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Explaining gambling. Bruna and Shaun.. Biological Initiation Genetics – Shah et al and Black et all found pathological gambling genetic. This approach.

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Presentation on theme: "Explaining gambling. Bruna and Shaun.. Biological Initiation Genetics – Shah et al and Black et all found pathological gambling genetic. This approach."— Presentation transcript:

1 Explaining gambling. Bruna and Shaun.

2 Biological Initiation Genetics – Shah et al and Black et all found pathological gambling genetic. This approach explains gambling as an addiction to adrenaline – the stress of awaiting the outcome of a bet releases the hormone. This adrenaline rush makes a person experience a ‘natural high’, and so more bets are placed to re-live this high. Maintenance Repeat gambling causes a tolerance to this adrenaline, this can lead to more frequent gambling, or gambling with more money. There is some evidence that endorphins has released during gambling; these chemicals block pain and negative effects of stress.  Ignores other factors like environment (e.g.: genetics approach doesn’t consider the nurture side of the argument) = Reductionist.  The fact that this approach suggests a genetic pre-disposition makes it hard for rehabilitation.  Sensation seekers – research shows that horse gamblers have lower levels of this.  Genetic pre-disposition to impulsiveness.

3 Psychodynamic This suggests gambling is driven by masochism – Bergler (58) proposed that gamblers gamble to lose in order to punish themselves. This reduces guilt that they feel from having rebelled against their parents – they identify with casino dealers etc. as their parental figures.  Lacks scientific evidence.

4 Cognitive Gamblers are driven by faulty reasoning mechanisms. Decision making can be based on rational consideration rules – Wagenaar (88) identified 16 rules that gamblers use when making decisions, these include: Illusion of control (gamblers think they are skilled; creates high expectations of likely outcome) Representative bias (believe that the longer a losing steak lasts, the more likely a win will follow = gambler’s fallacy) Illusory correlations (superstitions that they believe will help them success e.g.: blow on dice) Fications on the absolute frequency of success (recall past wins and have a false belief on how often they win)  Ignores biological factors which research has shown to have an effect.  Takes into account individual differences

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