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Back to Basics A Study of God Difficult Questions about God.

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1 Back to Basics A Study of God Difficult Questions about God

2 Questions? There are difficult passages about the nature of God in the Bible We may not have perfect understanding of the answers, but that doesn’t mean they are not there. But we can give adequate answers!

3 Why is there evil in the world? Critics use evil to attack God IF God cannot stop evil he is not all powerful If God will not stop evil then he is not good IS this a valid premise? It assumes there are no other alternatives!

4 Why is there evil in the world? God is not evil, does not He commit evil and does not tempt us to do evil James 1:13, Deut. 32:4 2 Chron. 19:7, Rom. 9:14 1 John 1:5

5 Why is there evil in the world? What is evil? That which is bad or malicious The absence of good (just as darkness is the absence of light and cold is the absence of heat) Genesis 1:31 – what He created is good

6 Why is there evil in the world? Did God create evil? Isa. 45:7, “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the L ORD do all these things.” (KJV) Other versions use the word “calamity” ( cf. Amos 3:6 )

7 Why is there evil in the world? Satan introduced evil to this world Gen. 3:1-7 Man is susceptible because he chose to accept it! ( Rom. 5:12-19 ) We inherit the consequences of the sin of Adam (not his sin)

8 Why is there evil in the world? God allows it! But with reason Isa. 55:8-9

9 Why is there evil in the world? Man is a free moral agent If no evil, man would not have a choice. Man always has a choice – Josh. 24:15, 1 Kn. 18:21, etc. God is seeking those who will follow Him out of love ( 1 Jn. 4:19, 1 Pet. 1:6-9 ) Man chooses to sin! ( John 3:19 )

10 Why is there evil in the world? God gives us tools to deal with evil Conscience The Gospel He sent Jesus to this earth – he DOES understand! Heb. 2:14-18 He help us – 1 Cor. 10:13

11 Why is there evil in the world? Does God intervene? In Bible times He did Can He intervene today? He IS in control!

12 Why is there suffering in the world? Related to evil The product of the sin of Adam Genesis 3:17 – “cursed is the ground” Suffering is a product of that “curse” Much suffering is related to man’s sinful behavior (sometimes the innocent suffer, even some natural calamity)

13 Why is there suffering in the world? Suffering can produce good: It can humble us – 2 Cor. 12:7-10 Build up good character - Jas. 1:2-4, Rom. 5:3-5

14 Why is there suffering in the world? Suffering can produce good: It can cause us to repent – Lk. 15:11-18 Encourage us to become “other- worldly” 2 Cor. 4:17 It can bring out the best in us

15 Why is there suffering in the world? Why do the godly suffer? Obeying the gospel does NOT make suffering go away! NOR is that promised! “Why me”? Why NOT you? Christians are better equipped to deal with suffering – 1 Cor. 10:13 What if God did exempt the godly from suffering?

16 Why is there suffering in the world? How much suffering is too much? This is the real question! How do we know what the right amount should be before it is too much? Be careful in questioning God – Rom. 9:19-24

17 Why is there suffering in the world? How much suffering is too much? God is sovereign! BUT: He loves us and cares We don’t know what is best We don’t know His motives His plans include the whole world ( Rom. 8:28 ) He is in control – 1 John 4:4

18 Why is there suffering in the world? Rom. 11:33-36 Who knows the mind of the Lord? Trusting Him is where we find hope – Prov. 3:5-6

19 Why did God command the Amalekites utterly destroyed? 1 Sam. 15:1-3 Amalek commanded to be utterly destroyed A question of genocide. How can a good God command such destruction. Also Canaanites, the flood, Sodom & Gomorrah, etc.

20 Why did God command the Amalekites utterly destroyed? BE careful before questioning God! We do NOT know all the facts! Were the Amalekites innocent? Genesis 15:13-16 Deut. 20:16-18, 25:17-19 (Cf. Exodus 17:8-16) NO! They were NOT innocent!

21 Why did God command the Amalekites utterly destroyed? Were they given opportunity to repent? Consider Nineveh - Jonah, Nahum To Edom – Obadiah, etc. 400+ years from Abraham to their destruction Consider Rahab – Joshua 2:8-11 Righteous Lot- 2 Pet. 2:7

22 Why did God command the Amalekites utterly destroyed? What about the innocent children? If innocent, actually spared eternal destruction as a result of following the ungodly ways they would be raised in A lesson in divided loyalties – 2 Cor. 6:14-18

23 Why did God command the Amalekites utterly destroyed? One final thought? Because Israel did not deal with its wickedness, what happened? They rejected God and were cut off! cf. Num. 35:33- 34 Why is there so much wickedness today? Is it not a product of our failure to deal sternly and swiftly with it? Eccl. 8:11

24 Why did God command the Amalekites utterly destroyed? As humans we make mistakes in judgment! But God NEVER makes mistakes! Do NOT be found on the side of His wrath! Rom. 11:22

25 With God there are difficult questions (and that applies to ANY concept of God) But that does not mean there are not good answers!

26 God wants what is best for you… Will you accept it?

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