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Published byConrad Roberts Modified over 9 years ago
Understanding Early Years Foundation stage in Out of School Clubs
Introduction to this course
Introductions Will run for 5 weeks Will be a mixture of presentations and group work as well as opportunities for networking Two small tasks will be set over the 5 weeks, that will support you to look reflectively at your practice/setting We would expect you to go back to your setting and cascade information to your colleagues.
Course Layout Week 1 How the EYFS document comes together
4 principles of EYFS what does it mean in practice and how does it link to play. Task Take away and complete play environment audit to share next week
Course layout week 2 Interactive session around Play environment audits feedback- action planning Evaluation of your own play setting
Course layout week 3 Ofsted SEF – break down the SEF and look at how it works for you in your setting. Group tasks and feedback
Course layout week 4 Effective observation and reflection
Sharing of information Task Playworker to complete one observation to share next week
Course layout Week 5 Feedback from Observations, what do we do now?
Are you ready for your inspection? Sharing of good practice
What is EYFS? The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is a framework that provides assurance that provision for young children helps them to thrive and keeps them safe. It is based on the assumption that what happens in a child’s early years has a major impact on that child’s future life chances. The EYFS replaces three other frameworks which will be abolished: · Curriculum guidance of the foundation stage, · Birth to Three matters · The National Standards for under 8’s Daycare and childminding The EYFS is given legal force through an Order and Regulations made under the 2006 Act. From September 2008, it became mandatory for all schools and early years providers in Ofsted registered settings attended by young children. Registered settings have a duty to ensure that their early ears provision complies with the EYFS requirements, both in terms of the welfare requirements and the learning and development framework as set out in the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage. The EYFS is therefore providing a foundation for children to make the most of their abilities as they grow. It sets standards, provides for equality of opportunity, creates a framework for partnership working, improves quality and consistency and lays secure foundations for future learning.
What is EYFS cont.. The Statutory Framework says: ‘All areas must be delivered through planned, purposeful play, with a balance between adult led and child initiated activities.’ Settings need to provide individualised opportunities based on each child’s needs, particularly those related to ethnicity, language and disability. Play settings are not required to formally teach reading and writing, but should provide opportunities for children to choose to engage in pre-literacy activities. This could include having a range of books available for children to freely access, opportunities for mark making, opportunities for children to socialise, opportunities for writing during role play etc
Themes and Principles The EYFS is built around 4 themes which express important principles underpinning practice in the care, learning and development of young children. Each Principle is supported by four commitments which describe how the principle can be put into practice. 1. A unique child: recognises that every child is a competent learner from birth, who can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured. The commitments are focussed around child development, inclusive practice and safety, health and well-being. 2. Positive relationships: describes how children learn to be strong and independent from a base of loving and secure relationships with parents and/or key people in their lives. The commitments are focussed around respecting each other, partnership with parents, supporting learning and the role of the key person. 3. Enabling environments explains that the environment plays a key role in supporting and extending children’s development and learning. The commitments concern observation, assessment and planning, support for every child, the learning environment and the wider context…transitions, continuity and multi-agency working. 4. Learning and development recognises that children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates and that all areas of learning and development are equally important and interconnected. Commitments are focussed around play and exploration, active learning, creativity and critical thinking and the areas of learning and development.
EYFS requirements are laid out in two parts
The learning and development requirements The welfare requirements The EYFS statutory framework says that none of the six areas of learning can be delivered in isolation from the others. All depend upon each other to support a rounded approach to development. All must be delivered through planned purposeful play with a balance of child initiated and adult lead activities. As out of school clubs are on the Early years register they need to deliver EYFS.
The learning and development requirements
The EYFS has six areas of learning and development. All are connected to each other and are of equal importance and are all underpinned by the principles of the EYFS. Personal, social and emotional development Communication, language and literacy Problem solving, reasoning and numeracy Knowledge and understanding of the world Physical development Creative development
How can play settings meet the learning and development requirements?
