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Professional Practice You’re Hired! Caroline Officer Advanced Academic Practice July 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Professional Practice You’re Hired! Caroline Officer Advanced Academic Practice July 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Professional Practice You’re Hired! Caroline Officer Advanced Academic Practice July 2012

2 Professional Practice The development of a 2 day professional development course for undergraduates and postgraduates graduating from a television specialist degree course. Non-accredited with the focus on preparing for a freelance career

3 Professional Practice The Birmingham School of Media is a Creative Skillset Media Academy The Creative Skillset Media Academy network collectively delivers a ‘Build Your Own’ MA to industry professionals as continuing professional development (CPD) New modules written after extensive industry market research

4 Professional Practice Professional development is already embedded in all School of Media courses BA – Professional Studies MA – Personal Development Planning So why develop this course?.......

5 Professional Practice Important information delivered during 3 year course is forgotten Course would sharpen student’s professional skills and ensure they were in good shape when applying for jobs, interview skills and for the world of work Also with the advent of the £9,000 fee, it is important to find ways to deliver ‘value for money’ and to leave a lasting impression that our students were well prepared for the next stage of their lives. A valuable and useful parting gift.

6 Professional Practice The course tutors were industry professionals who shared useful tips and covered subjects that had not been addressed during the academic course – Tax and types of contracts were highlighted as very useful information. Hilary Jones – BBC Production Manager Current Production - Countryfile Katy Charles – Business Consultant

7 Professional Practice Structure of the Course Two Days 9.30am – 5pm First Day: Sector Specific Information Second Day: Generic Personal Development Skills – CV & Interview Techniques

8 Professional Practice ‘I learnt an awful lot about how to be a professional….it has made things much clearer and less frightening….’ ‘It was an honest and frank course that highlighted things that you might not have thought about or even not known about like different types of contract…’

9 Professional Practice Summary Use industry professionals Include sector specific and generic course content Develop some Moodle pre course content Provide a pack of useful information for the students to take away with them Incorporate a one to one CV workshop and mock interview if possible Schedule it at the very end of the student’s degree course

10 Professional Practice

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