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Digital Systems © Korea Univ. of Tech. & Edu. Dept. of Info. & Comm. Chap. 6 Digital Arithmetic 6-1 Chap. 6 Digital Arithmetic: Operations & Circuits n.

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1 Digital Systems © Korea Univ. of Tech. & Edu. Dept. of Info. & Comm. Chap. 6 Digital Arithmetic 6-1 Chap. 6 Digital Arithmetic: Operations & Circuits n Introduction  This chapter will be concentrate on how computers perform the basic arithmetic operations n 6-1 Binary Addition  Addition is the most important operation in digital systems l Subtraction, multiplication and division are usually implemented using addition. l Basic Rules : 0 + 0 = 0 1 + 0 = 1 1 + 1 = 10 = carry of next position + 0 1 + 1 + 1 = 11 = carry of next position + 1 l Binary Example : 0 1 1 (3) 1 0 0 1 (9)1 1. 0 1 1 (3.375) + 1 1 0 (6) + 1 1 1 1 (15) +1 0. 1 1 0 (2.750) 1 0 0 1 (9) 1 1 0 0 0 (24) 1 1 0. 0 0 1 (6.125)

2 Digital Systems © Korea Univ. of Tech. & Edu. Dept. of Info. & Comm. Chap. 6 Digital Arithmetic 6-2 n 6-2 Representing signed Numbers  Sign Bit l 0 : positive, 1 : negative  Sign-magnitude system l Example : 52 10 (decimal) = 110100 2 (binary) + 52 10 = 0110100 2 (sign-magnitude) - 52 10 = 1110100 2 (sign-magnitude) l This is simple, but is normally not used, as it makes circuit implementation more complex  1’s Complement Form l Example : 101101(original binary number) 010010(1’s complement) l Change each bit in the number to its complement  2’s Complement Form l Example : 45 10 (decimal) = 101101 2 (binary) + 45 10 = 0101101 2 (true binary) - 45 10 = 1010011 2 (2’s complement)= 1010010(1’s complement) + 1 l Take the 1’s complement and add 1 to the LSB position 1) Sign magnitude system 2) 1’s complement system 3) 2’s complement system +14 -14 0 0001110 1 0001110 0 0001110 1 1110001 0 0001110 1 1110010

3 Digital Systems © Korea Univ. of Tech. & Edu. Dept. of Info. & Comm. Chap. 6 Digital Arithmetic 6-3  Representing signed Numbers Using 2’s Complement : Fig. 6-2 l If number is positive »Magnitude = true binary form, Sign = 0 is placed in front of the MSB l If number is negative »Magnitude = 2’s complement form, Sign = 1 is placed in front of the MSB  2’s complement is the most commonly used system for representing signed binary numbers l Perform the operation of subtraction by actually performing addition »A digital computer can use the same circuitry to both add and subtract(saving in hardware)  Negation l The operation of converting a positive number to its negative equivalent or a negative number to its positive equivalent » 0 1 0 0 1 = + 9 Start with » 1 0 1 1 1 = - 9 Negate(2’s complement) » 0 1 0 0 1 = + 9 Negate again(2’s complement) l We negate a signed binary number by 2’s complementing it Sign 과 Magnitude 를 동시에 2’s 보수 취하는 것과 동일함

4 Digital Systems © Korea Univ. of Tech. & Edu. Dept. of Info. & Comm. Chap. 6 Digital Arithmetic 6-4  Special Case in 2’s Complement Representation : Tab. 6-1 l Smallest number( using N magnitude bits ) »1 followed by N zeros : 1000 = - 8 ( -2 N ) l Largest number( using N magnitude bits ) »0 followed by N ones : 0111 = +7 ( 2 N -1 ) n 6-3 2’s Complement Addition  Addition Rules l 1) Simply add the two signed 2’s complement numbers l 2) Disregard any carry from the sign bit. »Examples : n 9 + 4 = 01001 + 00100 = 01101 n 9 + ( -4 ) = 01001 + 11100 = 1 00101 n ( -9 ) + 4 = 10111 + 00100 = 11011 n ( -9 ) + ( -4 ) = 10111 + 11100 = 1 10011 n 9 + ( -9 ) = 01001 + 10111 = 1 00000 Discard Carry

