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Creative Careers Week Careers in Digital Marketing.

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Presentation on theme: "Creative Careers Week Careers in Digital Marketing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creative Careers Week Careers in Digital Marketing

2 About me Mickael Paris Head of Digital Marketing at Standard Life Previous roles: Digital Manager at Skyscanner Business development executive at Maxymiser Marketing assistant at CPS technologies @MickScotland

3 Who is Standard Life? Created 1825 8,500 employees in UK, Europe, North America and Asia One of the Fortune Global 500's largest companies by revenue 6,000,000 customers £254 billion assets under management

4 Question time What is digital marketing?

5 The promotion of products or brands via electronic media… …and there are a lot of media

6 Why is it important? E-commerce is the fastest growing retail market in Europe, with sales in the UK, Germany, France, Sweden, The Netherlands, Italy, Poland and Spain expected to reach a combined total of £111.2 bn in 2014.

7 Digital Marketing - a good career choice

8 What does it mean for you? The online sector is expanding and fast recruiting. Online marketing isn’t just one discipline. Whether you’re more left or right brain, creative or a data geek, there will be a job for you. Although the sector is recruiting fast, job competition is always increasing and getting experience sooner rather than later is important.

9 Some of the roles that might be of interest Online marketer: SEO PPC Affiliate marketing Email marketer Digital strategist Web Analyst/Scientist eCRM manager User experience User experience designer User experience researcher Web Designer Web developer Customer Experience Optimisation manager (CXO)

10 But what is it we actually do?

11 Think about what a typical customer journey looks like Traffic acquisition Brand awareness Brand consideration Retention Conversion Service

12 Brand awareness Traffic acquisition Brand awareness Brand consideration Retention Conversion Service

13 Brand awareness

14 Brand consideration Traffic acquisition Brand awareness Brand consideration Retention Conversion Service

15 All searches start here But more and more they also start here

16 Traffic acquisition Brand awareness Brand consideration Retention Conversion Service

17 Being everywhere the customer is SEO and PPCAffiliatesRetargeting AggregatorsTargeted display

18 Convert Traffic acquisition Brand awareness Brand consideration Retention Conversion Service

19 Convert

20 Let’s do an experiment

21 AB CD 9.2% increase Which variant generated more login?

22 Which variant drove more people to click on Find out more? AB 2.14% increase

23 Which variant generated more clicks to application? A C BD 24% increase

24 Service and retention Traffic acquisition Brand awareness Brand consideration Retention Conversion Service

25 Would you stay with them?


27 But working in Digital Marketing is also…

28 …fun!!!

29 Thank you

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