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The History of the Dewey Decimal Classification System

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1 The History of the Dewey Decimal Classification System
         Dewey the Library Cat

2 Melvil Dewey

3 Melvil Dewey 1851- 1913 Facts about Dewey
He originated the DDC in 1873 It was published & patented in 1876 DDC identifies shelf space for a specific book DDC has been translated into over 30 languages DDC is currently being used in 95% regular and public libraries- 25% academic libraries- 20% special libraries He established the first library school He helped establish the American Library Association in 1876 He was the director of the NYS Library

4 The DDC's Assets & Flaws Assets: Flaws:
 DDC adapts to the needs of the    communities it serves  DDC is being maintained by the Library  of Congress  · DDC is available in both print & online,   full and abridged versions(Web-Dewey) ·  Easily understandable from one language & culture to another ·  Well structured and in order of disciplines, divisions, and sections  DDC numbers can easily be determined    using MARC 21, OCLC, & LC ·  DDC system is expandable Flaws: There is a bias towards Protestant/American aspects in both history & religion There is a potential for very large classification call numbers DDC is constantly being revised  Within the DDC some works are closely related, but very separated numerically  Also, DDC has classes such as Technology in the 600s where call #s are crowded, and others sparse

5               Where do all these books go?
Dewey Classification


7 200 Religion 210 Natural theology 220 Bible 230 Christian theology
240 Christian moral & devotional theology 250 Christian orders & local church  260 Christian social theology 270 Christian church history 280 Christian denominations & sects 290 Other & comparative religions

8 Each new digit represents a new subdivision of knowledge, with increasing specificity.
For example, to find books about butterflies, you'd follow this organization scheme: 500 - Natural Science 590 - Zoological science 595 - Other vertebrates Insects Lepidoptera Butterflies *Remember that books are filed by digit, not by whole number!

9 " WebDewey 2.0 - DDC 23 & Abridged (15) "

10 Complete Online Dewey Decimal Classification System
WebDewey and Abridged WebDewey, the enhanced electronic versions of the full and abridged editions, respectively, and supplemental web postings are the chief sources of ongoing updates to the DDC 23 databases.  On the Dewey web site, the bi-weekly and monthly changes include new Library of Congress Subject Heading mappings, plus Relative index terms and built numbers not available in the print edition, as well as, BISAC headings mapped to Dewey numbers.                                   

11 OK, I know you're asking - Relative index? BISAC ?
        Relative index An index to the DDC classification scheme that not only provides alphabetical references to the subjects and terms in the scheme but also shows some of the relationships between subjects and aspects of subjects.                      BISAC   (Book Industry Standards and Communications)     The BISAC Subject Headings List, also known as the BISAC Subject Codes List, is a standard used by many companies throughout the supply chain to categorize books based on topical content. The Subject Heading applied to a book can determine where the work is shelved in a brick and mortar store or the genre(s) under which it can be searched for in an internal database.

12 WebDewey Features Online searching & browsing
Maps DDC to LCSH and to corresponding LCSH authority records  Abridged version maps to Sears SH Selected MeSH are mapped to DDC numbers Work area for catalogers to build numbers constantly saves work automatically Local notes & comments can be added, then displayed in context so that local classification practices are appropriately available Beginners - easier to start with the printed volumes, then tutorial Experienced researcher - great online - lots of bells and whistles:         Multi index searching, Boolean operators, proximity searches,        truncation, Relative Index, browse sequential indexes of DDC          numbers, hierarchical displays show relation to broader and         narrower classes...

13 Webdewey(s) are by subscription...
Publication of DDC 23 is here; in print a four-volume set in North America.   Abridged Edition 15 is perfect for libraries with fewer than 20,000 titles, this condensed version of the DDC system covers all classes and key index terms.                     Pricing: 4 Vol. DDC23 - $399                       WebDewey 23                         Abridged WD 15                              $260/yr   Single staff in library            $75/yr                     $575/yr      2-9 staff members            $175/yr                     $860/yr      10+ staff                          $235/yr                                                                                                                    

14 WebDewey 23 Free Class Trial Until Nov. 5th!
                               Web Resources WebDewey 23 Free Class Trial Until Nov. 5th! Name:           Password:   DEWEY4U You may log on to WebDewey with this account at   New Dewey numbers and LCSH mappings Classification research at OCLC Educational resources for new librarians and new users


16 Dewey Editorial Office
: The Dewey blog Everything you always wanted to know about the  Dewey Decimal Classification® system but were afraid to ask ... Contact Info : Dewey Editorial Office  Library of Congress  Dewey Section  101 Independence Ave., S.E.  Washington, DC         Legal information:
All copyright rights in the Dewey Decimal Classification system are owned by OCLC. Connexion, DDC, Dewey, Dewey Decimal Classification, OCLC, WebDewey, and WorldCat are registered trademarks of OCLC. All other service names are registered with their respective companies.

17 An Abandoned Kitten Transforms the Spirit of an American Town.
Just wanted to share a story with you about Dewey, the library cat. Written by Vicki Myron & Bret Witter. It is the true story of an abandoned kitten, left in a library book return mailbox in Spencer Iowa. This cat actually brought this farming community together. This is a great story, I encourage all to read it.

18 Dewey: Beyond the Shelves...
Fun Facts... Dewey:  Beyond the Shelves... Dewey Day at the Shrewsbury Public Library activities and events based on DDC (i.e., balloon animal artist, 797.5) Princeton Public Library's Amazing Race children's programming to "race" through the nonfiction categories all summer Dewey Decimal Day! celebrated December 10th, Melvil Dewey's birthday approaches internet searching from a DDC point of view Dewey Browse websites classified using DDC for grades k-12

19 Fun Facts... The Library Hotel --floors correspond to ten classes --rooms on each floor are filled with books and art to represent a specific topic within that class --lawsuit brought by OCLC Library Hotel's DDC System

20 Not-so-fun facts... Dewey: Rejected? --libraries in Arizona, Colorado, and Chicago have replaced DDC with BISAC (Book Industry Standards and Communication) Subject Headings --some are taking "Dewey lite" approach

21 Dewey Resources Let's Do Dewey! Do the Dewey
Fairly comprehensive overview of DDC for kids Dewey Browse Selection of websites organized by DDC for grades k-12 Do the Dewey Dewey Decimal Rap to introduce kids to DDC DDC System List of DDC classes and divisions from the IPL Dewey Services They do own the copyright, after all

22 Quick Quizz Name the subject of this DDC#


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