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Oregon Health Authority Communications and Engagement Plan Patty Wentz Director of Communications Oregon Health Authority and Department of Human Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Oregon Health Authority Communications and Engagement Plan Patty Wentz Director of Communications Oregon Health Authority and Department of Human Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oregon Health Authority Communications and Engagement Plan Patty Wentz Director of Communications Oregon Health Authority and Department of Human Services Jeremy Vandehey Community Engagement Coordinator Oregon Health Authority

2 Communications and Engagement Goals Keep stakeholders and public informed of and engaged in the work of the Board and OHA Provide a means for meaningful feedback and interaction throughout the process Focus efforts both broad and deep

3 Purpose of Plan Living plan Obtain the information and input that Board wants Ensure meaningful communication between Board and stakeholders, public Allow opportunities for Board involvement Streamline internal and external communications

4 Timeline Stage 1: February – April 2010 –Relationship building, initial engagement, communications materials and strategies developed Stage 2: May – August 2010 –First round of stakeholder and public engagement Stage 3: September – December 2010 –Second round of stakeholder and public engagement Stage 4: January 2010 – June 2011 –Legislative session

5 Where are we now? Stage 1: Relationship building, initial engagement Surveying current engagement efforts in DHS/OHA Working with committee staff re: engagement plans Meeting with stakeholders Promoting current Board engagement opportunities Regular updates on Board’s and committees’ work Identifying new engagement opportunities Identifying key issues and positions of stakeholders

6 Where are we now? Stage 1: Current engagement opportunities Attend meetings, web-stream, meeting calendar –calendar posted at Committee webpages/listservs –eSubscribe logo at Email questions, comments, written testimony – Invite OHA to organization meetings –

7 Where are we now ? Stage 1: Communications planning and materials Communications plan draft in development for Board & stakeholder feedback. Values:  Integrated with community engagement  Identify all opportunities - board members as messengers  Two-way communications with stakeholders  Stand side-by-side with stakeholders on media and messaging  Uses all modern tools available including social networking Immediate needs: Communications channels and materials  Interactive and dynamic website  Message points and backgrounders  Toolkit for stakeholders OHA branding under way

8 What’s next? Stage 2: First round of stakeholder and public input Stakeholder discussion groups on: –Exchange –Essential benefits package –Comprehensive health reform Staff will lead, Board welcome to attend Staff reports back to Board Outlines posted for public comment period online Engagement around other topics identified by Board Committees will conduct additional engagement

9 Where are we headed? Stage 3: Second round of stakeholder and public input Draft report on comprehensive health reform Second round of small group discussions Public input period Reports back to Board on input

10 Where are we headed? Stage 4: 2011 Legislative Session Public and Stakeholder engagement around legislative session Communication on updates, progress

11 Finals Points How does the Board want to be involved in this process? What key questions do you need answered by stakeholders and the public?

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