output values for different input waveforms K1 K2 K3 K4 r=1 r=0 W ait I nputs: a ; O utputs: r Q: Determine states and r value for given input waveform: W ait K1 K2 K3 K4 clk I nputs O utputs S t a e r clk I nputs a W ait K1 K2 K3 K4 Output State r K1 a

50 Controller Example: Secure Car Key
(from earlier example) K1 K2 K3 K4 r=1 r=0 Wait Inputs: a; Outputs: r a Step 1 Step 4 a Combinational logic s2 s1 s0 n2 r a n1 n0 clk State register FSM inputs outputs Step 2 FSM a r=0 r=1 000 001 010 011 100 I nputs: ; O utputs: r Step 3 We’ll omit Step 5

51 FSM Example: Code Detector
Unlock door (u=1) only when buttons pressed in sequence: start, then red, blue, green, red Input from each button: s, r, g, b Also, output a indicates that some colored button pressed FSM Wait for start (s=1) in “Wait” Once started (“Start”) If see red, go to “Red1” Then, if see blue, go to “Blue” Then, if see green, go to “Green” Then, if see red, go to “Red2” In that state, open the door (u=1) Wrong button at any step, return to “Wait”, without opening door s Start u r Door Red Code g lock a Green detector b Blue a Wait Start Red1 R ed2 Green Blue s a r b g ab ag ar u=0 u=1 Inputs: s,r,g,b,a; Outputs: u a Q: Can you trick this FSM to open the door, without knowing the code? a A: Yes, hold all buttons simultaneously

52 Improve FSM for Code Detector
Inputs: s,r,g,b,a; Outputs: u Wait s’ ar’ ab’ ag’ ar’ u=0 a s Start a u=0 ar ab ag ar Red1 Blue Green Red2 a a a u=0 u=0 u=0 u=1 Note: small problem still remains; we’ll discuss later New transition conditions detect if wrong button pressed, returns to “Wait” FSM provides formal, concrete means to accurately define desired behavior

53 Common Pitfalls Regarding Transition Properties
Only one condition should be true For all transitions leaving a state Else, which one? One condition must be true Else, where go? a

54 Verifying Correct Transition Properties
Can verify using Boolean algebra Only one condition true: AND of each condition pair (for transitions leaving a state) should equal 0  proves pair can never simultaneously be true One condition true: OR of all conditions of transitions leaving a state) should equal 1  proves at least one condition must be true Example a * a’b = (a * a’) * b = 0 * b = 0 OK! Answer: a a + a’b = a*(1+b) + a’b = a + ab + a’b = a + (a+a’)b = a + b Fails! Might not be 1 (i.e., a=0, b=0) Q: For shown transitions, prove whether: * Only one condition true (AND of each pair is always 0) * One condition true (OR of all transitions is always 1)

55 Evidence that Pitfall is Common
Recall code detector FSM We “fixed” a problem with the transition conditions Do the transitions obey the two required transition properties? Consider transitions of state Start, and the “only one true” property Wait s u=0 s a Start a u=0 ar ab ag ar Red1 Blue Green Red2 a a a u=0 u=0 u=0 u=1 ar * a’ a’ * a(r’+b+g) ar * a(r’+b+g) = (a*a’)r = 0*r = (a’*a)*(r’+b+g) = 0*(r’+b+g) = (a*a)*r*(r’+b+g) = a*r*(r’+b+g) = 0 = 0 = arr’+arb+arg = 0 + arb+arg = arb + arg = ar(b+g) Fails! Means that two of Start’s transitions could be true Intuitively: press red and blue buttons at same time: conditions ar, and a(r’+b+g) will both be true. Which one should be taken? Q: How to solve? a A: ar should be arb’g’ (likewise for ab, ag, ar) Note: As evidence the pitfall is common, we admit the mistake was not intentional. A reviewer of the book caught it.

