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BY CARLO BECERRA & LUIS ALCAZAR Albert Einstein. Background o Born: Ulm, Kingdom of Wurttemberg, German Empire o March 14, 1879 o In 1901 he worked as.

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Presentation on theme: "BY CARLO BECERRA & LUIS ALCAZAR Albert Einstein. Background o Born: Ulm, Kingdom of Wurttemberg, German Empire o March 14, 1879 o In 1901 he worked as."— Presentation transcript:


2 Background o Born: Ulm, Kingdom of Wurttemberg, German Empire o March 14, 1879 o In 1901 he worked as a technical assistant in a Swiss Patent Office o Worked on the Manhattan Project (development of WW2 nuclear bombs) o Offered the presidency of Israel, but later declined o Died April 18, 1955 at Princeton, New Jersey

3 Theory of Special Relativity Measurement in inertial frames Based on two principles: Principle of relativity – laws of physics don’t change even when objects move at constant speeds relative to each other Principle of speed of light – Nothing can travel at the speed of light E=mc²

4 General Theory of Relativity Found that space and time were twisted together into a single continuum. Predicted that space-time around Earth would be warped and twisted by its rotation. Massive objects cause a distortion in space-time. Gravitational effects are shown by curvature in space-time.

5 Mass-energy Equivalence E=mc 2 Concept that the mass of an object is a measurement of its energy content Energy regularly changes form into matter and matter into energy When you accelerate an object, kinetic energy increases to the tune of the speed squared. Kinetic energy, or energy of motion, is proportional to mass.

6 Conclusion Theory of relativity introduced a new framework for physics and proposed a new concept of time and space. His equation for mass-energy equivalence opened the door for many technological advances and showed us that matter and energy go with each other. In 1921, Albert Einstein won the Nobel Prize for his “discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect”.

7 REFERENCES ureates/1921/einstein-bio.html ureates/1921/einstein-bio.html 2420239/Professor-Brian-Cox-time-travel-IS- possible--want-to-future.html 2420239/Professor-Brian-Cox-time-travel-IS- possible--want-to-future.html relativity.html relativity.html myth/everyday-myths/einstein-formula.htm myth/everyday-myths/einstein-formula.htm

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