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Muckraking and Yellow Journalism.  Who?  Teddy Roosevelt  What?  Investigating reports of disgusting conditions in the meat packing industry  Why?

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Presentation on theme: "Muckraking and Yellow Journalism.  Who?  Teddy Roosevelt  What?  Investigating reports of disgusting conditions in the meat packing industry  Why?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Muckraking and Yellow Journalism


3  Who?  Teddy Roosevelt  What?  Investigating reports of disgusting conditions in the meat packing industry  Why?  Muckraking techniques by Upton Sinclair  How?  Expose the reality, remove the gild Fun Fat: Muckrakers are named such because they “rake up the muck” of society in order to show how filthy it really is!

4  muck·rak·ing ( ˈ m ə k ˌ rākiNG)  noun: muckraking; noun: muck-raking  the action of searching out and publicizing scandalous information about famous people in an underhanded way.  Journalism technique that uses facts, images, and details to expose the reality of a situation, regardless of social norm.  Investigative journalism about topics that make people feel uncomfortable. Poverty, racism, homelessness, child abuse, spousal abuse, animal neglect… the stuff you don’t talk about.

5  Jacob Riis  How the Other Half Lives Photo journal of poverty in New York  Upton Sinclair  The Jungle Meat Packing Industry… EW  Ida Tarbell  History of Standard Oil Rockefeller’s business practices  Lincoln Steffens  The Shame of Cities Corruption in local government  Ray Stannard Baker  The Right to Work Coal miners

6  2014 Pulitzer Prize winner Chris Hamby uncovered that Coal Miners were being denied medical rights.  The corruption included doctors, lawyers, and congressmen. Check it out here


8  yel·low jour·nal·ism  noun: journalism that is based upon sensationalism and crude exaggeration.  Reports with little to no factual support, but speculation and half truths. You are trying to sell papers, make money, or look out for your own interests, not the well being of others.

9  The Spanish American War  Started as a result of wrongful journalism. William Randolph Hurst and Joseph Pulitzer owned different newspapers and wanted to increase sales. Hurst reportedly said “you furnish the picture, I’ll furnish the war” to his photographer after the USS Maine accidently sank. Reality: probably a faulty furnace They said: the Spanish intentionally sunk it and killed our sailors. WAR!!!!  Check out other examples herehere

10 1. Find a modern example of Muckraking and Yellow Journalism 2. Explain why the piece you found fits into the category you determine.  What makes this piece a muckraking piece or yellow piece?  DUE end of class Wednesday. 3. Post to the discussion board by the end of class Wednesday.

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