56 Simplifying Notations
FSMs Assume unassigned output implicitly assigned 0 Sequential circuits Assume unconnected clock inputs connected to same external clock a

57 More on Flip-Flops and Controllers
3.5 More on Flip-Flops and Controllers Other flip-flop types SR flip-flop: like SR latch, but edge triggered JK flip-flop: like SR (SJ, RK) But when JK=11, toggles 10, 01 T flip-flop: JK with inputs tied together Toggles on every rising clock edge Previously utilized to minimize logic outside flip-flop Today, minimizing logic to such extent is not as important D flip-flops are thus by far the most common

58 Non-Ideal Flip-Flop Behavior
Can’t change flip-flop input too close to clock edge Setup time: time that D must be stable before edge Else, stable value not present at internal latch Hold time: time that D must be held stable after edge Else, new value doesn’t have time to loop around and stabilize in internal latch Setup time violation Leads to oscillation!

59 Metastability Violating setup/hold time can lead to bad situation known as metastable state Metastable state: Any flip-flop state other than stable 1 or 0 Eventually settles to one or other, but we don’t know which For internal circuits, we can make sure observe setup time But what if input comes from external (asynchronous) source, e.g., button press? Partial solution Insert synchronizer flip-flop for asynchronous input Special flip-flop with very small setup/hold time Doesn’t completely prevent metastability a

60 Metastability One flip-flop doesn’t completely solve problem
How about adding more synchronizer flip-flops? Helps, but just decreases probability of metastability So how solve completely? Can’t! May be unsettling to new designers. But we just can’t guarantee a design that won’t ever be metastable. We can just minimize the mean time between failure (MTBF) -- a number often given along with a circuit Probability of flip-flop being metastable is… very very very incredibly l o w low low l o w ai synchronizers

61 Flip-Flop Set and Reset Inputs
Some flip-flops have additional inputs Synchronous reset: clears Q to 0 on next clock edge Synchronous set: sets Q to 1 on next clock edge Asynchronous reset: clear Q to 0 immediately (not dependent on clock edge) Example timing diagram shown Asynchronous set: set Q to 1 immediately

62 Initial State of a Controller
All our FSMs had initial state But our sequential circuit designs did not Can accomplish using flip-flops with reset/set inputs Shown circuit initializes flip-flops to 01 Designer must ensure reset input is 1 during power up of circuit By electronic circuit design Inputs: x; Outputs: b x=0 Off b b x=1 x=1 x=1 On1 On2 On3 D Q R S State register clk reset s1 s0 n0 n1 b x Combinational logic

63 Top-Down Design – FSMs to Controller Structure

64 Top-Down Design – FSMs to Controller Structure
Capture behavior Simulate W_s P_s S_s K_s Capture structure Should be the same Recall from Chapter 2 Top-down design Capture behavior, and simulate Capture structure (circuit), simulate again Gets behavior right first, unfettered by complexity of creating structure Capture behavior: FSM Capture structure: Controller Create architecture (state register and combinational logic) Encode states Create stable table (describes combinational logic) Implement combinational logic Combinational logic State register S1 S0 N1 N0 X B Clk FSM outputs inputs X=1 X=0 B B' 01 00 10 11 On2 On1 O ff On3 Inputs: B; Outputs: X LaserTimer example

65 Top-Down Design – FSMs to Controller Structure
outputs FSM Recall from Chapter 2 Top-down design Capture behavior, and simulate Capture structure (circuit), simulate again Gets behavior right first, unfettered by complexity of creating structure Capture behavior: FSM Capture structure: Controller Create architecture (state register and combinational logic) Encode states Create stable table (describes combinational logic) Implement combinational logic X=1 X=0 B B' 01 00 10 11 On2 On1 O ff On3 Inputs: B; Outputs: X

