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Schools Expert Panel Developing the ICT Subject Leader Refocusing on ICT as a subject.

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Presentation on theme: "Schools Expert Panel Developing the ICT Subject Leader Refocusing on ICT as a subject."— Presentation transcript:

1 Schools Expert Panel Developing the ICT Subject Leader Refocusing on ICT as a subject

2 Schools Expert Panel Presenters: David Short, Park View School, Chester-le-Street Neil Stanley, Liverpool John Moores University For the British Computer Society Schools Expert Panel Teacher Education Working Group

3 Schools Expert Panel Leadership v Management Source: Key Stage 3 National Strategy: Subject Leader Development Programme DfES 0389/2002

4 Schools Expert Panel The Role of Subject Leaders Defined in a number of publications DfES Teacher Standards Framework (DfES 0647/2001)- specification for subject leaders The National College for School Leadership - Leading from the Middle Programme (for subject and specialist leaders) Good Teaching, Effective Departments Report - Ofsted (HMI 337)

5 Schools Expert Panel The Role of Subject Leaders The primary leadership roles of subject leaders are: To raise and maintain standards in their subject. To secure and sustain improvement.

6 Schools Expert Panel The Role of Subject Leaders A subject leader needs to know the answer to these questions: How well are we doing? How do we compare with similar schools? What more should we aim to achieve this year? What must we do to make it happen? How do we check that it happens ?

7 Schools Expert Panel The Role of Subject Leaders Three core roles for subject leaders Making judgements about standards of pupils’ achievement; Evaluating teaching and learning and setting priorities for improvement; Leading sustainable improvement by identifying targets for improvement, by developing and leading strategies to achieve these targets and by quality assuring the curriculum.

8 Schools Expert Panel 1. Judging Standards Subject leaders make secure judgements about the standards of pupils’ attainment, rate of progress and personal development in their subject, on the basis of evidence.

9 Schools Expert Panel Judging Standards means Analysing and interpreting data on pupils’ attainment in the subject. Reviewing with teachers their assessments of progress for classes, identified groups and individuals. Sampling pupils’ work. Discussing work, progress and attitudes with sample groups of pupils

10 Schools Expert Panel 2. Evaluating Teaching and Learning Subject leaders understand what makes teaching effective in their subject. They accept they are accountable for the quality of teaching. They systematically observe colleagues teaching and have the skills needed to feed back constructively and objectively. They monitor the planning of teaching in their subject.

11 Schools Expert Panel Evaluating Teaching and Learning Evaluating schemes of work to ensure that they focus on effective teaching and learning. Observing teaching and feed back to colleagues. Reviewing teachers’ planning

12 Schools Expert Panel 3. Leading Sustainable Improvement Subject leaders are confident in their role as leaders of their subject team and understand how to inspire and enthuse colleagues. They create the capacity for change. They encourage teachers to review and improve on their practice. They work to ensure that the improvements made are embedded in the subject team’s practice. They ensure that the review, construction and resourcing of the curriculum bring about improvements.

13 Schools Expert Panel Leading Sustainable Improvement Leading the department in discussion about priorities for the subject Agreeing targets for raising pupils’ attainment Developing a strategy for the improvement of the subject Leading the improvement of teaching quality.

14 Schools Expert Panel What is the real role of an ICT Subject Leader in a secondary school?

15 Schools Expert Panel Complete Your Checklist We don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are. Anais Nin (probably quoting from the Talmud)

16 Schools Expert Panel Which boxes did you tick? Infrastructure? Technical support? Managing support staff? Purchasing equipment? Staff training?

17 Schools Expert Panel Key questions Which of these areas are your main focus –‘subject leader’ or ‘jack of all trades’ Are some of these areas a shared responsibility? Who else is responsible for these areas?

18 Schools Expert Panel Models of organisation Small school Medium school Large school

19 Schools Expert Panel On this slide Esther Holland, a deputy headteacher in Lewisham describes the changes made to the management of ICT in her school. To reduce the size of this presentation it is not included here but can be viewed in the separate file

20 Schools Expert Panel Why have they changed? How have they changed? How far have you got? Where do you need to get to?

21 Schools Expert Panel Your experiences Do any of these models fit with your own experiences? Does your experience cover any part of the models described? Are you happy with your model? If you want to change the model, how might you go about it?

22 Schools Expert Panel External Factors At KS3, targets exist for ICT and pupils will be formally tested at the end of Year 9. Priorities and accountability for success are the same as Maths, Science, and English. Do you have the management time to achieve success within the climate of your school? The implications of workforce reform may bring a change of expectation to teachers within the ICT department?

23 Schools Expert Panel Bibliography

24 Schools Expert Panel Thanks to Esther Holland, Northbrook School, Lewisham Other members of the Working Group for their inputs

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