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PAM Astro roundtable 2010 AAS update 2010  Changes in product line  Digital author charges  Article numbering  Reduction of proprietary period.

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1 PAM Astro roundtable 2010 AAS update 2010  Changes in product line  Digital author charges  Article numbering  Reduction of proprietary period

2 PAM Astro roundtable 2010 Changes in 2011 products  No print BAAS  BAAS will contain meeting abstracts and obituaries  Other Society communications that are deemed to be preservation-worthy can be “promoted” to the BAAS  e.g. “important” newsletter pieces  We’re still in discussions, but at this point we think the online BAAS will be open access  Those of you who subscribe to the BAAS will get a notification about the termination of the print edition

3 PAM Astro roundtable 2010 Changes in 2011 products, p.2  Just kidding, there aren’t any other changes  AJ and ApJ choices remain the same  We may differentiate the pricing for the ApJL print options (36x, 1x, 0x) to make it “easier” for the subs agents to get your orders correct…  +$0, +$5, -$5 or something, in the hope that they notice the products are different by the prices (so they don’t have to actually read and comprehend the description)  I still don’t know when we will “drop” the print  AER could have “voluntary” subscriptions in 2012  I don’t know exactly what that will mean

4 PAM Astro roundtable 2010 Digital author charges  Page charges are no longer sufficient  We must think about articles and their components in a “fully digital” mindset  We need to start recovering costs for a growing amount of digital-only content  For which there are no pages to base charges on  I analyzed data from 2004-2009 XML from AJ and ApJ, slightly more than 20,000 articles  Survey says: Quantized article components, rather than whole articles, are better units

5 PAM Astro roundtable 2010 Digital author charges, p.2  Components (or units, or quanta) are:  blobs of words, figures, tables, MRTs, figure sets, multimedia etc.  We will count semantic elements, not physical files (size does not matter)  Unit price set to achieve total income in aggregate, as well as per-article charge parity  Per quantum charge will be $40 in 2011  I’ll write a piece for the AAS Newsletter

6 PAM Astro roundtable 2010 Article numbering  We will follow A&A’s lead and introduce sequentially numbered articles in 2011  Continuous pagination of issues will be D/C  Another step toward being “fully digital”  Citation formats will be basically the same  Article sequence number replaces page number  Each article will be paginated 1-N

7 PAM Astro roundtable 2010 Reduction of proprietary period  Articles in AAS journals are currently under access control for 24 months from publication  Beginning in 2011, this period will be reduced to 12 months  We trust this will not cause massive cancellations, but that is up to our customers  We were propelled to this by a number of “open government” and “public access” initiatives  It is inevitable, so we thought we’d just do it

8 PAM Astro roundtable 2010

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