5 Digital Systems © Korea Univ. of Tech. & Edu. Dept. of Info. & Comm. Chap. 6 Digital Arithmetic 6-5 n 6-4 2’s Complement Subtraction  Subtraction Rules l 1) Negate the subtrahend l 2) Add this to the minuend l 3) Discard carry »Examples : n 9 - 4 = 9 + ( - 4 ) = 01001 + 11100 n ( - 9 ) - 4 = ( - 9 ) + ( - 4 ) = 10111 + 11100 n 9 - 9 = 9 + ( - 9 ) = 01001 + 10111  Arithmetic Overflow l Overflow Condition »Two positive or two negative numbers are being added l Overflow Detection »Detected by observing the carry into the sign bit position and the carry out of the sign bit position »If these two carries are not equal, an overflow condition is produced (Exclusive-OR gate = 1) * Overflow Exam) out in out in carries 0 1 carries 1 0 + 70 0 1000110 - 70 1 0111010 + 80 0 1010000 - 80 1 0110000 + 150 1 0010110 - 150 0 1101010

6 Digital Systems © Korea Univ. of Tech. & Edu. Dept. of Info. & Comm. Chap. 6 Digital Arithmetic 6-6 n 6-5/6-6 Binary Multiplication/Division  Use the same procedures as for decimal multiplication and division  Exam) n 6-7 BCD Addition  BCD Addition Procedure l 1) Add the BCD code by using ordinary binary addition l 2) The sum is 9 or less, no correction is needed l 3) The sum is greater than 9, the 0110(6) should be added Multiplication: Division: 10010011 1011111001 1001011 10010011 0000011 10010 1100011 shift and add! shift and subtract! 0 1 1 0 BCD for 6 + 0 1 1 1 BCD for 7 1 1 0 1 invalid sum 0 1 1 0 add 6 for correction 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 BCD for 13

7 Digital Systems © Korea Univ. of Tech. & Edu. Dept. of Info. & Comm. Chap. 6 Digital Arithmetic 6-7 n 6-8 Hexadecimal Arithmetic  Hex Addition : Exam. 6-6, 6-7, 6-8  Hex Subtraction : Exam. 6-9 l 1) The 2’s complement of the subtrahend will be taken, then added to the minuend l 2) Any carry out of the MSD position will be disregarded  Hex Representation of Signed Number : Tab. 6-2 l Computer Numbering System = 2’s Complement System n 6-9 Arithmetic Circuits  ALU(Arithmetic/Logic Unit) : Fig. 6-3 l All arithmetic operation take place in the ALU of a computer l The purpose of the ALU : »1) Accept binary data that are stored in the memory »2) Execute arithmetic and logic operations on these data (according to instruction from the control unit) l ALU contains at least two flip/flop registers : Accumulator(ACC or A), B register »A : Operand 1 저장 ( 중간 또는 최종 연산 결과 저장 ) »B : Operand 2 저장

8 Digital Systems © Korea Univ. of Tech. & Edu. Dept. of Info. & Comm. Chap. 6 Digital Arithmetic 6-8  A typical sequence of operation : A + B register l 1) Control Unit 은 명령어에 명시된 Operand 주소에 따라 메모리 번지를 지정한다. l 2) 메모리로 부터 Operand 데이터를 B register 로 전송 l 3) A 와 B 를 더한 후, 그 결과를 A 에 저장 l 4) A 는 다른 Operand 와 다시 더해질 수 있으며, 또는 메모리에 저장될 수 있다. n 6-10 Parallel Binary Adder  Typical binary addition : Fig. 6-4 l Augend : A, Addend : B register  Parallel Adder : Fig. 6-5 l The augend and addend are fed to a full adder(Sec. 6-11) l The additions in each bit are taking place at the same time n 6-11 Design of a Full Adder  Truth Table for a Full Adder : Fig. 6-6  Complete Circuitry for a Full Adder : Fig. 6-7  K-Map Simplification : Fig. 6-8 Full Adder : 3 inputs Half Adder : 2 inputs

