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The Grapes of Wrath – pre-reading for use with students BEFORE they begin reading or have any introduction to the novel or the historical background of.

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Presentation on theme: "The Grapes of Wrath – pre-reading for use with students BEFORE they begin reading or have any introduction to the novel or the historical background of."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Grapes of Wrath – pre-reading for use with students BEFORE they begin reading or have any introduction to the novel or the historical background of the Dust Bowl period in American literature

2 What is this person thinking?

3 What do you see in this image?
Where do you think this picture may have been taken?

4 What new things do you see?
How does this new information change your hypothesis about where the picture was taken?

5 When do you think this picture was taken?
What makes you think so?

6 What can you say about the person in this picture?
How does this new information change your hypotheses?

7 What new things do you see?
How does your perspective change as you see more details from the picture?

8 Who are these people? When and where was this picture taken? What makes you think so?

9 Who are these people? What makes you think so?
When and where was this picture taken? What makes you think so?

10 Who do you think took this picture?
Why was this picture taken?

11 What questions does this image leave you with?

12 What are these people thinking?

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