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Tunis 24 October 20001 Initiative on the creation of a credit insurer in Africa Edward Watson Watson Robinson & Associates.

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Presentation on theme: "Tunis 24 October 20001 Initiative on the creation of a credit insurer in Africa Edward Watson Watson Robinson & Associates."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tunis 24 October 20001 Initiative on the creation of a credit insurer in Africa Edward Watson Watson Robinson & Associates

2 Tunis 24 October 20002 Facultative political-risk- only reinsurance Regional credit insurer International banks exporters,traders, etc African banks exporters, traders, etc African banks exporters, traders, etc ECAs and private insurers African Trade Insurance Agency B B B AA A Political-risk-only insurance B Comprehensive single risk trade credit insurance trade into regionintra-regional traderegional exports

3 Tunis 24 October 20003 Hurdles volume of business political risks information cost of IT local expertise awareness of product

4 Tunis 24 October 20004 Facultative political-risk- only reinsurance Regional credit insurer International banks exporters,traders, etc African banks exporters, traders, etc African banks exporters, traders, etc ECAs and private insurers African Trade Insurance Agency Regional credit insurer credit insurer partner Treaty political-risk- only reinsurance B B B AA C CC A Political-risk-only insurance B Comprehensive single risk trade credit insurance C Comprehensive multi-buyer trade credit insurance trade into regionintra-regional traderegional exports

5 Tunis 24 October 20005 ATI’s role  issue policies  local dedicated resource and facilities  political risk (re)insurance  coordinate outsourced services

6 Tunis 24 October 20006 Outsourced services  management and operational support  marketing  underwriting  monitoring and control of exposures  underwriting capacity  policy management  management of potential claims  handling of claims and recoveries  information requirements  systems and support  training

7 Tunis 24 October 20007 Facultative political-risk- only reinsurance Regional credit insurer International banks exporters,traders, etc African banks exporters, traders, etc African banks exporters, traders, etc ECAs and private insurers African Trade Insurance Agency Regional credit insurer credit insurer partner reinsurers Treaty political-risk- only reinsurance B B B AA C CC A Political-risk-only insurance B Comprehensive single risk trade credit insurance C Comprehensive multi-buyer trade credit insurance trade into regionintra-regional traderegional exports

8 Tunis 24 October 20008 Partner expertise security credibility systems private sector African risk

9 Tunis 24 October 20009 Partner experience African buyer information project driver long-term view to partnership

10 Tunis 24 October 200010 Facultative political-risk- only reinsurance Regional credit insurer International banks exporters,traders, etc African banks exporters, traders, etc African banks exporters, traders, etc ECAs and private insurers African Trade Insurance Agency Regional credit insurer credit insurer partner reinsurers Treaty political-risk- only reinsurance B B B AA C CC A Political-risk-only insurance B Comprehensive single risk trade credit insurance D C Comprehensive multi-buyer trade credit insurance trade into regionintra-regional traderegional exports general and specialist insurance brokers D Distribution provided via all broker networks

11 Tunis 24 October 200011 Conclusion lean expertise systems private sector

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