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Candy Creations. HW---- > Journal Entry In February of 1894, Hershey’s Chocolate Company was founded. If the President of Hershey’s asked you to create.

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Presentation on theme: "Candy Creations. HW---- > Journal Entry In February of 1894, Hershey’s Chocolate Company was founded. If the President of Hershey’s asked you to create."— Presentation transcript:

1 Candy Creations

2 HW---- > Journal Entry In February of 1894, Hershey’s Chocolate Company was founded. If the President of Hershey’s asked you to create a new Hershey candy product, what would that product be? Don’t forget to include the ingredients, the candy’s name, and the type of packaging your new product. 50 words + illustration on left side of journal page.

3 At Hershey, we see a world of opportunity for our products and brands. Over the past several years, Hershey has brought unprecedented levels of innovation to market, developing exciting new products that meet the rapidly changing needs of our consumers. Each year, Hershey products touch over 250 million consumers - and we are constantly looking for innovative ways to deliver on future needs. Your feedback is a powerful driver of our broad-based innovation, which is why we invite you to get involved. We are interested in hearing your ideas on new products, packaging, and technology that will help us deliver the future Hershey's Big Idea video introduction

4 This Peanut-Flavor Crisp topped with a layer of caramel and dipped in chocolate has a name and a taste that’s hard to forget! The cool, refreshing taste of mint dipped in dark chocolate will take you miles away. York Peppermint Patty How does Hershey use packaging, slogans, jingles, descriptions, and ingredients to sell you their products? Use of Humor & Irony Silver & blue colors --- icy

5 twizzlers commercial spot Listen for the description of the product in this Twizzlers commercial. How does the name help tell you about the product? Jolly Rancher How does the Jolly Rancher illustration and lettering on the package describe the product?

6 Product NAME ingredients & taste slogan description packaging special features Let's practice by describing a candy we know.

7 Let's Organize our Ideas Work at your tables to fill in the 4 square about your new product. Help each other out if you get stuck. four square Candy Creation(5814).pdf


9 ·Select a project from the Project menu ·Project DUE: ___________________ ·I can supply some materials for you if needed ·This project is worth 50 points Candy Creation Writing Project menu(9703).pdf


11 Attachments four square Candy Creation(5814).pdf Candy Creation Writing Project menu(9703).pdf

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