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+1 508 904 3819 ORBITAL THERAPY, LLC.

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1 +1 508 904 3819 ORBITAL THERAPY, LLC

2 COMPANY BACKGROUND  In operation since 2006 Developing a dedicated linac based unit for breast RT ClearVue prone breast table – commercialized in Q2, 09 Units sold in US, Italy, NL, and GER  Office located at 8 Alfred Circle, Bedford, MA 01730

3 Why treat breast in prone Should be obvious… but it’s not…  Increase separation breast from critical organs (lung, heart)  Eliminate organ motion  Deliver more precise treatment

4 Is Prone Really Better Optimal in Prone for sparing lung and heart 98% of RT 85% of LT 91% overall benefit

5 Reason for prior poor acceptance Inadequate equipment & poor understanding  Misconception that it’s only suitable for large patients  Uncomfortable patient support devices  Hard to reproduce  Lack of clinical experience and data

6 Why is ClearVue different We address the clinical challenges  Extremely stable all carbon fiber platform  Ergonomic pad design to redistribute patient weight  Patient comfort – reduce tendency to move  Fully open design – easier patient set-up  Beam access - treat through any part of the table  One piece table – therapist friendly

7 Patient Comfort is Key No compression on cushion = patient comfort (also note heart is way out of the field)

8 COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL SSD or SAD set-up Example using SSD set-up

9 Main Offering Variable insert options Transportable Stand ClearVue TM Prone Breast Table Angled Cushion

10 Options Lasers for 3 rd point Can triangulate the actual breast!

11 Options VacFix Superior cushion Better daily reproducibility

12 Competition Horizon - Civco Bionix CDR Systems

13 Customer Questions Q: Why so expensive? A: Made from top materials to allow flexibility to treat any current prone breast technique as well as future techniques (S/C in prone, accelerated, etc). Buy quality once. Q: Can I get a custom shape insert made? A: Yes, for an additional small engineering fee we can make custom inserts. Q: Why is one piece construction better? A: Therapist prefer to have one piece as it is easier to locate and fix onto the treatment couch. Most competitors have a “jig-saw puzzle” where it takes time to put it all together and take it apart. Q: We have no experience with prone. Where can I learn about prone breast RT? A: Dr. Formenti (NYU) runs a 2 day course on how to kick-off prone breast program. Q: Prone is good only for large breasted women? A: No, see Dr. Formenti’s data on 400 patients. NYU treats most patients in prone regardless of breast size. Q: Will it fit my CT scanner? A: Yes, we have 3 sizes to accommodate all scanners. Q: Do you have any reference centers for the ClearVue? A: NYU (large university setting), Greenwich Hospital (small hospital setting)

14 Shadow Artifact on CT Well known and documented effect resulting from CT algorithm when it comes to dealing with straight edges. Some scanners may have a correction (beam hardening) option to minimize the effect. Does not make a significant difference in planning and treatment delivery.

15 ClearVue Physics Measurement performed with Dr. Delli Carpini, Greenwich Hospital Material Property (100mu/reading)Angular Backscatter (10x10, 100mu) Angular Backscatter

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