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I. How to recognize AXLE manufacturer 1. Recognizing by product No. Unavailable to confirm AXLE company Available to confirm AXLE company - In case of.

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Presentation on theme: "I. How to recognize AXLE manufacturer 1. Recognizing by product No. Unavailable to confirm AXLE company Available to confirm AXLE company - In case of."— Presentation transcript:

1 I. How to recognize AXLE manufacturer 1. Recognizing by product No. Unavailable to confirm AXLE company Available to confirm AXLE company - In case of the blank as on the left side of picture, It is unavailable to recognize AXLE company : Go on page 2 and 3 * Recognizing AXLE manufacturer after checking BAR CODE on the tag - If the first letter starts with Alphabet(ex. DRHG40517002C) : KSC - If the first letter starts with digit(ex. 6300CY5616118D) : T.I TYPEKSCTONGIL CURRENT MANUFACTURER HYUDAI DYMOSS&T FRTREARFRTREAR EPC Cat. All Model4120421041214211 Rodius(Stavic)4120422041214220 -

2 II. Recognizing AXLE manufacturer after checking AXLE BAR CODE 2. Recognizing the manufacturer after seeing AXLE installed: In case of KSC Marked manufacturer LOT Wheel bolt :Black color Drain plug: 9.25mm AXLE BAR CODE(manufacturer) AXLE MODULE BAR CODE *.module company(HYURIM) Mounting bolt :Black color AXLE BAR CODE(manufacturer) *. KSC(HYUNDAI DYMOS )

3 II. Recognizing AXLE manufacturer after checking AXLE BAR CODE 3. Recognizing the manufacturer after seeing AXLE installed: In case of T.I or S&T (a.k.a TONGIL type) Marked manufacturer LOT Wheel bolt :Yellow color AXLE BAR CODE(manufacturer) Drain plug: 12.7mm AXLE MODULE BAR CODE *.module company(HYURIM) Mounting bolt :Yellow color AXLE BAR CODE(manufacturer) *. T.I(S & T) : Marked Number digit: Day (01 ~ 31) digit: Serial Number (001 ~ 999) Digit or alphabet: Month (01 ~ 09→January ~September A →October, B →November, C →December digit: Year (2→2002)

4 III. How to recognize AXLE SHAFT TYPE 4. SINGLE & DOUBLE BEARING -. Although it has changed since Dec. 1 st, 2007, it is available to use for any vehicle both before and after that day. -. By changing BEARING TYPE, SHAFT & HUB OTR BEARING is changed as well. -. Single & DOUBLE BEARING cannot be simultaneously installed. (ex. SINGLE TYPE – SINGLE TYPE SHAFT) SINGLE BEARING TYPE DOUBLE BEARING TYPE 5. How to recognize through ITEM INDEX after searching Product No T/M : A/T M/T T/C : 2WD & P/Time & AWD AXLE RATIO : 3.31R / 4.27R** LSD : NON-LSD / LSD SUSP : 5-LINK / M LINK

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