66 Top-Down Design – FSMs to Controller Structure
outputs FSM Recall from Chapter 2 Top-down design Capture behavior, and simulate Capture structure (circuit), simulate again Gets behavior right first, unfettered by complexity of creating structure Capture behavior: FSM Capture structure: Controller Create architecture (state register and combinational logic) Encode states Create stable table (describes combinational logic) Implement combinational logic X=1 X=0 B B' 01 00 10 11 On2 On1 O ff On3 Inputs: B; Outputs: X X = S1 + S0 N1 = S1’S0 + S1S0’ N0 = S1’S0’B + S1S0’

67 Controller Structure Structural description Test with LaserTimerTB
`timescale 1 ns/1 ns module LaserTimer(B, X, Clk, Rst); input B; output reg X; input Clk, Rst; parameter S_Off = 2'b00; reg [1:0] State, StateNext; // State encodings: // S_Off 00, S_On1 01, S_On2 10, S_On3 11 // CombLogic B) begin X <= State[1] | State[0]; StateNext[1] <= (~State[1] & State[0]) | (State[1] & ~State[0]); StateNext[0] <= (~State[1] & ~State[0] & B) end // StateReg Clk) begin if (Rst == 1 ) State <= S_Off; else State <= StateNext; endmodule outputs FSM Structural description Test with LaserTimerTB Same results X = S1 + S0 N1 = S1’S0 + S1S0’ N0 = S1’S0’B + S1S0’ Combinational logic State register S1 S0 N1 N0 X B Clk FSM outputs inputs B_s X_s time (ns) 10 20 30 40 Clk_s 50 70 Rst_s 60 80 90 110 100 vldd_ch3_LaserTimerStruct.v

68 Controller Structure Initial state is S_Off
`timescale 1 ns/1 ns module LaserTimer(B, X, Clk, Rst); input B; output reg X; input Clk, Rst; parameter S_Off = 2'b00; reg [1:0] State, StateNext; // State encodings: // S_Off 00, S_On1 01, S_On2 10, S_On3 11 // CombLogic B) begin X <= State[1] | State[0]; StateNext[1] <= (~State[1] & State[0]) | (State[1] & ~State[0]); StateNext[0] <= (~State[1] & ~State[0] & B) end // StateReg Clk) begin if (Rst == 1 ) State <= S_Off; else State <= StateNext; endmodule outputs FSM Initial state is S_Off Encoded as "00" State register set to S_Off during FSM reset Note that CombLogic uses equations, not case statement Actually CombLogic is still behavioral Do top-down design again, this time on CombLogic, to get structure vldd_ch3_LaserTimerStruct.v

69 Common Pitfall: Not Assigning Every Output in Every State
FSM outputs should be combinational function of current state (for Moore FSM) Not assigning output in given state means previous value is remembered Output has memory Behavior is not an FSM Solution 1 Be sure to assign every output in every state Solution 2 Assign default values before case statement Later assignment in state overwrites default // CombLogic B) begin X <= 0; case (State) S_Off: begin if (B == 0) StateNext <= S_Off; else StateNext <= S_On1; end S_On1: begin X <= 1; StateNext <= S_On2; S_On2: begin StateNext <= S_On3; S_On3: begin endcase Could delete this without changing behavior (but probably clearer to keep it)

70 Common Pitfall: Not Assigning Every Output in Every State
Solution 2 Assign default values before case statement Later assignment in state overwrites default Helps clarify which actions are important in which state Corresponds directly to the common simplifying FSM diagram notation of implicitly setting unassigned outputs to 0 case State S: begin A <= 0; B <= 1; C <= 0; end T: begin B <= 0; C <= 1; endcase S T A=0 A=0 B=1 B=0 C=0 C=1 A <= 0; B <= 0; C <= 0; case State S: begin B <= 1; end T: begin C <= 1; endcase S T B=1 C=1

