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M A C R O Molding, Inc. M A C R O Molding, Inc. Prepared By: Mike Kleinhenz.

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Presentation on theme: "M A C R O Molding, Inc. M A C R O Molding, Inc. Prepared By: Mike Kleinhenz."— Presentation transcript:

1 M A C R O Molding, Inc. M A C R O Molding, Inc. Prepared By: Mike Kleinhenz

2 First of all: What is Injection Molding? A manufacturing process for forming objects, as of plastic or metal, by heating the molding material to a fluid state and injecting it into a mold. Injection-molding machinery dissolves he plastic powder in a heating chamber and by plunger action forces it into cold molds, where the product sets. The operations take place at rigidly controlled temperatures and intervals.

3 Do we realize how dependent we are on plastics? In today’s society we are constantly looking for better products and better ways to develop those products. Take a look inside your car or your home and count how many plastic products you have!

4 M A C R O Molding: what we bring to the table… The product knowledge and experience that will be incorporated in this company will enable us to accomplish all of our objectives. 40+ years experience Diversified skills This region offers little competition. Target market: agriculture and small businesses. Reputation We know our limitations.

5 Competitive Advantages: We will have an in-house tooling department. Processing skills and experience. Quick mold-changes. Delivery upon completion.

6 Developed Business Opportunities (annual): Fritz Industries (M. Kim Harris) – Gumball Machines… $57,120 (Gross) $42,000 (Estimated Profit) Pacific Container, Inc. (Mick Coombs) – Packaging/Ag $93,600 (Gross) $70,000 (Estimated Profit) $75,750 (Gross) $50,000 (Estimated Profit)* Chesbro, Inc. (M. Kropielniski) – Music Pocket-holder… $62,080 (Gross) $30,080 (Estimated Profit) U-turn, Inc. (Randy Francis) – Vending Machine $495,000 (Gross) $240,000 (Est. Profit)*  =$212,800 (Total Gross w/o) $783,550 (Total Gross w/)

7 Products and Services: Injection Molding Molding/Tooling (in-house tooling department) Consultation

8 What does the future hold? Plastic Extrusion Insert Molding Blow Molding Vacuum Molding Plastic Fabrication Medical/Automotive Industry Regional Expansion


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