9 Digital Systems © Korea Univ. of Tech. & Edu. Dept. of Info. & Comm. Chap. 6 Digital Arithmetic 6-9 n 6-12 Complete Parallel Adder with Registers : Fig. 6-9  Sequence of Operations : Exam) 1001(A) + 0101(B) l t1 : CLEAR (A = 0000) l t2 : LOAD (B= 1001) l t3 : TRANSFER (A= 1001) l t4 : LOAD (B= 0101) l t5 : TRANSFER (A= 1110)  Register Notation l The contents of register A : l The contents of the B register is transferred to the A register : »the A register will be changed, and the B register will be unchanged n 6-13 Carry Propagation  Carry Propagation = Carry Ripple l The speed of parallel adder(Fig. 6-9) is limited by an effects called carry propagation or carry ripple »Last position(MSB) will not reach its final value until after n FF propagation delays (for n bit adder) l A scheme for reducing this delay : Look-ahead Carry »Utilize logic gates to look at the lower-order bits of the augend and addend(to see if a higher-order carry is to be generated) »Many IC adders use look-ahead carry 0000(A)+ 1001(B) 1001(A) + 0101(B) Carry Propagation is solved by more hardware circuitry

10 Digital Systems © Korea Univ. of Tech. & Edu. Dept. of Info. & Comm. Chap. 6 Digital Arithmetic 6-10 n 6-14 IC Parallel Adder  7483/74283 : Fig. 6-10(a)  Cascading Parallel Adders : Fig. 6-10(b)  Exam. 6-10) Determine the inputs/outputs when 72 is added to 137 in Fig. 6-10 n 6-15 2’s Complement System  Addition : Fig. 6-11 l +6 ( 0110 ) + -3 ( 1101 ) = +3 ( 0011 )  Subtraction : Fig. 6-12 l 4 ( 0100 ) - 6 ( 0110 ) = 4 ( 0100 ) + -6 (2’s complement of +6) = 0100 + 1001(1’s complement of +6) + 1(Co) = 1110 ( -2 )  Combined Addition and Subtraction : Fig. 6-13 l ADD = 1, SUB = 0 »Enable : AND gate 1,3,5,7 Disable : AND gate 2,4,6,8 l ADD = 0, SUB = 1 »Enable : AND gate 2,4,6,8 Disable : AND gate 1,3,5,7 Co = 1 * 차이점 83 : GND= 12, Vcc= 5 283 : GND= 8, Vcc= 16 B 입력

11 Digital Systems © Korea Univ. of Tech. & Edu. Dept. of Info. & Comm. Chap. 6 Digital Arithmetic 6-11 n 6-16 BCD Adder  Same as Sec. 6-7 : Fig. 6-14 l X will be HIGH for either of the following conditions : Tab. 6-3 »Whenever S4 = 1(sums greater than 15) »Whenever S3 = 1 and either S2 or S1 or both are 1(sums 10 to 15) X = S4 + S3(S2 + S1)  Cascading BCD Adder : Fig. 6-15 n 6-17 ALU IC  74382 : Fig. 6-16 l Exam. 6-12  Expanding the ALU : Fig. 6-17 l Exam. 6-13  Other ALU : 74181 l 16 operations : We must add the correction 0110

12 Digital Systems © Korea Univ. of Tech. & Edu. Dept. of Info. & Comm. Chap. 6 Digital Arithmetic 6-12 n 6-19 Troubleshooting Case Study  Test Results l Mode 1 : ADD = 0, SUB = 0 »Result : Sum = A + 1 ( 정상 : Sum = A ) l Mode 2 : ADD = 1, SUB = 0 »Result : Sum = A + B + 1 ( 정상 : Sum = A + B ) l Mode 3 : ADD = 0, SUB = 1 »Result : Sum = A - B ( 이상 없음 )  Possible Faults l 1) LSB 가 항상 1 : Mode 3 에서 정상임으로 배제 l 2) Co = 1 : SUB 와 Co 사이에 Open = HIGH Input = 1  Exam. 6-14) Describe the effects of a break in between SUB and AND (X) in Fig. 6-19 l Mode 1 : A + B l Mode 2 : A + B + B = A + 1111 = A - 1 l Mode 3 : A - B, 이상 없음 1 OR 0 = 1 0 OR 1 = 1

13 Digital Systems © Korea Univ. of Tech. & Edu. Dept. of Info. & Comm. Chap. 6 Digital Arithmetic 6-13 n 6-20 PLD Full Adder  Exam. 6-15) ”SET” operation example.  4 bit Full Adder Source file : Fig. 6-20 p. 286 Equ. (6-3) p. 286 Equ. (6-2)

14 Digital Systems © Korea Univ. of Tech. & Edu. Dept. of Info. & Comm. Chap. 6 Digital Arithmetic 6-14  Full Adder implemented on a GAL 16V8

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