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B.A. (Mahayana Studies) 000-209 Introduction to Computer Science November 2005 - March 2006 3. Office Tools A look at the main tools most computer users.

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Presentation on theme: "B.A. (Mahayana Studies) 000-209 Introduction to Computer Science November 2005 - March 2006 3. Office Tools A look at the main tools most computer users."— Presentation transcript:

1 B.A. (Mahayana Studies) 000-209 Introduction to Computer Science November 2005 - March 2006 3. Office Tools A look at the main tools most computer users need: word processing, spreadsheets, and databases.

2 000-209 Intro to CS. 3/Office Tools 2 Overview 1. Office Tools  commercial and free tools 2. Word Processing  writing documents on a computer 3. What is a Spreadsheet?  analyzing numbers on a computer 4. What is a Database?  manipulating tables of data on a computer

3 000-209 Intro to CS. 3/Office Tools 3 1. Office Tools Some commercial software  AppleWorks, iWork, Lotus SmartSuite  Microsoft Office, Microsoft Works  StarOffice, WordPerfect Office Free/open source software  GNOME Office, KOffice  NeoOffice/J,

4 000-209 Intro to CS. 3/Office Tools 4 1.1. MS Office MS Office  developed for Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac OS Core tools  Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint Other tools:  Access, Publisher, FrontPage, Internet Explorer, Photo Editor, Project, Visio

5 000-209 Intro to CS. 3/Office Tools 5 1.2. (abbreviated OOo) is an open source office suite. Available for many platforms, including Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. It is intended to be just like Microsoft Office.  but free, and less 'buggy' Core tools:  Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw, Base, Math

6 000-209 Intro to CS. 3/Office Tools 6 What is Open Source Software? The software is free. Open source software is developed by groups of people working together  they work for free  they aren't part of a company The program code can be changed/reused by anyone.

7 000-209 Intro to CS. 3/Office Tools 7 2. Word Processing Create, store, and print documents using a computer program called a word processor. Tools: MS Word, OOo writer, WordPerfect

8 000-209 Intro to CS. 3/Office Tools 8 Editing:  insert/delete text blocks  move entire paragraphs or pages Outlining: view document as a hierarchy of headings and subheadings Thesaurus: suggest different words Search: search and replace Spell checking 2.1. Word Processing Features continued

9 000-209 Intro to CS. 3/Office Tools 9 Document statistics  count each word/sentence/paragraph in the document Concordance  create an alphabetical list of words and their frequency in the document Readability Measures  calculate the reading level required to understand the document. continued

10 000-209 Intro to CS. 3/Office Tools 10 Index and Table of Contents Mail Merge  create a series of personalized letters by combining information in a names/addresses list with a form letter

11 000-209 Intro to CS. 3/Office Tools 11 A font is a type style. Adjustable line spacing, margins, indents, tabs, borders, and frames. Justification defines how letters and words are spaced across each line. Hanging indents make numbers stand out 2.2. Text Formating continued

12 000-209 Intro to CS. 3/Office Tools 12 Header  text that appears in the top margin of every page e.g. the document title Footer  text that appear in the bottom margin of every page e.g. the page number

13 000-209 Intro to CS. 3/Office Tools 13 A document template is a preformatted document  format settings done for you Document templates 2.3. Document Formatting

14 000-209 Intro to CS. 3/Office Tools 14 Convert the document to a Web page.  the Web page is formatted using HTML HTML (hypertext markup language)  document text + special formatting codes 2.4. Web Publishing

15 000-209 Intro to CS. 3/Office Tools 15 HTML in a Browser Web page (HTML Formatted Document) displayed in Web browser

16 000-209 Intro to CS. 3/Office Tools 16 3. What is a Spreadsheet? A program that allows a user to enter data into row and column positions (known as cells). A spreadsheet can apply many math operations to the values in its cells. Tools: MS Excel, OOo Calc, Lotus 1-2-3, Corel Quattro Pro

17 000-209 Intro to CS. 3/Office Tools 17 3.1. Example Spreadsheet

18 000-209 Intro to CS. 3/Office Tools 18 Worksheet  a grid of cells organized into columns and rows Cell reference  a unique address for a cell  e.g. cell A1 is in column A, row 1 A cell can contain  numbers, text, formulas (math equations referring to other cells) 3.2. Spreadsheet Components

19 000-209 Intro to CS. 3/Office Tools 19 A spreadsheet is good for:  storing data  doing calculations  graphing data Spreadsheet modeling  set up numbers to describe a real-world situation What-if analyses  experiment with different numbers 3.3. Uses

20 000-209 Intro to CS. 3/Office Tools 20 3.4. Some Spreadsheet Graphs



23 000-209 Intro to CS. 3/Office Tools 23 4. What is a Database? A database is a collection of data organized so it can be searched, selected, and combined easily. Tools: MS Access, Oracle, MySQL Relational databases are organized into tables, record, and fields.  a field is a single piece of data  a record is a set of fields  a table is a collection of records

24 000-209 Intro to CS. 3/Office Tools 24 4.1. Example Database A field (the name of this field is “ PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ”) A record (this record describes an A4 lab book) A single table in a database

25 000-209 Intro to CS. 3/Office Tools 25 4.2. Tables Relationships “Students” table: “Staff” table:

26 000-209 Intro to CS. 3/Office Tools 26 Relationships in MS Access The Relationships Window

27 000-209 Intro to CS. 3/Office Tools 27 4.3. Other Database Features Queries  search the tables, collect information Reports  display information in a nicer way (graphically) Forms  make input to tables easier  can add error checking

28 000-209 Intro to CS. 3/Office Tools 28 Creating a Form real formform in the database by you

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