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The John J. Cali School of Music Strategic Plan DRAFT April 1, 2009.

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1 The John J. Cali School of Music Strategic Plan DRAFT April 1, 2009

2 SWOT S trengths W eaknesses O pportunities T hreats Strategic Plan 5 Page

3 Strengths Outstanding placement rate in music education and music therapy Comprehensive curriculum that offers students well-rounded experience Excellent record of placing students in high-profile graduate programs Broad range of individual and ensemble performing opportunities Strong faculty/student relationships with low student/faculty ratio New state of the art teaching and performing facilities Affordable education Thriving and expanding relationships with international universities Faculty known nationally and internationally for excellence World-renowned resident ensemble – Shanghai Quartet Partch Instrumentarium – a unique collection of musical instruments Global relationships Landmark Music Therapy Program in the Northeast with excellent national and international reputation Strategic Plan 6 Page

4 Weaknesses Insufficient scholarships to compete with other 1 st tier music schools Lack of focus in undergraduate and graduate recruitment Lack of fully developed and funded graduate program Inadequate funding for current programs and programmatic initiatives Gaps in staffing and full time faculty needed to support the growth an expansion of the John J. Cali School of Music Low public awareness of the John J. Cali School Lack of minority representation among the students and full-time faculty Inadequate library maintenance and acquisitions of collections Potential lack of support for maintenance and upkeep of new building HVAC and security Insufficient budget for instrument purchase, maintenance and rental Scheduling conflicts, lack of coordination and communication with other MSU entities for usage of Kasser Theater. Strategic Plan 7 Page



7 Goals Objectives Strategies Strategic Plan 8 Page

8 MSU – Strategic University Goals The University will be a recognized center for excellence in teaching and learning. The University will be a source of new knowledge and the application of knowledge. The University will provide expanded opportunities within a richly diverse setting. The University will provide the resources to accommodate the planned expansion. The University will embrace the pervasive and transforming use of technology. The University will become a center for global study and understanding. The University will foster a vibrant sense of community in which each student will be challenged to attain her or his full potential. The University will serve as a resource for the local and regional community. The University will adopt a plan to measure its progress in meeting its key goals. The University will remain financially accessible to students and families of New Jersey and will offer excellent educational and career enhancement value. Strategic Plan 9 Page

9 GOAL #1: The John J. Cali School will be recognized as a center of excellence in teaching and learning. Expand and deepen the artistic and academic disciplines represented by the school Develop stronger opportunities for collaborative learning, interdisciplinary programs Develop masters in music degrees in performance and composition Develop a comprehensive graduate music education curriculum by increasing the diversity of course offerings Reassess the Music Therapy curriculum in order to maximize economy and efficiency in the program. Develop a doctoral program in music composition Create a collaboration between Vocal Studies and Speech Pathology Create a collaborative piano program Master of Music in Musical Theatre Accompaniment Create a recognized and fully supported opera program Develop the Harry Partch Institute as an international learning center Increase the students’ level of artistic and scholarly proficiency Revise curriculum to strengthen musical and academic skills Perform major works in significant outside venues Expand access and opportunities for coaching, chamber music, performance, master classes, and interaction with guest artists Strategic Plan 10 Page

10 GOAL #2: The John J. Cali School of Music will be a source of new knowledge and, through its faculty, set a standard of excellence in the musical arts. The John J. Cali School of Music will encourage faculty excellence, creativity and career satisfaction Assist faculty in applying for outside support for research, scholarship, etc. Increase staff support for administrative functions currently done by faculty Expand support for conference participation and workshops Develop outside partnerships and collaborations Re-examine and refine a faculty recognition/reward system that encourages a feeling of safety and motivates faculty research, scholarship, mentorship, etc. Promote and encourage the artistic activities of the faculty The John J. Cali School of Music encourages innovative teaching practices, encourages vision and provides continuity Expand support for student/faculty research, and faculty/student collaborative projects Recognize progressive teaching strategies in curricular planning and coursework The John J. Cali School of Music encourages innovative educational applications for the presentation of new musical scholarship Encourage the creation and performance of new musical works Expand opportunities to re-examine historical performance practices Regularly present rarely performed works Use our students and programs as a resource for interdisciplinary projects, involving professional artists and companies Create a mini-residency for prominent guest artists and scholars for a one- or two-year period Strategic Plan 11 Page

