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The Reagan Presidency Election, Domestic Policy, Foreign Policy & Legacy.

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1 The Reagan Presidency Election, Domestic Policy, Foreign Policy & Legacy

2 Reagan Tribute 2008 Republican National Convention Q1 - What is the image of Reagan that you get from this video? Based on who it was created for, do you think this is a full picture of Reagan? Why or why not?

3 Reagan Background – Former Actor (“Great Communicator”) – Governor of CA, wife Nancy was one of closest advisors – Almost won Republican Nomination in 1976 Election of 1980

4 Reagan Background – Almost won Nomination in 1976 – Impromptu Speech Election of 1980

5 Carter Ad #1 Carter Ad #2 Carter Ad #3 Q2 - What seems to be the message of the Carter campaign? Reagan Ad #1 Reagan Ad #2 Reagan Ad #3 Q2 - What seems to be the message of the Reagan campaign?

6 Carter’s Problems – Poor Economy / Iran Hostage Crisis / Not seen as in Control – Reagan’s Question in the Debate Election of 1980 Q3 - Why would Reagan’s question he asked the American people be so effective? How would most people answer this question in 1980?

7 Results – Huge Landslide for Reagan – Republicans gain control of the Senate for first time since 1952 Election of 1980

8 Inauguration Day – January 20, 1981 – Q4 – What are some of the themes in the clip? Reagan Inauguration

9 Inauguration Day – January 20, 1981 – Q4 – What do you think he means by this? Reagan Inauguration

10 Release of American hostages in Iran – On inauguration day, Iranians waited until Carter was officially out of office Domestic Policy A Dramatic Start

11 Survived Assassination Attempt – March 30, John Hinckley Jr. fired several shots, including one that hit Reagan in the chest Domestic Policy A Dramatic Start

12 Survived Assassination Attempt Domestic Policy A Dramatic Start

13 Survived Assassination Attempt Domestic Policy A Dramatic Start

14 Survived Assassination Attempt Domestic Policy A Dramatic Start

15 Nomination of 1 st Woman to Supreme Court – Sandra Day O’Connor – She turned out to not be as conservative as he would have liked Reagan appoints many other conservative justices to federal courts Domestic Policy A Dramatic Start

16 Fires Air Traffic Controllers – Despite support in 1980 election, Reagan takes swift action when they illegally strike in 1981 Domestic Policy A Dramatic Start Q5 – How did Reagan’s Presidency get off to a dramatic start? Explain how each of these events display him as a “strong” leader?

17 Based on “supply-side” economics – Theory that states tax breaks for businesses will increase supply of goods and services, aiding the economy – Critics called it “trickle-down” or “voodoo” economics Domestic Policy “Reaganomics”

18 Domestic Policy “Reaganomics”

19 Tax cuts o Economic Recovery Act of 1981 (the largest tax cuts were for the wealthy - the top income tax bracket went from 70% to 28 %) o Would create more jobs Spending Cuts (Domestic programs) o Keep interest rates low, encourage investment and new businesses o Actually increased military spending Less regulation of businesses Domestic Policy “Reaganomics” Q6 – What is Reaganomics? Include specifics.

20 Results o 1982 – Worst Recession since the GD  Unemployment UP, Federal Spending UP, Deficit UP o 1983 – Economy recovers  Consumer spending UP, Stock Market UP, GDP increases 10% o Economy booms throughout the 1980s  Critics –  Most of benefits of Reaganomics went to rich/large corporations  Huge Deficits – increased military spending Domestic Policy “Reaganomics” Q7 – How effective was Reaganomics? Does it make sense to you? Why or why not?

21 Democratic Nominee – Walter Mondale US Senator from MN, VP under Carter Campaigned on nuclear freeze, passage of ERA, and debt reduction VP Candidate – FIRST woman, Geraldine Ferraro Election of 1984 Q8 – Was it a good idea for the Democrats to nominate the VP for Carter? Why or why not?

22 Mondale Ad #1 Mondale Ad #2 Mondale Ad #3 Q9 - What seems to be the message of the Carter campaign? Reagan Ad #1 Reagan Ad #2 Reagan Ad #3 Q9 – What seems to be the message of the Reagan campaign? Walter Mondale’s Statement at the DNC: Video ClipVideo Clip 1984 Presidential Debate: Clip #1 / Clip #2Clip #1Clip #2 Walter Mondale’s Statement at the DNC: Video ClipVideo Clip 1984 Presidential Debate: Clip #1 / Clip #2Clip #1Clip #2 Election of 1984 Q10 – Why do you think Mondale made this statement? Was it a smart political move? Why or why not? Who looked better in the debates?