71 More Simulation Concepts

72 The Simulation Cycle `timescale 1 ns/1 ns module SimEx1(Q); output reg Q; reg Clk, S; // P1 always begin Clk <= 0; #10; Clk <= 1; end // P2 begin Q <= ~S; // P3 initial begin @ (posedge Clk); S <= 1; S <= 0; endmodule Instructive to consider how an HDL simulator works HDL simulation is complex; we'll introduce simplified form Consider example SimEx1 Three reg variables – Q, Clk, S Three procedures – P1, P2, P3 Simulator's job: Determine values for nets and variables over time Repeatedly executes and suspends procedures Note: Actually considers more objects, known collectively as processes, but we'll keep matters simple here to get just the basic idea of simulation Maintains a simulation time Time vldd_ch3_SimEx1.v

73 We'll use arrow to show where a procedure stops
The Simulation Cycle `timescale 1 ns/1 ns module SimEx1(Q); output reg Q; reg Clk, S; // P1 always begin Clk <= 0; #10; Clk <= 1; end // P2 begin Q <= ~S; // P3 initial begin @ (posedge Clk); S <= 1; S <= 0; endmodule Start of simulation Simulation time Time is 0 Bit variables/nets initialized to the unknown value x Execute each procedure In any order, until stops at a delay or event control We'll use arrow to show where a procedure stops P1 Clk <= 0, then stop. Activate when Time is 0+10=10 ns. Procedures P2 No actions, then stop. Activate when S changes. P3 No actions, then stop. Activate when Clk changes to 1 Time (ns): x Start x Q Variables Clk S vldd_ch3_SimEx1.v

74 The Simulation Cycle Simulation cycle P1 Activate when Time is 10 ns.
`timescale 1 ns/1 ns module SimEx1(Q); output reg Q; reg Clk, S; // P1 always begin Clk <= 0; #10; Clk <= 1; end // P2 begin Q <= ~S; // P3 initial begin @ (posedge Clk); S <= 1; S <= 0; endmodule Simulation cycle Set time to next time at which a procedure activates (note: could be same as current time) In this case, time = 10 ns (P1 activates) Execute active procedures (in any order) until stops P1 Activate when Time is 10 ns. Clk <= 1, stop, activate when Time=10+10=20 ns. Procedures P2 Activate when S changes. P3 Activate when Clk changes to 1. Time (ns): Start x 1 10 Q x x Variables Clk x S x x vldd_ch3_SimEx1.v

75 The Simulation Cycle Simulation cycle
`timescale 1 ns/1 ns module SimEx1(Q); output reg Q; reg Clk, S; // P1 always begin Clk <= 0; #10; Clk <= 1; end // P2 begin Q <= ~S; // P3 initial begin @ (posedge Clk); S <= 1; S <= 0; endmodule Simulation cycle Set time to next time at which a procedure activates Still 10 ns; Clk just changed to 1 (P3 activates) Execute active procedures (in any order) until stops P1 Activate when Time is 20 ns. Procedures P2 Activate when S changes. P3 Activate when Clk changes to 1 S <= 1, stop, activate when Clk changes to 1 again Time (ns): Start 10 x 1 10 Q x x x Variables Clk x 1 S x x x vldd_ch3_SimEx1.v

76 The Simulation Cycle Simulation cycle
`timescale 1 ns/1 ns module SimEx1(Q); output reg Q; reg Clk, S; // P1 always begin Clk <= 0; #10; Clk <= 1; end // P2 begin Q <= ~S; // P3 initial begin @ (posedge Clk); S <= 1; S <= 0; endmodule Simulation cycle Set time to next time at which a procedure activates Still 10 ns; S just changed (P2 activates) Execute active procedures until stops P1 Activate when Time is 20 ns. Procedures P2 Activate when S changes. Q <= 0 (~S), stop, activate when S changes. P3 Activate when change on Clk to 1. Time (ns): Start 10 10 1 10 Q x x x x Variables Clk x 1 1 S x x x 1 vldd_ch3_SimEx1.v

