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State Services Commission Crown Copyright 2006 RADIO COMMUNICATIONS – APCO P 25 TECHNICAL STANDARD SUITE It is recommended that the e-GIF committee Approve.

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1 State Services Commission Crown Copyright 2006 RADIO COMMUNICATIONS – APCO P 25 TECHNICAL STANDARD SUITE It is recommended that the e-GIF committee Approve the adoption of the APCO P 25 international standards suite as part of the e-GIF framework

2 State Services Commission Crown Copyright 2006 Background Cabinet decision [CBC Min (06) 16/21] Agreed to interagency work to develop a technical interoperability standard to strengthen the reliability of public protection and disaster relief radio communications (PPDR) under the process provided by the e- Government Interoperability Framework (e-GIF) Agreed to the development of a PPDR spectrum allocation plan, noting that the immediate operational needs of the NZ Police will be met through an interim spectrum allocation PPDR Radiocommunications Interoperability Working Group Established to address the development of a technical interoperability standard. Led by the NZ Police and involves representatives from PPDR agencies. Police need to replace their land mobile radios & network

3 State Services Commission Crown Copyright 2006 Proposed e-GIF APCO P25 Technical Standards Recommended for adoption (immediate) Common Air Interface (CAI) Analog FM transceivers Digital P25 Phase 1 transceivers Recommended for future consideration (3-10 years) CAI for FDMA trunked digital systems Inter subsystem interface (ISSI) Fixed station interface Data peripheral interface Fixed host data interface PSTN interface Console subsystem interface

4 State Services Commission Crown Copyright 2006 Consultation As per the e-GIF process public consultation has taken place 584 letters were issued to all the state sector Documents were made available via the e-GIF website All feedback has been in support of the recommended standards

5 State Services Commission Crown Copyright 2006 Impact on Agencies Agencies can migrate to the APCO P25 standard at their own discretion and to their own timeframe The recommended standards –Allow interoperability between legacy analogue and APCO P25 radios when they have access to the same frequencies –Are stable, well supported & documented –Provide by far the best fit to PPDR requirements –Allow for an orderly migration to the new standard The CAI with encryption is in use already in NZ & has been successfully tested and used with international partners Vendor selection for Police next major milestone Proof of concept in network before Police rollout Agency involvement through PSRFMG by Police

6 State Services Commission Crown Copyright 2006 Risks and Issues Further work is required to confirm future PPDR requirements can be met within the emergency services radio bands. Public safety organisations still to receive permanent access to initial frequency allocations for PPDR rollout Some Future consideration standards for network equipment yet to be agreed –Proprietary network offerings –Potential for future interoperability issues

7 State Services Commission Crown Copyright 2006 Recommendations note that a government interoperability Working Group was established to review and recommend a suitable set of standards for the NZ Government Land Radio Mobile Networks; note that a robust consultation process was followed; note that an evaluation of the PPDR standards has been completed and the APCO P25 standards are the most suitable; note that the APCO P25 standards suite has standards at various levels of compliance status (Adopted, and Future consideration) note that agencies can implement the APCO P25 set of standards with a status of Adopted as respective contractual arrangements with service providers expire and as their needs dictate approve the adoption of the recommended APCO P25 standards with a status of adopted, and future consideration

8 State Services Commission Crown Copyright 2006 Emergency telecommunications working structure

9 State Services Commission Crown Copyright 2006 An overview of the APCO P25 Standard

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