23 Results – Huge Landslide for Reagan AGAIN! Election of 1984

24 Continued Economic Growth – GDP grew by at least 2.7% every year – Inflation stabilized, interest rates remained low – Gave up on spending cuts – huge deficits 1986 Tax Law – Reduced tax rates (esp. the highest rates), closed loopholes – Didn’t reduce deficit Deregulation – Mixed record – Ended price controls on oil, relaxed guidelines on mergers – Reversed regulations to limit air pollution, protect the public from hazardous waste, & oversee nuclear power plants – Public backlash forced him to retreat from these positions 2 nd Term Q11 – How successful was Reagan’s 2 nd term? Explain

25 Challenger Explosion – January 28, 1986 – Space Shuttle Challenger explodes on take off killing all passengers 2 nd Term

26 Challenger Explosion – January 28, 1986 – President Reagan addresses the nation on the disaster 2 nd Term Q12 – What do you think of Reagan’s speech about the Challenger Disaster? Is it the president’s job to “soothe” the nation during times of crisis? Explain.

27 AIDS Epidemic – Rates increase throughout the 1980s – Many misconceptions about the disease – how you get it? who gets it? – Reagan slow to recognize the magnitude of crisis – Eventually Reagan supported federal spending on AIDS research and prevention Iran-Contra Affair – Illegal arms sale to Iran to fund anti- communists (Contras) in Nicaragua – Iranians would help to get US hostages released in Lebanon – Huge public embarrassment when deal becomes public 2 nd Term Problems Q13 – How would these two events hurt Reagan’s image?

28 The Reagan Presidency Foreign Policy

29 History of Anticommunism – Testified in front of HUAC – Gave “Time for Choosing” Speech in 1964 Peace through Strength – Supported containment, but wanted to be more proactive – Force SU to negotiate by applying pressure through building up the military and forcing them to keep up Beliefs


31 Increased Spending on Defense – Objectives: Strengthen military in case of war Reassure European allies we would not abandon them Encourage Soviets to come to bargaining table – Results: Upgraded & modernized forces Helped spur certain sectors of the economy Increased deficit & national debt Defense Spending Q – How can Reagan talk of reducing the size of government while increasing government spending? What could be his justification?

32 Increasingly Harsh Rhetoric Address to Parliament (1982) "a plan and a hope for the long term—the march of freedom and democracy which will leave Marxism- Leninism on the ash-heap of history as it has left other tyrannies which stifle the freedom and muzzle the self- expression of the people.” Address to Nat. Ass. Of Evangelicals (1983) Making case against a Nuclear Freeze Call USSR an “evil empire” and the “focus of evil in the world” First Press Conference (1981) Soviet leaders reserved right to “commit any crime, to lie, to cheat” to gain advantage over US Later Press Conference (1981) “The West won’t contain Communism, it will transcend Communism” Q – How did Reagan put pressure on the Soviet Union both in words and in action?

33 Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) – Reagan stunned the nation with his plan to create a missile defense system – Nicknamed “Star Wars” Confronting the Soviets Q – Why would this be perceived by the Soviets as a major threat?

34 Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) Confronting the Soviets

35 Reagan Doctrine – Necessary for US to combat spread of Soviet-backed Marxist and leftist regimes around the globe “Democratic Militancy” – Supported militarily & financially anticommunist groups in: Afghanistan – Soviets had invaded in 1979 Nicaragua - Supported anticommunist Contras against Sandinista gov’t – Congress prohibited CIA from making efforts to overthrow gov’t – Once news of CIA actions breaks, Congress prohibited any funding of Contras Grenada – Marxist leader Bishop murdered by renegade faction of own party – Sent US forces in to save hundreds of American medical students after Confronting the Soviets

36 Reagan Doctrine Confronting the Soviets Q – Do you agree with the Reagan Doctrine and how it was applied?

37 Involvement in Lebanon – Background Video – Bombing of US Embassy in Lebanon (April 1983) Hezbollah (funded by Syria & Iran) detonate truck bomb killing 17 Ams – Bombing of Marine Barracks (October 1983) 241 US Servicemen killed, 100 other wounded Reagan orders air strikes against Hezbollah’s leadership “Redeployed” US marines in Feb 1984 Middle Eastern Terrorism – US Embassy bombing in Kuwait – Hezbollah hijacks Kuwaiti airliner & killed US Navy diver – Shiite terrorists took 7 Americans hostage in Lebanon – Libya believed to be behind series of terrorist attacks Middle East Problems Q – How can you see connections between what happened in the 1980s and problems we face in this region today?