77 The Simulation Cycle Simulation cycle
`timescale 1 ns/1 ns module SimEx1(Q); output reg Q; reg Clk, S; // P1 always begin Clk <= 0; #10; Clk <= 1; end // P2 begin Q <= ~S; // P3 initial begin @ (posedge Clk); S <= 1; S <= 0; endmodule Simulation cycle Set time to next time at which a procedure activates In this case, set Time = 20 ns (P1 activates) Execute active procedures until stops P1 Activate when Time is 20 ns. Clk <= 0, stop, activate when T=20+10=30ns. Procedures P2 Activate when S changes. P3 Activate when change on Clk to 1. Time (ns): Init 10 10 1 10 1 20 Q x x x x Variables Clk x 1 1 S x x x 1 vldd_ch3_SimEx1.v

78 The Simulation Cycle `timescale 1 ns/1 ns module SimEx1(Q); output reg Q; reg Clk, S; // P1 always begin Clk <= 0; #10; Clk <= 1; end // P2 begin Q <= ~S; // P3 initial begin @ (posedge Clk); S <= 1; S <= 0; endmodule Simulation ends when user-specified time is reached Variable/net values translate to waveforms Q Clk S Variables Time (ns) 10 20 30 40 50 x Time (ns): Init 10 10 10 20 1 30 1 30 1 30 1 40 1 50 Q x x x x Variables Clk x 1 1 1 S x x x 1 1 1 vldd_ch3_SimEx1.v

79 Variable Updates Simulation cycle (revised)
Set time to next time at which a procedure resumes Execute active procedures Update variables with schedule values Assignment using "<=" ("non blocking assignment") doesn't change variable's value immediately Instead, schedules a change of value by placing an event on an event queue Scheduled changes occur at end of simulation cycle Important implications Procedure execution order in a simulation cycle doesn't matter Assume procedures 1 and 2 are both active Proc1 schedules B to be 1, but does not change the present value of B. B is still 0. Proc2 schedules A to be 0 (the present value of B). At end of simulation cycle, B is updated to 1 and A to 0 Order of assignments to different variables in a procedure doesn't matter Assume C was 0. Scheduled values will be C=1 and D=0, for either Proc3a or Proc3b. Later assignment in procedure effectively overwrites earlier assignment E will be updated with 0, but then by 1; so E is 1 at the end of the simulation cycle. Assume B is 0. Proc1: B <= ~B; Proc2: A <= B; A will be 0, not 1. Proc3a: C <= ~C; D <= C; Same Proc3b: D <= C; C <= ~C; Proc4: E <= 0; ... E <= 1; Recall FSM output assignment example, in which default assignments were added before the case statement.

80 Resets

81 Resets Reset – Behavior of a register when a reset input is asserted
3 I 2 I 1 I Reset – Behavior of a register when a reset input is asserted Good practice dictates having defined reset behavior for every register Reset behavior should always have priority over normal register behavior Reset behavior Usually clears register to 0s May initialize to other value e.g., state register of a controller may be initialized to encoding of initial state of FSM Reset usually asserted externally at start of sequential circuit operation, but also to restart due to failure, user request, or other reason reg(4) Rst Q3 Q2 Q1 Q0 `timescale 1 ns/1 ns module Reg4(I, Q, Clk, Rst); input [3:0] I; output [3:0] Q; reg [3:0] Q; input Clk, Rst; Clk) begin if (Rst == 1 ) Q <= 4'b0000; else Q <= I; end endmodule vldd_ch3_Reg4.v

82 Synchronous Reset Previous examples used synchronous resets
3 I 2 I 1 I Previous examples used synchronous resets Rst input only considered during rising clock reg(4) Rst Q3 Q2 Q1 Q0 `timescale 1 ns/1 ns module Reg4(I, Q, Clk, Rst); input [3:0] I; output [3:0] Q; reg [3:0] Q; input Clk, Rst; Clk) begin if (Rst == 1 ) Q <= 4'b0000; else Q <= I; end endmodule Rst Clk Q I xxxx Rst=1 has no effect until rising clock vldd_ch3_Reg4.v

