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Yoga as a Medical Alternative A Graduation Project Presented by Kathryn Nash.

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Presentation on theme: "Yoga as a Medical Alternative A Graduation Project Presented by Kathryn Nash."— Presentation transcript:

1 Yoga as a Medical Alternative A Graduation Project Presented by Kathryn Nash

2 Background & Essential Question Research: History, Types, & Medical Benefits of Yoga Research Product My product: Teaching a Yoga Class What I Learned

3 Did you know? STRESS is a major contributing factor to many health problems.

4 Can yoga make us healthier?

5 The Early History of Yoga Originated in India over 5,000 years ago Ancient stone seals found depicting yoga poses found that date from 3000 BC Even older: roots of yoga may be traced to Stone Age Shamanism (the earliest form of religious practice) Evidence of yoga is found in the oldest-existing text, Rig-Veda--a composition of spiritual hymns Originally focused on understanding the world-- later changed to the self with self-enlightenment being the ultimate goal. Sixth century B.C.: poses and meditation were implemented by Buddhists

6 Modern YogaModern Yoga Five basic principles Proper relaxation Proper exercise Proper breathing Proper diet Positive thinking and meditation Swami Sivananda (1887) South India Gymnastics and medicine Treated and cured a sickly wandering monk, who taught him yoga Traveled in search of a Guru and eventually became a monk Wrote over 200 books on yoga and spirituality by hand Swami Sivananda

7 Modern yoga is physical with an optional spiritual part In the U.S., yoga is a 6 billion dollar industry About 20 million Americans practice in some form While yoga is a Hindu practice, most Westerners separate it from Hinduism Most Westerners practice yoga to relax Contemporary Yoga

8 BikramHathaVinyasa KundaliniAshtanga Bikram: Hot yoga Flushes toxins Injury recovery, flexibility Good for advanced & beginners Hatha: Older form Gentle, basic poses Relieves stress Good beginners Vinyasa: Breathing, Sun Salutation Link breath with movement Strength & flexibility Reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure Kundalini: Constantly moving Energizing Chanting & meditation Good for advanced Ashtanga: Power yoga Spiritual Stress, coordination, weight loss Good for advanced Five Commonly Practiced Forms

9 Lower blood pressure & reduce heart rate  reduced risk of heart disease Lower cholesterol levels and improve circulation  reduce effects of cardiovascular disease Regular morning practice  eating less, eating more slowly, and choosing healthier foods Alleviate specific kinds of pain  reduce effects of migraines, back pain, arthritis Increases levels of a neurotransmitter called GABA  improves mood, reduces depression Increases alpha waves in the brain  causes relaxation Increases strength and improves flexibility  reduces injury and improves quality of life


11 Teaching Yoga to Children

12 Before I could teach… I shadowed my mentor who teaches children’s yoga classes at the Namaste Yoga Studio.

13 Teaching my class… Purvottanasana Upward Plank Pose: Stretches the front side of the body and strengthens the core and arms

14 Cobra PoseCobra Pose Bhujangasana Strengthens the back and stomach muscles Stimulates digestion by invigorating the internal organs

15 Tree PoseTree Pose Vrksasana Improves balance and concentration

16 Butterfly PoseButterfly Pose Baddha Konasana Or Bound Ankle Stretches hips and back Releases energy

17 Savasana Total relaxation Parasympathetic state: (relaxation response), breathing slows blood pressure lowers energy is drawn toward the vital organs

18 Overall… Students My personal and academic learning stretch My future

19 “I bow to you” Symbol of gratitude and respect toward students and teachers

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