38 BBC News Account of US Reaction to Libyan Terrorism Middle East Problems

39 The Iran-Contra Scandal “Arms for the Ayatollah, Cash for the Contras” The Iran-Contra Scandal “Arms for the Ayatollah, Cash for the Contras” Lebanon’s RoleIran’s Role Nicaragua’s RoleReagan Administration’s Role Q – What role did each play in the scandal? Why were the actions taken so controversial?


41 Video Clip “ A few months ago I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that’s true, but the facts and the evidence tell me it is not.” Ronald Reagan March 4, 1987

42 A New Leader – Mikhail Gorbachev takes power in USSR – Geneva – First Meeting, 3 others to follow – Discuss arms reduction – No agreement – Berlin Speech Berlin Speech – INF Treaty (1987) – 2,600 US & Soviet Nuclear weapons to be destroyed Ending the Cold War Q – How was Reagan’s “Peace through Strength” successful in bringing the Soviets to the bargaining table?

43 End of Cold War – How much credit does he deserve? Economic Growth – Lingering questions as to who benefitted Restored Optimism / Confidence to USA Deficit Spending / Debt – Largest in history up to that point “Reagan Revolution” – Rise of Conservatives Legacy Blog – Was Reagan a “great” president? Support your answer with specific information.


45 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2.








53 Major Events and Policies as President Announced the release of the hostages in Iran on his inauguration day Survived an assassination attempt in 1981 Nominated the 1 st female to the U.S. Supreme Court (Sandra Day O’Connor) in 1981 His opposition to big government led to deregulation of industry The Economic Recovery Tax Act (1981) helped bring about economic recovery in 1983 Cut spending on domestic programs and dramatically increased defense spending Proposed SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative) AKA “Star Wars” in 1983 Easily won reelection in 1984 (defeated Mondale & Ferraro) Better relations w/USSR during 2 nd term led to INF treaty w/Mikhail Gorbachev His policy of “peace through strength” is credited by many for ending the Cold War The Iran-Contra Affair led to allegations of illegal actions by the Reagan Administration Large deficits - Tripled the national debt


55 Major Events and Policies as President Announced the release of the hostages in Iran on his inauguration day Survived an assassination attempt in 1981 Nominated the 1 st female to the U.S. Supreme Court (Sandra Day O’Connor) in 1981 His opposition to big government led to deregulation of industry The Economic Recovery Tax Act (1981) helped bring about economic recovery in 1983 Cut spending on domestic programs and dramatically increased defense spending Proposed SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative) AKA “Star Wars” in 1983 Easily won reelection in 1984 (defeated Mondale & Ferraro) Better relations w/USSR during 2 nd term led to INF treaty w/Mikhail Gorbachev His policy of “peace through strength” is credited by many for ending the Cold War The Iran-Contra Affair led to allegations of illegal actions by the Reagan Administration Large deficits - Tripled the national debt The “Reagan Revolution” united social, fiscal, & foreign policy conservatives

56 Ronald Reagan with the leader of the “Moral Majority” Jerry Falwell

57 Major Events and Policies as President Announced the release of the hostages in Iran on his inauguration day Survived an assassination attempt in 1981 Nominated the 1 st female to the U.S. Supreme Court (Sandra Day O’Connor) in 1981 His opposition to big government led to deregulation of industry The Economic Recovery Tax Act (1981) helped bring about economic recovery in 1983 Cut spending on domestic programs and dramatically increased defense spending Proposed SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative) AKA “Star Wars” in 1983 Easily won reelection in 1984 (defeated Mondale & Ferraro) Better relations w/USSR during 2 nd term led to INF treaty w/Mikhail Gorbachev His policy of “peace through strength” is credited by many for ending the Cold War The Iran-Contra Affair led to allegations of illegal actions by the Reagan Administration Large deficits - Tripled the national debt The “Reagan Revolution” united social, fiscal, & foreign policy conservatives Presidential Trivia The oldest President of the U.S. (age 69 at inauguration & age 77 when he left office) Was known for his love of jelly beans


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