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U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey Briefing to CDI Executive Sponsors.

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1 U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey Briefing to CDI Executive Sponsors

2  Total requested: $479,050  Present FY 2012 products at CDI Workshop  Ranked by and within Working Groups  Link to full proposals: Working GroupLeads Citizen ScienceMegan Hines, Barbara Poore, & Dave Govoni Semantic WebJanice Gordon Tech StackDave Blodgett, Tim Kern, & Roland Viger Data ManagementHeather Henkel & Viv Hutchison 2

3 Summary of FY 2012 Proposals Proposals, by Working Group CS 1)Citizen Science Workshop SW 1)Semantic Tech for Integrating Data TS 1)GDP Tools port to Python TS 2)Citizen Science Curated Twitter TS 3)Mobile Apps Framework TS 4)HTML 5 for Openlayers TS 5)Species Occurrences on Mobile Devices TS 6)TNM Save As/Open In TS 7)ScienceBase/GDP TS 8)NWIS Web Services TS 9)Fish Passage Barriers DM 1)Data Mgmt Website DM 2)Data Mgmt Training DM 3)Sci Cntr Data Mgmt Plan Template DM 4)Monitoring Protocol Registry DM 5)Scientist Survey DM 6)Safeguarding USGS Data TOTALS Request In-Kind $ 39,331$ 87,065 $ 19,000$ 35,000$ 40,000 $ 2,750$ 6,250 $ 20,000$ 10,000 $ 22,000$ 10,000 $ 1,825$ 5,200 $ 48,000$120,000$ 30,000 $ 60,844$ 30,000 $ 68,800$ 20,000 $ 30,000$ 15,000 $ 10,000$ 6,500 $ 68,500$ 20,000 $ 18,000$ 25,000 $ 0$ 10,000 $ 0$ 30,000 $479,050$500,015 3

4 Citizen science: The guided use of volunteers to perform observation, measurement, or computation in support of scientific research

5 In-Kind ($87K): USGS, UW Madison, NPN, BAMONA, DataONE, Tufts University Deliverables: – Open file report-- USGS citizen science website – Snapshot USGS activities-- Best practices – Action plans for future-- USGS volunteer handbook Benefits: – Many mission areas – Expanded data collection – Exposure and recognition – Partner with existing initiatives 5

6 Semantic Technologies for Integrating USGS Data 6 The term “Semantic Web” refers to W3C’s vision of the Web of linked data.

7  In-Kind ($35K): CSS, Energy, Hazards and Aquatic GAP  Deliverables:  One access point for querying five integrated data sets  Demo of prototype at 2012 CDI Workshop  Evaluation of impact on existing data systems  Open File Report  Benefits:  Single access point to multiple data sets  Repeatable technical infrastructure  Knowledge transfer on semantics technologies  Prototype can be leveraged for the expansion of USGS national fisheries work 7

8 1. Python Port of GDP Client Tools with Hooks for ArcGIS Toolbox 2. Citizen Science Observation Platform 3. Mobile Apps Development Support Framework 4. HTML 5 GIS Toolkit for Openlayers 5. Augmented Reality – Visualizing Biological Species Occurrences over a Real Time Display 6. Expand TNM Save As/Open In USGS-Wide 7. ScienceBase/GeoData Portal Integration 8. NWIS Web Services Snapshot for ArcGIS 9. Mobile App to Collection Nationally Consistent Data of Fish Passage Barriers 8

9  In-Kind ($40K): CIDA (leveraged work)  Deliverables:  Python tools and ArcGIS toolbox to access GDP web processing services  Benefits:  Enables scientists to bring subsets of climate models and other GDP data products into their GIS workflow  Will allow summary of landscape, weather, and climate data available via GDP data integration framework web services 9

10  In-Kind ($6.25K): BLM, CSS, EWeb, Fort Collins Science Center, National Earthquake Information Center  Deliverables:  Twitter-based protocol for biological observations  Reusable code to mine Twitter stream API  Web-based visualization of observation locations  Basic analytic capability (species obs/area, time series)  Benefits:  Low Cost, Scalable, High Visibility, Proven Platform  Twitter apps already provide geolocation, photo, text input  Published API allows rapid development  Builds on prior experience (USGSTed) & available skillsets #speciesobs #sciname ‘Puma concolor’ Photo(Y) Location(Y) (Puma concolor) Observations Jan-Sept 2011 10

11  In-Kind ($10K ): CSS, CSAS, AESIR, EWeb, Fort Collins Science Center  Deliverables:  Web application to guide developers through the build and deploy process  Workshop to draft a framework document for mobile applications development and deployment  Hack-a-thons to encourage developers to collaborate on products  Benefits:  One-stop shop to provide detailed support information across mission areas  Actual functioning mobile applications, built collectively 11

12  In-Kind ($10K): EGSC will donate time to build a demo Land Cover analysis application to utilize the new raster functionality. OpenGeo will also contribute additional free resources to assist the effort  Deliverables: Open source, HTML5-compliant Canvas layer raster imagery processing library, accessible in a Web browser  Benefits:  Provide methods to do a variety of GIS processes and analyses on raster imagery in a Web application  Provides Web Application developers new ways to work with raster data  Collaboration beyond USGS in exchange for better product 12

13  In-Kind ($5.2K): Fort  Deliverables:  ArcGIS species occurrence point layer  Dynamic Map Service to enable queries  Layar Platform Endpoint and Mobile AR Viewer  Benefits:  Queryable species occurrence info on mobile devices  “Heads up” display for biodiversity data  Place-based tool  Encourages exploration, field use of USGS science data “AR brings historic observations to life” Historic Species Observation Pts Traditional Map View Historic Observations Overlayed On Present Landscape in Realtime 13