Affective play spaces Transient play spaces Loose parts A play environment for all ‘16 play types’ Playworkers who …… Can provide an environment that stimulates play so that children can be imaginative and creative. Can provide the resources and loose parts that enable this to happen. Can move stuff around to suggest ideas, too promote imagination and exploration Seek to develop an overall ambience of welcome, acceptance, freedom and playfulness. Know about play types and play cues, how to identify them when they are happening, how to provide for them and how to respond in an appropriate way. Can risk assess Affective play spaces- that pay attention to, provide for and support a variety of behaviours, feelings and moods that children and young people bring with them or which occur during their play. These spaces have particular areas and materials and props that are different times stimulate or encourage the expressions, experience of and experimentation with a range of resources. Transient play spaces that can be changed, modified or adapted, deconstructed,reconstructed and broken into sections,via moveable resources or loose parts. Change can be spontaneous or planned. Loose parts that can be carried, rolled, lifted,piled or combined. Loose parts are anything that can be moved or manipulated to create new structures and experiences,for example, bikes,trolleys,ropes climbing structures,paints and colours, fabrics calendars, clocks, dressing up stuff,mirrors,wood,building blocks, planks tables, trestles, cushions. A play environment for all play types , current research suggests there are 16 play types that often overlap, happen more than one at a time and change from one to the other and back again very rapidly. Play types can be mistaken for difficult, challenging, dangerous or unacceptable behaviour.
Personal, social and emotional development
Experiences and support for children to develop, to help to know themselves and what they can do, for a positive sense of self and others, for respect for others and for social skills, emotional well-being and a disposition to learn. How do we do this in Playwork? Opportunities to play alone or with others, interaction with individuals and groups of different age, ability, interest, gender, ethnicity and culture, opportunities to negotiate, compete, co-operate, resolve conflict, taking responsibility, opportunities to be leader/follower, powerful/powerless, in/out of control, brave/cowardly and freedom to imitate and pretend for… Role play, Social play, Dramatic play, Socio-dramatic play, Imaginative play and Deep play
Communication, Language and Literacy
Communication, language and literacy: support to extend competence in communication, speaking and listening, being read to and beginning to read and write. Opportunities and encouragement to use skills in a range of situations and for a range of purposes. Support in developing the confidence and a disposition to do so. How do we do this in Playwork? Spaces of different size and shape, manufactured and natural materials of different colours and shapes, stuff for dressing up, opportunities to perform for… Communication play, Role play, Fantasy play, Dramatic play, Social play and Socio-dramatic play
Problem solving, reasoning and numeracy
Problem solving, reasoning and numeracy: in a broad range of contexts in which children can explore, enjoy, learn, practise and talk about their developing understanding. Opportunities to practise and extend skills and to gain confidence and competence in their use. How do we do this in Playwork? Tools for building and deconstruction, opportunities for making and mending, freedom to make concoctions, activity which test the limits of capability for… Communication play, Mastery play, Exploratory play, Creative play and Deep play
Knowledge and understanding of the world
Knowledge and understanding of the world: developing knowledge, skills and understanding that helps make sense of the world. Opportunities to use a range of tools and work with a range of materials, encounter creatures, people, plants and objects in their natural environments and real life situations, to undertake experiments. How do we do this in Playwork? Dark and bright spaces, places to hide, places and tools for digging, possibilities for playing in water, mud and puddles, access to snow, rain, wind and sun for… Exploratory play, Mastery play, Object play, Locomotor play, Recapitulative play, Symbolic play and Creative play
Physical development Physical development: use of senses to learn about the world around and to make connections between new information and what is already known. Developing understanding of the importance of physical activity and making healthy choices in relation to food. Opportunities to be active and interactive and to improve skills of co-ordination, control, manipulation and movement. How do we do this in Playwork? Access to different heights, spaces of different size and shape, places to hide, freely chosen access to outdoors, activity which test the limits of capability, places for running, jumping, rolling, balancing, and going fast for… Locomotor play, Exploratory play, Mastery Play, Rough and Tumble play and Social play
Creative development Creative development: extended by provision of support for curiosity, exhilaration and play. Opportunities to explore and share thoughts, ideas and feelings through, for example, art, music, movement, dance, imaginative and role play activities, mathematics, design and technology. How do we do this in Playwork? Places to inspire mystery and imagination, opportunities for building, demolishing and transforming the environment for… Communication play, Creative play, Dramatic play, Imaginative play, Fantasy play, Role play and Recapitulative play
The EYFS Profile and observations
The EYSF Profile is a way of summing up each child’s development and learning at the end of the EYFS. It is based on observation and assessment of the child’s achievements, interests and learning styles. It is completed by the child’s primary care setting, however Play settings should feed in their observations about the child. Observations by the primary setting are matched to the expectations of early learning goals and are also used to identify learning priorities and to plan relevant and motivating experiences. Play settings must make ongoing observations on children in the early years group. Observations should not be intrusive, and recordings of these need not be time consuming. We will cover observations in greater detail during week 4.
