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Presentation on theme: "DOCUMENT #:GSC15-PLEN-14 FOR:Presentation SOURCE:ATIS AGENDA ITEM:PLEN 6.1 CONTACT(S):Asok Chatterjee"— Presentation transcript:

1 DOCUMENT #:GSC15-PLEN-14 FOR:Presentation SOURCE:ATIS AGENDA ITEM:PLEN 6.1 CONTACT(S):Asok Chatterjee ( ATIS Activities on IMT Standards Asok Chatterjee Vice President, Industry Relations, Ericsson Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) GSC-15

2 2  ATIS interfaces with ITU-R directly as a Sector Member.  The primary ATIS committee addressing IMT is the Wireless Technologies and Systems Committee (WTSC).  The Radio Interface activities for IMT are handled by the RAN subcommittee of WTSC (WTSC-RAN).  Core Network activities for IMT are handled by the G3GSN subcommittee of WTSC (WTSC-G3GSN).  ATIS transposes 3GPP specifications for three IMT-2000 Radio interfaces in ITU-R Rec. M.1457: CDMA-DS, CDMA-TDD, and TDMA-SC.  A large number of the member companies of WTSC are working on the IMT issues through 3GPP as well as through ATIS Sector Member input. Highlight of Current Activities (1)

3 3  ATIS, as a 3GPP Organizational Partner (OP), is part of “the proponent” for and endorsed the 3GPP LTE- Advanced IMT-Advanced submission to ITU-R WP5D.  ATIS WTSC Registered as an ITU-R WP5D Independent Evaluation Group. Evaluated both IMT-Advanced submissions (ADV/4 and ADV/8). Conducted its IMT-Advanced evaluation activities in WTSC-RAN in a series of extra interim meetings in addition to the regularly scheduled WTSC meetings. Participated in the IMT-Advanced Evaluation Correspondence Fora in WP5D, both asking questions and obtaining responses. Participated in both IMT-Advanced proposal Workshops. Highlight of Current Activities (2)

4 4  ATIS submitted interim and final IMT-Advanced evaluation reports and concluded that there were no areas where the proponents failed to meet the requirements.  ATIS continues to discuss WP5D IMT activities, as well as WP5A activities on Broadband Wireless Access (which includes IMT technologies), and produce input contributions as a Sector Member.  ATIS intends to participate in the development of the IMT.UPDATE report on the future growth of Broadband Wireless and its spectrum requirements. Highlight of Current Activities (3)

5 5  ATIS will: Continue to support the evolution of IMT-Advanced technologies, Be a Global Core Specification (GCS) proponent in support of M.[RSPEC], Be authorized as a “Transposing Organization” under the IMT-Advanced RSPEC process for the 3GPP LTE- Advanced proposal, Transpose 3GPP specifications in support of ITU-R IMT-2000 and IMT-Advanced (M.1457, M.[RSPEC]) and ITU-T (Q.1741) activities, and Contribute to the development of the IMT Handbook in ITU-R WP5D. Next Steps/Actions

6 6 Proposed Resolution  No changes proposed to existing Resolution (GSC-14/1) at this time.

7 7 Supplementary Slides

8 8 ATIS WTSC along with TIA TR-45.3 submitted the GCS and update package for TDMA-SC toward M.1457-10 to ITU-R WP5D. ATIS as OP of 3GPP submitted its letter of conveyance for CDMA-DS and CDMA-TDD toward M.1457-10 to ITU-R WP5D. ATIS as OP proponent of 3GPP IMT-Advanced submission provided its endorsement to ITU-R WP5D. ATIS WTSC, as a registered Independent Evaluation Group, submitted interim and final IMT-Advanced evaluation reports on both IMT-Advanced proposals. ATIS WTSC Evaluation Group actively participated in IMT-Advanced evaluation ITU-R Correspondence Groups and workshops/coordination meetings. ATIS intends to be identified as a GCS Proponent and Transposing Organization for IMT-Advanced LTE-Advanced Radio Interface. Recent Activities on IMT in ATIS (for IMT Task Force Report)

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