83 Asynchronous Reset Can also use asynchronous reset
I 3 I 2 I 1 I Can also use asynchronous reset Rst input considered independently from clock Add "posedge Rst" to sensitivity list reg(4) Rst Q3 Q2 Q1 Q0 `timescale 1 ns/1 ns module Reg4(I, Q, Clk, Rst); input [3:0] I; output [3:0] Q; reg [3:0] Q; input Clk, Rst; Clk, posedge Rst) begin if (Rst == 1 ) Q <= 4'b0000; else Q <= I; end endmodule Rst Clk Q I Asynchronous reset Rst=1 has almost immediate effect Rst Clk Q I xxxx Synchronous reset Rst=1 has no effect until next rising clock vldd_ch3_Reg4AsyRst.v

84 Asynchronous Reset Could have used asynchronous reset for FSM state register too ... // StateReg Clk) begin if (Rst == 1 ) State <= S_Off; else State <= StateNext; end Synchronous ... // StateReg Clk, posedge Rst) begin if (Rst == 1 ) State <= S_Off; else State <= StateNext; end Asynchronous vldd_ch3_LaserTimerBehAsyRst.v

85 Synchronous versus Asynchronous Resets
Which is better – synchronous or asynchronous reset? Hotly debated in design community Each has pros and cons e.g., asynchronous can still reset even if clock is not functioning, synchronous avoids timing analysis problems sometimes accompanying asynchronous designs We won’t try to settle the debate here What’s important is to be consistent throughout a design All registers should have defined reset behavior that takes priority over normal register behavior That behavior should all be synchronous reset or all be asynchronous reset We will use synchronous resets in all of our remaining examples

86 Describing Safe FSMs

87 Describing Safe FSMs Safe FSM – If enters illegal state, transitions to a legal state Example Suppose example has only three states Two-bit encoding has illegal state encoding "11" Also known as "unreachable" state Not possible to enter that state under normal FSM operation But actually possible to enter that state due to circuit error – e.g., electrical noise that causes state register bit to switch Inputs: B; Outputs: X X=0 00 B' O ff B X=1 X=1 01 On1 10 On2

88 Describing Safe FSMs Safe FSM – If enters illegal state, transitions to a legal state Example Suppose example has only three states Two-bit encoding has illegal state encoding "11" Safe implementation Transition to appropriate legal state Even though that undefined state appears to be unreachable Thus, FSM recovers from the error Inputs: B; Outputs: X X=0 X=0 11 00 B' O ff B X=1 X=1 01 On1 10 On2

89 Describing Safe FSMs in Verilog HDL
... reg [1:0] State, StateNext; B) begin case (State) S_Off: begin X <= 0; if (B == 0) StateNext <= S_Off; else StateNext <= S_On1; end S_On1: begin X <= 1; StateNext <= S_On2; S_On2: begin endcase Unsafe FSM description Only describes legal states, ignores illegal states Some synthesis tools support "safe" option during synthesis Automatically creates safe FSM from an unsafe FSM description

90 Describing Safe FSMs in Verilog HDL
... reg [1:0] State, StateNext; B) begin case (State) S_Off: begin X <= 0; if (B == 0) StateNext <= S_Off; else StateNext <= S_On1; end S_On1: begin X <= 1; StateNext <= S_On2; S_On2: begin default: begin endcase Explicitly describing a safe FSM Include case item(s) to describe illegal states Can use "default" case item Executes if State equals anything other than S_Off, S_On1, or S_On2 Note: Use of default is wise regardless of number of states Even if number is power of two, because state encoding may use more than minimum number of bits e.g., one-hot encoding has many more illegal states than legal states Note: If synthesis tool support "safe" option, use it Otherwise, tool may automatically optimize away unreachable states to improve performance and size, but making state machine unsafe vldd_ch3_LaserTimerBehSafe.v

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