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F4E-OPE-083 EU HVD1 and HVD1 Bushing 1 MV post-insulator issue 1.

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Presentation on theme: "F4E-OPE-083 EU HVD1 and HVD1 Bushing 1 MV post-insulator issue 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 F4E-OPE-083 EU HVD1 and HVD1 Bushing 1 MV post-insulator issue 1

2 2 Background - HistoryBackground - History  October 2014: Possibility to use the 1 MV post-insulators from HITACHI inside the Interface Box first introduced in the Final Tender from SIEMENS  January 2015: Discussed during the KO meeting with SIEMENS  Feb-Mar 2015: Request introduced by F4E during IMM, Contact point HITACHI provided by JADA. No direct discussion with HITACHI (Factory Acceptance Tests taking place in parallel at HITACHI premises).  Mar 2015: continued exchanges JADA-HITACHI. Main issue is that the post-insulators are custom components developed by HITACHI GIS Division, for direct integration within the Transmission Line. They do not belong to a product line of HITACHI; they are not intended to be sold outside HITACHI. No certificates of conformity are available, they are considered as “parts” of the Transmission Line, not as individual components -> non-standard request.  Apr-2015: concerns about IP and protection of know-how, HITACHI asked for additional information on existing expertise of SIEMENS and justification for the request  May-2015: Note

3 3 Design considerationsDesign considerations Connecting Piece (JADA, HITACHI tbc) No post-insulators inside the Connecting Piece (JADA):  limited length (c.a 700mm)  bellow Support of the conductors:  TL2 side (JA): weight of the conductors hosted inside the Connecting Piece supported indirectly via the post-insulator(s) located inside the TL2, next to the flange between the Connecting Piece and the TL2.  HVD1 Bushing assembly side (EU): assuming some support of the JA conductors, via post-insulators (see sketch)

4 4 Interface box (EU)Interface box (EU)

5 5 Design considerations (2)Design considerations (2) HVD1 Bushing The weight of the conductors inside the HVD1 Bushing will be supported by the top flange of the bushing. Interface Box The Interface Box, SF6-insulated, hosts the transition of the conductors design inside a spherical shield. The mechanical design of the Interface Box is constrained:  location of the Bushing is fixed  no flexibility of interfacing components (civil work, TL already manufactured) The design of SIEMENS foresees the use of post-insulators identical to those developed by HITACHI to support the spherical shield inside the Interface Box Top view of spherical shield Post-insulator

6 6 Which 1 MV post-insulator to use?Which 1 MV post-insulator to use? 1)Use of similar/equivalent product from SIEMENS 2)Use of Similar / Equivalent product outside SIEMENS 3)Re-use of HITACHI designed post-insulators 4)New product development from SIEMENS

7 7 1 - Use of similar product from SIEMENS internal capability of SIEMENS checked (see portfolio of HVDC projects from SIEMENS in Annex I of the Note) Main findings  References for HV DC applications (Plants in China, 800 kV DC) are all air-insulated which make them irrelevant for our use (gas-insulation required) – see also Annex II;  Existing references for application with a gas insulated medium (SF6) are limited to DC 320 kV, very much below the DC voltage levels required - see also Annex III;  A new product-line with a nominal voltage above DC 320 kV is in preparation. It remains however well below the DC 1MV requested for the project of F4E (<600 kV). No further information is available on this activity (restricted commercial).  In conclusion, there is no 1 MV insulator produced by SIEMENS that could be used inside the interface box.

8 8 2 - Use of similar product outside SIEMENS  SIEMENS is also investigating the possibility to purchase such component from other manufacturers of post-insulators, either within or outside Europe.  No suitable manufacturer /product identified so far.

9 9 3 - Re-use of HITACHI post-insulators3 - Re-use of HITACHI post-insulators Reference scenario for procurement schedule - Most natural solution Most advantages and fewer risks from the overall NBPS project viewpoint: Low technical risk– proven technology (already developed by HITACHI) Efficiency, time gain – no need to re-develop from scratch an already existing product. Very few units necessary (3/6 per unit depending on the design solution) compared to the production needs for the Transmission Line (approx. 40 per TL) Easier maintenance (long-term), same spares Conditions and terms of use (technical, commercial) to be agreed between SIEMENS and HITACHI, according to HITACHI’s constraints In particular:  protection of HITACHI know-how  Agreement on terms of supply based on actual project requirements (certificate/test results etc)

10 10 4 – New product development by SIEMENS Aside from the administrative considerations (heavy internal process requiring clearance from SIEMENS Top Management, difficult to justify considering the limited number of units needed, possible extra costs on the project) such procurement strategy would have a direct and large impact on the schedule of the NBTF project, in particular on the schedule of the Power Supply installation and integration activities. An overall delay of more than 30 months is anticipated by SIEMENS under such scenario:  Specification for design, requirements – c.a. 4 months  Design and development, simulation – c.a. 16 months  Prototype and tests – c.a. 6 months  Test operation – c.a. 2 months  Closure of Final Design Report – c.a. 2 months  + unknowns: time to launch internal product development, contract impact with F4E, etc…

11 11 Which 1 MV post-insulator?Which 1 MV post-insulator? 1)Use of similar/equivalent product from SIEMENS No suitable product found in SIEMENS product line 2)Use of Similar / Equivalent product outside SIEMENS No equivalent product found so far 3)Re-use of HITACHI designed post-insulators – preferred solution, reference for procurement schedule** 4)New product development from SIEMENS – last choice, if no alternative, large project impact (schedule, cost, technical risk) ** ideally via a direct commercial agreement between the 2 suppliers SIEMENS and HITACHI but if this is not possible, alternative ways could be explored – via JADA, F4E, IO, etc…

12 12 Latest exchangesLatest exchanges Dear Mr. Krohn Thank you very much for your inquiry. I understand the situation you are in. I am sorry, but I have to refuse your request to ask us to supply the post-insulators developed by us. We have to stick to our policy that we will not supply the individual post-insulator as a single item selling and we can solely provide the completed equipment with built-in such post-insulators. I am terribly sorry I cannot give you a favorable answer for your special request. I really appreciate if you could understand our circumstances that I cannot come up to your expectations. Best regards. Hiroyuki Kawakami Hitachi Works, Hitachi Ltd. Transformer Design Dept. NBI Gr. Direct exchange SIEMENS-HITACHI not successful

13 13 Conclusions  The design of the interface box (EU supply, SIEMENS) hosting the conductors transition between the HVD1 Bushing and the Connecting Piece + Transmission Line (JADA Supply, HITACHI) foresees the need to use post-insulators identical to those developed by HITACHI for the Transmission Lines.  Considering that no alternative source of supply has been identified so far, and that launching the development by SIEMENS of a fit-to-purpose component would result in additional project risks, possible extra costs, and large project delays, the only suitable solution identified at this stage is to re-use the post-insulators already developed and manufactured by HITACHI for the Transmission Line.  The conditions of purchase and terms of use should be discussed and agreed between the Parties on the basis of HITACHI constraints and the project needs.  Fusion for Energy and ITER organization favor such solution and will support an agreement of the Parties to such end.  A direct exchange between SIEMENS and HITACHI is recommended, in order to progress the matter and discuss the terms of a possible agreement.

14 14

15 HV DC References of SIEMENS Classic/HVDC-Classic_Transmission_References_en.pdf

16 16 Extracts from Annex IExtracts from Annex I Yunnan Guangdong project (800kV DC) Air-insulated

17 17 DC compact switchgear 320 kV (SF6)DC compact switchgear 320 kV (SF6)

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