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Be Creative without / beyond Creative Europe! An online guide in progress by Marie Le Sourd and Mary Helen Young IETM Meeting, Bergamo, 25 April 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Be Creative without / beyond Creative Europe! An online guide in progress by Marie Le Sourd and Mary Helen Young IETM Meeting, Bergamo, 25 April 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Be Creative without / beyond Creative Europe! An online guide in progress by Marie Le Sourd and Mary Helen Young IETM Meeting, Bergamo, 25 April 2015

2 The story behind the online guide - A commission by IETM to On the Move - A guide supported by various organisations: Mezzanine Spectacles, Cultural Fabrik and Association Culture et Développement - Contributions by individuals and organisations with an expertise in the development of EU projects (Charlotte Bohl-Mustafa, Mary Helen Young, ECAS and PEARLE*) A set of information, web-references for the funding of culture related projects in Europe and beyond!

3 The story behind the online guide (to be online latest by June 2015) - A listing of trans-national/cross-sectorial sources of funding in Europe and beyond - A focused introduction to selected EU funding programmes which can benefit the cultural sector - A list of tips and food for thoughts to identify sources of funding and new types of partnerships/ support for development

4 First part: Cultural Mobility related Projects Recall existing resources and online guides co-produced by On the Move and partners (Asia-Europe Foundation, Ministry of Culture and Communication- France, Arab Education Forum, Martin E Segal Theatre, CUNY, Graduate Centre and Theatre Without Borders) More than 1,000 funding schemes listed in Europe, Asia, the Arab world and the USA. Travels at least partially funded.

5 Forms of cultural mobility Touring Co-production/collaboration project Training Residencies Participation in meetings, networks, seminars, incubator projects etc. Research Go and see/exploration grants Job experiences Etc.

6 On the Move

7 Cultural mobility funding guides (Europe/Asia/Arab world/US)

8 Europe

9 Example of information contained in the cultural mobility (CM) guide

10 Example of information contained in the CM guide

11 Second part: Trans-national / trans-sectorial funding schemes Focus on Europe - Trans-national sources of funding - Regional sources of funding - Europe and the world Other sources of funding to consider - Fully paid residencies - Scholarships - Trans-sectorial forms of funding - Competitions and awards - International Focus The majority world - Non EU related funds

12 Third part: EU funding programmes - ERASMUS + (by Charlotte Bohl-Mustafa) - Europe for citizens (by ECAS) - Horizon 2020 (by ECAS) - Europe-Aid by (Mary Helen Young) - Interreg (by Mary Helen Young) - Structural funds and regional cohesion policy (by PEARLE*) - European Regional Development Fund (by ECAS) - COSME (by PEARLE*) Additional tips: - Social Innovation programme (1. PROGRESS, 2. EURES and 3. Microfinance and Entrepreneurship) (by PEARLE*) - Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs > examples

13 Fourth part: Other funding sources and tips - Cities/regions’ support - Bilateral exchange / special cultural years - Crowdfunding - Incubators’ programme - Networks’ meetings, training - Tips beyond online calls/opportunities etc.

14 Fifth part: Online resources related to funding (other online guides; information platforms, MOOC, tips from beyond Europe etc.) Still open to feedback!

15 Be Creative without / beyond Creative Europe! An online guide in progress Thank you! Marie Le Sourd Next: Mary Helen Young for some insights on Europe- Aid, Interreg. and ERASMUS+. is financed by the Ministry of Culture and Communication-France, Relais Culture Europe and through project grants by the Asia-Europe Foundation, Korea Arts Management Service, IETM, GALA project and networks/art and culture related organisations.

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