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Presentation on theme: "C OMMON A PPLICATION W ORKSHOP"— Presentation transcript:


2 H OW TO APPLY Remember username/password The navigation menu appears on the left side of the screen. Students can move through the application by clicking through each of the sections. SAVE YOUR WORK OFTEN

3 M Y COLLEGES Choose the colleges you will be applying to through Common App. Students should refer to the My Colleges page to confirm that all required items have been submitted properly and by the deadline. DEADLINES VARY GREATLY

4 D ECISION O PTIONS Early Decision is a binding option, where applicants receive a decision regarding their candidacy much earlier than other applicants. In exchange, the applicant - if admitted - will immediately accept that offer of admission and withdraw their applications from other institutions. Early Action is a non-binding option, where applicants receive a decision regarding their candidacy much earlier than other applicants, but with no obligation to enroll or withdraw their applications from other colleges. Restricted Early Action is the same as Early Action, except that the college in question has placed some additional restrictions on their applicants.

5 C OMMON A PPLICATION Be sure to enter in the high schools that you have attended and Palomar if you took a class there. You will also list senior year classes. Use overall GPA listed on transcript for “cumulative GPA”. GPA is either weighted with AP classes, or unweighted without AP classes Graduating class size is 490. GPA scale is 4. Class Rank= District does not rank. When entering in test info be sure to include scores. If you are taking a test in the future (Oct/Nov) put that date on your application. Must send ACT/SAT scores to every school directly from College Board and ACT. Report AP and SAT Subject exam scores. Honors and extracurricular activities/work exp. Short answer/personal essay

6 A PPLICATION CONT ’ D You will be able to preview your Common Application at any time by clicking the ‘preview' link on the maroon bar across the top of the screen. This will bring up a PDF copy of application. Signature page is final part of application before submission. The Application, Payment, and Supplement submissions are three distinct processes. Students should refer to the My Colleges page to confirm that all required items have been submitted properly and by the deadline. It is your responsibility to preview your application prior to submitting it to ensure all your information is entered correctly.

7 S ENIOR Y EAR C OURSES Senior Schedule: Enter in 1 st semester and 2 nd semester courses. If you listed a course on your application and then drop it, you MUST notify the admissions office at each university to which you applied. All acceptances are conditional; MUST earn C or better

8 S UPPLEMENTS If an institution that you have selected requires a supplement, this will be available in the 'Supplements' section. If a supplement is required, you must complete and submit this before your application package will be complete. Some colleges have a supplement deadline before the common app. deadline. Do not wait until the last minute to submit your forms!

9 P AYMENT Students may request a Fee Waiver on the Payment Page. If you received a fee waiver for the SAT or receive free/reduced lunch, you may be eligible for application fee waivers from some colleges. If you qualify, you are eligible to receive up to four fee waivers. All colleges on Common App agree to accept both the NACAC and College Board Fee Waivers – counselors can upload the NACAC fee waiver directly to Common App. (Mail the College Board Fee Waiver Form directly to the admission office of the institution to which you are applying).

10 S CHOOL F ORMS Applicants can invite teachers and counselor to provide recommendations (counselor will complete secondary school report and upload official transcript). Most institutions require multiple Instructor Evaluations. To determine how many are required for your selected institutions, please contact the institution directly or review their requirements on the My Colleges page. One counselor and multiple teachers can be identified for School Forms (depending on the requirements of each college). After a teacher or counselor is added to a student's list of school officials, an email is sent to that school official with instructions about using the online system.

11 R EQUESTING L ETTERS OF R ECOMMENDATION ASKING nicely for Letters of Recommendation - packet available in the Counseling office. Must give at least 2 weeks notice! Make sure you ask teachers/counselor if you may put contact info in and to expect an email from Common App.

12 R EQUESTING L ETTERS OF R ECOMMENDATION Remember to give counselor/teacher at least 2 weeks notice!!

13 CSS P ROFILE CSS Profile - Many colleges require both the CSS Profile and the FAFSA application to determine your financial aid/scholarship eligibility. The deadlines for the CSS Profile vary from school to school (please check each school’s financial aid website for specific details). Complete the CSS Profile online at The fee for the initial application and one college or program report is $25.00. Additional reports are $16.00. A limited number of fee waivers are granted.

14 C OUNSELOR CONTACT INFO Lori Nguyen Janet Paul- Lisa Stout- Leandro Galaz- CEEB code: 050883


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