11 GOAL #3: The John J. Cali School of Music will expand while supporting broad diversity in faculty, students and community. Increase enrollment to support expanded program activities Optimize proportion of undergraduate to graduate enrollment Build and strengthen the enrollment in the graduate programs Stimulate enrollment-driven programs and expand general education offerings Engage a marketing consultant for an institutional awareness campaign Advertise the School in major industry publications Increase the level of active recruitment through special events, tours, and partnerships Increase the diversity of the student body, faculty and staff Develop and expand urban partnerships Recruit students and faculty from targeted under represented populations Retain and recruit more full-time and adjunct faculty from traditionally under represented populations Strategic Plan 12 Page

12 GOAL #4: The John J. Cali School of Music will work with the University to secure resources to accommodate its planned growth. Work with the Cali Advisory Board to increase available annual scholarships for students Build a strong case for support directed to individuals, foundations, and corporations Actively engage alumni as advocates for the program Increase the level of fundraising, especially the endowment Complete the naming of rooms in the new John J. Cali School of Music building Work with the university to increase annual program support, operational needs and graduate assistantships. Add a full-time technical director for Cali School productions Add a full-time facilities manager Add a full-time piano technician Engage a full-time marketing consultant for institutional awareness Add a full-time ethnomusicologist to the faculty Revisit the level of required music librarian support Provide financial support to increase the number of music scores, books, and recordings maintained in the Music Library Establish an endowment, the proceeds to support guest artists and master classes Work with the Graduate School to establish robust assistantships comparable to peer organizations Strategic Plan 13 Page

13 GOAL #5: The John J. Cali School of Music will continue to embrace the pervasive and transforming use of music and library technology. Develop a comprehensive music library Continue to acquire music-specific databases Increase global access to information and technology Ensure the successful operation of the planned media labs and infrastructure in the new John J. Cali School of Music building Expand the technology component in current curricula Develop web-based learning curricula Increase the interactive offerings on the Cali School web site for students and faculty Support interactive learning opportunities including hybrid courses, distance learning and other evolving models Strategic Plan 14 Page

14 GOAL #6: The John J. Cali School of Music will continue to be a leader in international study and understanding. Develop student/faculty exchange opportunities to introduce students to global perspectives on teaching and learning Improve and solidify current exchange programs Develop new international programs and relationships Continue to encourage and expand faculty and student travel abroad Increase support for international study Increase Cali Advisory Board awareness of and involvement in international exchanges Expose students to celebrated musical traditions from around the globe Expand the awareness of and competencies in non-western music Request a full-time faculty position for an ethnomusicologist Increase support for the performance of non-western music Strategic Plan 15 Page

15 GOAL#7: The John J. Cali School of Music will foster a vibrant sense of community in which each student will be challenged to attain her/his highest potential. Develop enrollment management and support procedures Track admission and retention of students Develop effective support for underserved populations, as well as non- traditional and special needs students Increase career support services for students Establish a placement office or referral system/website, linking students and alumni to the professional marketplace Establish a students job placement network for professional opportunities Track and support the accomplishments of recent graduates Foster a holistic approach between academic and artistic activities Review and revise curricula to achieve integrated learning for a healthy balance Solicit student feedback Promote faculty discussion to address issues of health and balance Strategic Plan 16 Page

16 GOAL #8: The John J. Cali School of Music will serve as a resource for the local and regional community. Increase educational opportunities for the local and regional community Create an extension division for lifelong learning Expand the offerings of the Preparatory Center Develop summer programs such as a song institute, string and band pedagogy institutes, orchestra and choral festivals, etc. Assume operation of existing Jazz Connections Summer program Expand student/faculty interaction with the community Increase off-campus performances and events Support student interaction with local schools, hospitals and other institutions Further develop internships and community service programs Encourage volunteerism from the community Develop roles for volunteers in the Cali School Create a volunteer management process Create campus/community music ensembles Encourage community involvement in targeted musical ensembles Strategic Plan 17 Page

17 Implementation Planning Five-year resource timeline Yearly operating plan and budget Review criteria Schedule of review meetings Strategic Plan 18 Page

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