Time for a break……
The welfare requirements
Have the force of regulation and must be met by all providers The welfare requirements are based on the principle that children learn best (or play best) when they are healthy, safe and secure, when their individual needs are being met and when they have positive relationships with adults and others. They are designed to support providers in creating places that are welcoming, safe and stimulating and where children are able to enjoy learning through play, to grow in confidence and to fulfil their potential. The General legal requirements are expanded upon with more detailed Specific legal requirements. There is also statutory guidance to be used when seeking to fulfil the legal requirements. The requirements are set out in three sections: ■■ overarching general legal requirements; ■■ specific legal requirements; ■■ statutory guidance. 3.6 Providers must comply with all the legal requirements set out and should have regard to the statutory guidance. Ofsted will base its regulatory and inspection judgements on whether a provider has met the general and specific legal requirements, and has had regard to the statutory guidance. This guidance gives examples of action providers are likely to have to take in order to meet the general and specific legal requirements; however, providers may be able to comply by using other methods, in which case they can depart from the statutory guidance provided that they are able to demonstrate that their alternative approach achieves the same ends.
Welfare Requirements 1. Safeguarding and promoting children’s welfare:
a) The provider must take necessary steps to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and includes specific requirements concerning: safeguarding, information and complaints, premises and security, outings, equality of opportunity. b) The provider must promote the good health of the children, take necessary steps to prevent the spread of infection and take appropriate action when they are ill, including specific requirements concerning medicines, illnesses and injuries, food and drink and smoking. c) Children’s behaviour must be managed effectively and in a manner appropriate for their stage of development and particular individual needs, including specific requirements concerning behaviour management.
Welfare Requirements 2. Suitable people:
a)The provider must ensure that adults looking after children or having unsupervised access to them are suitable to do so, including specific requirements concerning safe recruitment, what to notify Ofsted about and alcohol and other substances. b) Adults looking after children must have appropriate qualifications, training, skills and knowledge. c) Staffing arrangements must be organised to ensure safety and to meet the needs of the children including specific requirements concerning adult to child ratios.
Welfare Requirements 3. Suitable premises: outdoor and indoor spaces, furniture, equipment and toys must be safe and suitable for their purpose, including specific requirements concerning risk assessment and premises.
Welfare requirements 4.Organisation: providers must plan and organise their systems to ensure that every child receives an enjoyable and challenging learning and development experience that is tailored to meet their individual needs, including specific requirements concerning effective systems, key person, indoor and outdoor play, observational assessment, and planning for and the provision of appropriate experiences.
Welfare Requirements 5.Documentation:
a) Providers must maintain records, policies and procedures required for the safe and efficient management of the setting and to meet the needs of children, including specific requirements concerning policies and procedures, data, records, information and documentation that must be kept, that must be submitted and that must be displayed. b) separate policies for EYFS are not required as long as existing policies meet all requirements c)policies must be written, given to all staff and be accessible and explained to parents.
Any Questions?
Task for next week Take away and complete the play environment audit.
We will use these as the basis of our session next week. There is no right or wrong way to complete this and don’t worry if you haven’t put something in every box.
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