14  In-Kind ($120K): NGP, LCAT, WIM, and CIDA. +ESRI. NGP $’s will build the ‘save as’ module. CDI $’s will build the Open-In module  Deliverables:  Open in multiple viewers, including OpenLayers, ArcMap, GoogleMap  Accompanying documentation and demonstrations  Benefits  Cross-Science Data Visualization - Easily move the visualization of USGS Science Data with National Map Data into many popular viewers and applications  Facilitate the development / implementation of a proposed OGC Standard 14

15  In-Kind ($30K): CIDA & Fort  Deliverables:  Integration of ScienceBase and Geo Data Portal  On-site training in Science Centers + documentation  Serve processing capability of the Geo Data Portal inside of ScienceBase, and enable Geo Data Portal project to use resources provided by ScienceBase  Benefits:  Enable USGS science integration with CSCs, LCCs, etc.  Results in cooperation between ScienceBase and Geo Data Portal development teams 15

16  In-Kind ($30K): Water’s Office of Information, TX WSC, Energy and Minerals, Fort Collins Science Center, CIDA, NWISWeb, and ten USGS science centers  Deliverables:  ArcGIS 10 software enhancements and maintenance  Training and outreach (3 proposed activities); updated training and technical documentation  Feedback to web services developers  User community website maintenance and updates  Benefits:  Makes NWIS data available to all USGS scientists  Reduces steps to compile data from multiple sites 16

17  In-Kind ($20K): CSAS, Ecosystems MA, Water MA, USFWS subject matter experts for review, NHD Program technical expertise  Deliverables:  Multi-agency data collection app for Android and iPhone  Data service for dissemination through national products  Open File Report  Benefits:  Meets high priority need for hydrological and ecological assessments  Data available to conservation planners  Expand USGS scientific and technical support to the National Fish Habitat Action Plan 17

18 1.Data Management Website, Phase 2 2.Data Mgmt Training & Education, Phase 2 3.USGS Science Center Adaptable Data Mgmt Plan Implementation and Framework 4.Facilitating Knowledge Integration with a Monitoring Protocol Registry, Phase 1 5.USGS Data Mgmt Survey of Scientists 6.Data Exit Survey for USGS Scientists 7.USGS Data Management Planning and Technical Support Response 18

19  In-Kind: CSS ($15K), USGS Volunteer time, Ecosystems, input from community  Deliverables:  Website – Compilation of CDI-approved standards, tools, best practices for USGS scientists  Comprehensive data management content and identified USGS points-of-contact  Benefits:  USGS researchers will have easy access to the standards, tools, and best practices  Centralized, CDI-vetted reference for scientists 19

20  Deliverables:  Website – Compilation of CDI-approved education products for USGS scientists  Benefits:  Inform and encourage broadest possible application of data mgmt best practices  Knowledge of data management practices in the Survey will increase likelihood of properly managed data  Consistent message to all scientists about data management practices  In-Kind: CSS ($6.5K); Ecosystems, BLM, others 20

21  In-Kind ($20K): TX WSC & ASC  Deliverables:  Two science center plan outlines and implementations in form of reusable templates  Science center plans in form of wiki to enhance participation  Benefits:  Two data management models for other science centers to use  Data management framework tested by use case scenario 21

22  In-Kind ($25K): PNAMP, CSAS  Deliverables:  Centralized access to tools that collect documented monitoring protocols  Benefits:  Access to monitoring protocols  Increased awareness of opportunities for collaboration with other scientists across the U.S.  Ability to cite published protocols in metadata and other project documentation 22

23  In-Kind ($10K): CSS, DataONE  Deliverables:  Completed USGS survey with results compiled and analyzed  Benefits:  Baseline to inform effectiveness of future data management actions thru CDI  Identify opportunities for improvement in data management practices in USGS 23

24  In-Kind ($30K): OSQI, AEI, Climate and Land Use Change, CSS  Deliverables:  USGS Exit Survey form and/or Interview script  New Employee/Exiting Employee Data and Records Requirements  Benefits:  Prevent loss of valuable scientific data and information 24

25 Funding for this proposal is not initially being requested. If funds are available in late FY12 or in FY13, we will propose this project at that time  Overview: Create a methodology that includes planning and technical support in the categories of: Policy, Standards, Processes, and Procedures for effective program level data management support. This would “Jump Start” a USGS Program- Level Data Management Task. 25

26 Summary of FY 2012 Proposals Proposals, by Working Group CS 1)Citizen Science Workshop SW 1)Semantic Tech for Integrating Data TS 1)GDP Tools port to Python TS 2)Citizen Science Curated Twitter TS 3)Mobile Apps Framework TS 4)HTML 5 for Openlayers TS 5)Species Occurrences on Mobile Devices TS 6)TNM Save As/Open In TS 7)ScienceBase/GDP TS 8)NWIS Web Services TS 9)Fish Passage Barriers DM 1)Data Mgmt Website DM 2)Data Mgmt Training DM 3)Sci Cntr Data Mgmt Plan Template DM 4)Monitoring Protocol Registry DM 5)Scientist Survey DM 6)Safeguarding USGS Data TOTALS Request In-Kind $ 39,331$ 87,065 $ 19,000$ 35,000$ 40,000 $ 2,750$ 6,250 $ 20,000$ 10,000 $ 22,000$ 10,000 $ 1,825$ 5,200 $ 48,000$120,000$ 30,000 $ 60,844$ 30,000 $ 68,800$ 20,000 $ 30,000$ 15,000 $ 10,000$ 6,500 $ 68,500$ 20,000 $ 18,000$ 25,000 $ 0$ 10,000 $ 0$ 30,000 $479,050$500,015 26

27 Thank you for your support! 27

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