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Study of Genesis Pastor James Moore
Creation In the beginning God John 1:1-3 Light John 1:4-9
Day 1-3 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Earth was dark, formless and void (1:2)
Separated Light from Darkness (1:4) Day 2 Created the cycle of precipitation and water cycle (1:6) Day 3 Separated water from land Created vegetation, trees, fruit, etc.
Day 4-7 Day 4 Created heavenly bodies; sun, moon, stars
Tilted the earth and created seasons Day 5 Created sea creatures and birds. (All according to their own kinds) Day 6 Created land creatures, livestock, wild animals Created man, “Let us make man in our own image” (v. 1:26) Day 7 (rest) Blessed the seventh day and made it holy
Intermittent Day Theory
Possibly More time transpired than just 24 hours?? Hebrew word for “Day” is “Yom” which means, “in the day of” Could explain dinosaurs and scientific dating. Carbon dating methods shows the earth to be much older than 6,000 years. Rev. 12: 7-9 could have taken place before God said, “Let there be light” This catastrophe could have caused the dinosaur extinction?
Focus on Humanity Gen. 2: 4-25 (Second account of Creation)
Shows Gods focus on the human race Gods name changes from 1:1-2:3 and Gen. 2:4—25 From Elohim to Yahweh Elohim means trinity Yahweh means “I am” God came near. “I am” shows Gods timelessness for all generations. “He was, is, and always will be!!”
Genesis Part 2 Chapters 3-11
Fall of Man The Serpent was crafty
Tempted Eve that she would be like God Knowing Good and Evil (Tree of Knowledge) Tree of Life (Gen. 2:9) Eve took the fruit Adam was there with her (3:6)
The Curse of Sin God curses Satan First prophecy of Christ
God curses Adam Curses the ground The first animal sacrifice (3:21)
Cain and Abel Abel kept flocks Cain worked the soil No difference in the offering only the attitude. Cain kills Abel Cain cursed
From Adam to Noah (ch. 5) Difference between lived and walked
Many lived Enoch walked God took Enoch to heaven Nephilim – hero’s of old men of renown The Lord was grieved Man did what was right in his own heart and mind.
Noah and the Ark 450 ft. long, 75 ft. wide, and 45 ft. high
Take two of each kind and seven of every clean animal Clean animals would have been used for sacrifices on the ark. Animals came to Noah (7:9) Noah was 600 yrs old
The Flood Springs of the deep burst forth Floodgates of heaven opened (rained for 40 days and 40 nights) Everything that had the breath of life died (7:22) Continental Shift Theory of Pangea
Continental Shift Theory of Pangea
After the Flood Noah invented wine
Shem and Japheth covered their father’s nakedness. (Could have been their mother not Noah) The Tower of Babel (Gen. 11) God split the tongues and possibly the races.
Genesis Part 3 Abraham
God Calls Abram 12:1 “I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”
Abram in Egypt Lied to Pharaoh “she is my sister” Feared for his life
Sarai was looking for a cure for her bareness. Possibly could have slept with the Pharaoh Abram risked it all and almost lost his wife of promise Left Egypt more wealthy
Abram and Lot Separate Abram went back to Bethel
Made things right with God The land could not support them both. Lot chose the fertile plain and Abram was left with the rocky terrain. Lot pitched his tents near Sodom flirting with sin, while Abram looked where God told him and was blessed.
4 Kings went to war against Sodom and took Abrams nephew Lot.
Abram rescues Lot 4 Kings went to war against Sodom and took Abrams nephew Lot. Abram took 318 trained men and in pursuit and rescued Lot and the possessions and women. Melchizedek, “King of Salem” appears before Abram. Brought out bread and wine and blessed Abram Could have been Christ Abram gave him a tenth of everything to show the Kings Lordship over him.
God’s Covenant with Abram
Promises descendants like the stars in the heaven. God makes a Treaty with Abram Heifer, goat, ram, and 2 birds Cut them in half long ways and laid them apart. God tells Abram his descendants will be slaves for 400 years because of his disbelief. (Egyptian Slavery)
Hagar and Ishmael Abram sleeps with Hagar Culture over Gods word
“God wants to use scripture to change our character so we can influence culture.” Hagar runs away and speaks to the Lord. The Lord promises to multiply her descendants Could be the nation of Islam. Ishmael was born when Abram was 86 yrs. Old.
Covenant of Circumcision
Abram was 99 years old when God said, “I am the Lord your God walk before me and be blameless.” Reaffirms his covenant with Abram Sign of the covenant was circumcision at 8 days old. All covenants are sealed in blood. “Will a son be born to a man a hundred years old?” God promises a son one year later.
Three Visitors 2 angels and one was the Lord Made them a feast (culture) “After I am worn out and my master is old, will I now have this pleasure?” Sarah laughed Abram intercedes for Sodom and his nephew Lot.
Sodom and Gomorrah Destroyed
The people of Sodom try to rape the visitors of Lot. Lot offered his virgin daughters. (Culture) Lot and his family flee to Zoar, but his wife looked back and turned into a pillar of salt. Lot’s daughters sleep with their father and Moab and Ben-Ammi was born. They are father’s of the Moabites and Ammonites of today who are Israel’s bitter enemies.
Abram said again, “She is my sister”
Satan Interferes Abram said again, “She is my sister” Abimelech takes Sarah into the harem but does not touch her. God warns him in a dream. “What was your reason for doing this? Abraham was exposed as a liar. Sarah was really his half sister-it was a half truth. Often times Satan will convince us that its okay to a lie that is partially true. The results can be disastrous.
Minnie's Chapel Wesleyan Church
The Story of Israel
Isaac is Born Abraham is tested by God and told to sacrifice Isaac. Foreshadows the sacrifice of Christ. Isaac marries Rebekah Rebekah was a wife who was willing to sacrifice and serve.
Jacob and Esau Esau was born first – ruddy in appearance
Jacob-born grasping the heal of his brother. Jacob-means grasper God would take the next 20 years and change his character. God wants to use scripture to change our character so we can influence culture.
The brothers Esau loved hunting and was a daddy’s boy. Jacob hung out around the tents – means he was a mommy’s boy. Rebekah convinces Jacob to steal his father’s blessing. He had already manipulated the birthright. Jacob flees to Padan Aram
Jacob at Bethel Jacob flees to the desert where he sees God at the top of a staircase in a dream. Re-establishes his covenant with Jacob to give his descendants the promised land. 28:14 28:18-Bethel
Love at First Sight Jacob sees Rachel for the first time
29:10 – extraordinary strength Jacob marries Leah and Rachel Leah had weak eyes-unattractive Rachel was the one he truly loved. Jacob marries Zilpah and Bilhah Together with all of his wives Jacob has 12 sons. (Later would be called the Twelve Tribes of Israel.)
Genesis 31 Jacob flees from Laban Decides to return home
Comes up with a deception Laban pursues Jacob – Rachel stole her father’s household gods – property deeds. Rachel hid them under a pillow because she was having her cycle.
Jacob prepares to meet his brother Esau
Genesis 32 Jacob prepares to meet his brother Esau Sent out gifts and put his family and possessions in front of him – took after his father’s before in putting his families life before His own. Jacob wrestles with God Jacob wrestled with his own character. 32:28 – God changes Jacob’s name to Israel Meaning- you have struggled with God and man and have survived. Gen. 33- Jacob meets Esau a changed man. 33:5- Look at what the Lord has given me.
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