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Without looking at your notes write on your piece of paper… Who these people are… Churchill: Attlee: Beveridge: Bevan: Bevin: Morrison: Wilkinson: Dalton:

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Presentation on theme: "Without looking at your notes write on your piece of paper… Who these people are… Churchill: Attlee: Beveridge: Bevan: Bevin: Morrison: Wilkinson: Dalton:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Without looking at your notes write on your piece of paper… Who these people are… Churchill: Attlee: Beveridge: Bevan: Bevin: Morrison: Wilkinson: Dalton: Cripps: What is… Socialism Keynesianism Communism Capitalism

2 Was 1945-1951 an ‘Age of Austerity’? Homework questions using pp. 32-33, 39-42 What was the ‘Age of Austerity’? What evidence supports that 1945-51 was an ‘Age of Austerity’? What evidence challenges that 1945-51 was an ‘Age of Austerity’?

3 Was 1945-1951 an ‘Age of Austerity’? 1945 1951 In pairs draw this timeline and make sure you include the following things and add detail/explanation from your books where necessary: Dalton and tax USA cancelling the lend-lease Keynes negotiated American loan Pound is made freely convertible Coal Crisis Harsh winter Threat of famine Defence costs Cripps – rationing, tax and imports/exports Housing spending Marshall Aid Wage Freeze, TUC, TGWU Exports falling Devaluation Housewives league and whisky galore If you don’t understand any terms please ask (economic events are hard!). FOLDER CHECK. Ext – add other events that happened during the Labour government, can you see any connections, or anything that shows it was not an Age of Austerity?

4 Was 1945-1951 an ‘Age of Austerity’? Introducing Sir Stafford Cripps… 7 mins What do you think of him? How may this affect the next election?

5 Was 1945-1951 an ‘Age of Austerity’? Why did the ‘Age of Austerity’ occur? Which economic events under the Labour government would you say were the most significant? Do you think the ‘Age of Austerity’ compromised Labour’s achievements? Certainly an Age of Austerity Not an Age of Austerity Come and stick your post-it note on the opinion line with a reason.

6 Tomorrow we will be answering… “How successful was Attlee as Prime Minister?” I will be asking two people at random to explain how you would use this source to answer this question (p. 10). Remember to use your own knowledge.

7 Using these sources, do you agree with the view expressed in source 6 that the achievements of the Attlee government were remarkable?

8 Do you have anything to add? Anything else you need to know? Labour infighting… What did the local elections suggest (p.46 edexcel)? Infighting (p. 47). June 2011 exam Q.

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