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Topic 2 Paul’s Jewish World A.Pharisaism 1.“Separated ones” maintaining strict ritual purity. 2.Developed “oral law” alongside written Torah. a.Exacting.

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Presentation on theme: "Topic 2 Paul’s Jewish World A.Pharisaism 1.“Separated ones” maintaining strict ritual purity. 2.Developed “oral law” alongside written Torah. a.Exacting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Topic 2 Paul’s Jewish World A.Pharisaism 1.“Separated ones” maintaining strict ritual purity. 2.Developed “oral law” alongside written Torah. a.Exacting rules for Sabbath, tithing, food laws, etc. b.Gal. 1:14 refers to Paul’s progress in this learning. 3.Innovative, open to change and new ideas. a.Torah to be interpreted, applied; Hillel’s 7 rules of exegesis. b.New concepts: resurrection; final judgment; afterlife. 4.Law not burdensome but life-giving. a.Hillel: “The more Torah, the more life” (cf. Ps. 19:7-11). b.Paul not frustrated or dissatisfied with the law (Phil. 3:4-6). 5.Torah observance as condition for coming of Messiah.

2 B.“Zealots” 1.Militant freedom fighters motivated by zeal for God/Torah. a.Not a single, continuous party but ideology which emerges in various groups which agitated for revolution. b.Josephus’ “fourth philosophy” which revolted in 6 AD; the “Sicarii” (“dagger-men”) of 50s and 60s; etc. 2.Heroes were Phinehas (Num. 25) and Mattathias (1 Macc. 2). a.Both were motivated by “zeal” for God to slaughter foreigners who threatened Torah observance. b.Bible says Phinehas’ zeal “made atonement” for Israel (Num. 25:13) and was “reckoned to him as righteousness” (Ps. 106:31). 3.First-century “Zealots” used violence against Roman oppressors and Jewish sympathizers. a.Wanted to rid the land of pagan domination. b.Opposed all compromise in observance of Torah. c.Wanted strict boundaries btw. Jews and Gentiles – circumcision, Sabbath, food laws. 4.Paul names “zeal” for Torah as motive for persecuting the church (Gal. 1:14; Phil. 3:6; cf. Rom. 10:2). a.“Zealot” ideology makes sense of Paul’s violent opposition to Christian movement. b.“Righteousness” (Israel’s redemption and pagan recognition of Israel’s God) would be achieved through “zeal” like that of Phinehas. c.As a Christian, Paul realized that such “zeal” is “unenlightened” (Rom. 10:2).

3 C.Apocalypticism 1.Radical Jewish eschatology (200 BC – 200 AD). a.Apocalypses were written in times of persecution/crisis. b.Gave visions of heavenly world or “End” of world. 2.Doctrine of the “Two Ages.” a.“This Age” is under sway of sin/evil/Satan. b.“Age to Come” – righteous vindicated; wicked punished. 3.Imminence of the End. a.Present crisis is beginning of Tribulation which precedes End. b.Soon God will intervene: resurrection of dead; final judgment; evil world destroyed; New Creation. 4.Apocalyptic is extremely important for understanding Paul. a.Sense of imminence, eschatological urgency; division between sons of light/darkness; conflict between God and Satan; expectation of resurrection, judgment, New Creation. b.Paul modifies these concepts in light of Christ: 1)Resurrection of Jesus signals arrival of New Age (already). 2)Yet This Age is still passing away (not yet). 3)The two ages now “overlap” (1 Cor. 10:11). c.Cf. 1 Cor. 7:31; 15:20-28; 2 Cor. 5:17; 1 Thess. 4:14:18; 2 Thess. 1:5-10; Rom. 8:18-23; 13:11-12.

4 Jewish Doctrine of “Two Ages” Paul’s “Overlapping” of the Ages

5 D.Hellenistic Judaism 1.Jewish “Diaspora” – about 4.5 million Jews outside Palestine. 2.Hellenistic influence. a.Spoke Greek; came under influence of Hellenistic culture and education. b.More emphasis on monotheism and ethics, less on rituals. 3.Septuagint (LXX) – read Greek translation rather than Hebrew Bible; Paul quotes LXX. 4.Proselytes and God-fearers. a.Proselytes – Gentile converts to Judaism; required circumcision; baptism; sacrifice. b.God-fearers – Gentiles attracted to Judaism; participated in Jewish worship to some extent but did not convert. c.Some evidence of a Jewish mission to Gentiles. (Bornkamm: Paul the Pharisee already engaged in mission to Gentiles.) 5.Diaspora Judaism is of great importance for Paul: a.Vehicle through which he received much of his Hellenistic influence. b.Network of synagogues provided bases for missionary activity.

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